Annual Programme Report for reporting on programmes in 2015-16
Programme(s) referred to in this report: / Faculty
Programme Code(s): / Year:

Note: Separate Annual Programme Reports should be submitted for collaborative programmes.

Overview of the delivery of the programme in the past year

Use this space to write a general overview of the delivery of the programme in the past year.
What changes have been made to the programme in the past year?
What are the programme’s strengths and weaknesses?
Comment on the management information on the programme – including progression data, marks, NSS results (for UG programmes) and External Examiners comments.(Note that much of this is available from )
Have any students joined the programme through an Enhanced Progression Agreement? / Yes/No
If YES, provide the name of the sending institution/s, student numbers transferring to the Southampton programme from each sending institution and progression data for those students.
Having considered all the module report forms that contribute to this programme’s learning outcomes, what strengths and issues have you identified?
Yes / No
  1. Does the Programme continue to conform to the Programme Specification(s)?
/ ☐ / ☐ /
  1. Are there any outstanding issues from the programme’s last validation?
/ ☐ / ☐ /
  1. Does the Key Information Set (for undergraduate programmes) accurately describe the programme?
/ ☐ / ☐ /
  1. Are there any modules associated with this programme(s) from outside of the Faculty causing you concern?
/ ☐ / ☐ /
Please comment on these issues, using the numbers to refer to specific questions.
Are the learning resources available appropriate for the delivery of the programme?
How do your students contribute to the Quality Assurance of the Programme?
Are there any changes which need to be made in the light of any complaints, appeals or academic integrity procedures?
Are there issues from any distance learning related to this programme?
Are there issues from any placement activity related to this programme?
Are there issues from any study abroad or exchange activity related to this programme?
If this programme is taught across academic units or faculties (including Joint Honours programmes), does this create any particular issues or challenges?


How is the programme going to be enhanced in the next academic year?
Please comment on the effectiveness of enhancements made to the programme in the last year.
How has your consideration of the University Enhancement Theme (for 2015, Technology Enhanced Learning) informed practice on this programme?
Please provide suggestions for next year’s University enhancement themes.
Completed by: / Role:
Received by FPC (Date):