
Latin Language

Student Questionnaire and Placement Exam

If you have never taken Latin and plan to begin Latin 1 in August, check the box here 

Fill in your name, grade, and email address below, and return the blank exam to SalemAcademy.

NOTE: If you do not plan on taking Latin at SalemAcademy, you do not need to complete this placement test.


In our attempt to place you appropriately in a Latin class at Salem, we will need to look at a variety of factors including your current transcript and your teacher's comments. In addition, your work on this placement test will help us complete the picture of your command of the language.

Please give yourself from 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete the test. Choose a quiet place and do your best by yourself, without the help of a textbook or dictionary.

Please print

Name: ______entering grade in August.

Email address:

School presently attending:

Block schedule:______Yes_____ No If you answered YES:

I took my most recent Latin class: _____ first semester _____ second semester

Which language class/level have you recently completed?

Which language class/level are you hoping to take at SalemAcademy?

Name of textbook used in your current Latin class: ______

How many students are in each class?

How long have you been studying Latin? Be precise (e.g. three years; only seven months):

Are you better at oral or written work, or about the same in both?

What would you say is your strongest point in Latin?

What is your weakest point?

Latin 2 Assessment:

I. Fill in the Blank:

  1. An adjective agrees with a noun in 3 ways. They are ______, ______, and ______.
  2. The 3 genders of nouns are: ______, ______, and ______.
  3. Place where, accompaniment, means and time when are constructions of the ______case.
  4. If your subject of the verb receives the action, the verb is in the ______voice.
  5. Present passive infinitives always end with the letter ______.
  6. Verbs typically have ______principal parts.
  7. The pluperfect tense always has the helping word ______in its translation.
  8. The tense indicator for the imperfect tense in Latin is ______.

II. Verum an Falsum (True/False): Write the word verum (true) or the word falsum (false) in the space provided.

  1. ______Ab, ex and de all mean from.
  2. ______Perfect tense, active voice has its own special endings.
  3. ______Ad means to and is used to the dative case.
  4. ______The verb to be can never take a direct object.
  5. ______Castra pono is an idiom meaning to build a road.
  6. ______Genitive case shows possession.
  7. ______The sign of the future tense is always –bi-.
  8. ______A declension is a listing of a noun in all its cases.
  9. ______Imperative verbs are used for commands.
  10. ______First declension nouns are mostly neuter.
  11. ______The second principal part of a verb is the infinitive.
  12. ______Relative pronouns must have an antecedent.
  13. ______Indirect objects are used with verbs meaning to give, show, or tell.
  14. ______Nominative and Accusative endings are always alike in neuter nouns.

III. Vocabulary: Give one English meaning for each of the following Latin words.

  1. octo______
  2. possum______
  3. mihi______
  4. vos ______
  5. liber ______
  6. duco ______
  7. nox ______
  8. miles______
  9. vir ______
  10. nauta______
  11. porto______
  12. pulcher______
  13. sine______
  14. puella______
  15. sum______
  16. semper______
  17. trans______
  18. aut . . . aut______
  19. pax ______
  20. frango______

IV. Declensions: Decline the nouns listed below in the blanks provided.

First declension: vita, vitae, f.

Second declension: servus, servi, m.

Third declension: rex, regis, m.

V. Multiple Choice: Select the correct translation for the verb and write the letter.

  1. I had been able______
  2. potuib. potueratc. poteramd. potueram
  3. we can______
  4. potuimusb. possumusc. potuerimusd. poteramus
  5. I shall be sent______
  6. mittamb. mittebarc. mittard. mittetur
  7. they were led______
  8. ducunturb. ducebantc. duxeruntd. ducti sunt
  9. you could______
  10. potuistib. potueratisc. poterimusd. potes
  11. visi sumus______
  12. we were seeingb. we are seeing
  13. c. we are seend. we were seen
  1. teneor______
  2. you are heldb. I holdc. I am heldd. I shall be held
  3. servaverant______
  4. they servedb. they savedc. they had savedd. they were saved
  5. fuerint______
  6. they will beb. they will have been

c. they had beend. they were

  1. curre______
  2. to runb. runningc. rund. I will run

VI. Multiple Choice: Circle the correct letter for the word that defines the Latin word.

1. itera. againb. journeyc. repetitiond. itinerant

2. iusa. juiceb. juryc. orderd. right

3. civitasa. citizenb. civilc. stated. people

4. pelloa. repel b. callc. appeald. drive

5. posteaa. afterb. afterwardsc. befored. now

6. finisa. fineb. finalc. endd. begin

7. claudoa. praiseb. openc. closed. include

8. superoa. aboveb. excelc. proudd. pass

9. facilisa. easyb. makec. faced. hard

10. falloa. fallb. throwc. deceived. make

11. vincoa. seeb. conquerc. lived. be well

12. egoa. waffleb. conceitc. Shed. I

13. doa. dob. doughc. maked. give

14. aestasa. ageb. summerc. winterd. youth

15. putoa. thinkb. knowc. putd. seek

VII. Using the story below, answer the questions that follow it.

Augustus imperātor iam ex vītādiscesserat. Novus imperātor erat Tiberius. Omnia erant in tumultū. Hōminēs dēbēbant lacrimās ostendere propter imperātōris mortem et gaudium propter novem imperātōrem. Tum omnēs iūrāre dēbēbant sē cupere semper imperātōri obtemperāre et solum eam lībertātem habēre quam imperātor dederat.

Vocabulary Help:

Augustus, Augustī, m.-Augustus

Iūrō, iūrāre, iūravī, iūratum- to swear, take an oath

Lībertās, lībertātis, f.-freedom

Obtemperō, obtemperāre, obtemperāvī, obtemperātum+dative-to obey someone

Sōlum (adv.)-only

Tiberius, Tiberiī, m.-Tiberius

Answer the following content questions about the story.

1. Who was the current emperor?

2. Why were people crying?

3. Why were they joyful?

4. What did the people vow to always do?

5. Who would give them freedom?

Identify the case and/or tense of the following words which were underlined in the story.

1. vītā

2. discesserat

3. Hōminēs

4. lacrimās

5 . sē

In keeping with SalemAcademy’s honor tradition, please sign your name before returning this as a pledge that you received no help in completing this portion of the placement test.

Once you have completed your placement test, please mail or email it to:

Ms. Rogers


500 E Salem Ave

Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Latin Language

Student Questionnaire and Placement Exam

If you have never taken Latin and plan to begin Latin 1 in August, check the box here 

Fill in your name, grade, and email address below, and return the blank exam to SalemAcademy.

NOTE: If you do not plan on taking Latin at SalemAcademy, you do not need to complete this placement test.


In our attempt to place you appropriately in a Latin class at Salem, we will need to look at a variety of factors including your current transcript and your teacher's comments. In addition, your work on this placement test will help us complete the picture of your command of the language.

Please give yourself from 30 to 45 minutesto complete the test. Choose a quiet place and do your best by yourself, without the help of a textbook or dictionary.

Please print

Name: ______entering grade in August.

Email address:

School presently attending:

Block schedule:______Yes_____ No If you answered YES:

I took my most recent Latin class: _____ first semester _____ second semester

Which language class/level have you recently completed?

Which language class/level are you hoping to take at SalemAcademy?

Name of textbook used in your current Latin class: ______

How many students are in each class?

How long have you been studying Latin? Be precise (e.g. three years; only seven months):

Are you better at oral or written work, or about the same in both?

What would you say is your strongest point in Latin?

What is your weakest point?

Latin III Assessment:

Select 2 of the following passages and answer the questions that accompany the passage:


Oedipodī et Iocastae erant duo fīliī, Eteōclēs et Polynīcēs, et duae fīliae, Antigona et Ismēna. Cum omnēs intellēxissent Oedipodem patrem suum occīdisse et mātrem suam in mātrimōnium dūxisse, Eteōclēs et Polynīcēs patrem vehementissimē reprehendērunt et rogāvērunt ut patriam relinqueret. Tunc Oedipūs fīliīs suīs maledīxit. Postquam Oedipūs in exsilium īvit, Eteōclēs et Polynīcēs alternīs annīs Thēbīs rēgnābant. Semel Eteōclēs imperium frātrī reddere nōluit et Polynīcēs ad aliōs populōs īvit ut auxilium quaereret. Tandem Thēbās cum septem exercitibus redīvit, in urbem impetum fēcit et cum Eteōcle rēge pugnāvit. In turpī illā pugnā alter frāter alterum occīdit. Rēx Thēbārum tunc est factus Creōn, Iocastae frāter. Ille sīvit Eteōclem sepelīrī, sed iussit corpus Polynīcis relinquī, ut ā canibus vulturibusque comederētur, quia Polynīcēs ex aliīs populīs auxilium contrā Thēbās petīverat. Hoc quoque dīxit: “Sī quis Polynīcem sepelīverit, eum morte pūniam.” Antigona tamen Polynīcis soror, cui animus erat fortissimus, frātrem sepelīvit, quod hoc esset iūstum. Cum hoc didicisset, īrae plēnus Creōn Antigonam vīvam sepelīvit. At ēius fīlius, quī Antigonam amābat, hoc audiēns sē occīdit. Tandem Creōn intellēxit sē nōn bene fēcisse.

  1. According to the passage, who were the children of Oedipus?
  1. “Cum omnēs intellēxissent” is translated as
  1. “Oedipodem patrem suum occīdisse” is translated as
  1. What did Oedipus do to his sons?
  1. How did Eteocles and Polynices rule Thebes at the beginning?
  1. Who attacked Thebes?
  1. What happened to the brothers?
  1. Who became king afterward?
  1. Why did Creon order Polynices’s body to be left behind unburied?
  1. Why did Antigone bury Polynices’ body?


Ex īnsulīs Fortūnātīs nautae Hispānī discesserant cursumque inter

merīdiem et occidentem dīrēxerant. Iam tricēsimō diē nāvis per vastum ōceanum ferēbātur necdum ūlla terra est vīsa. Nautae iam spērāre nōlēbant. Nōn sōlum dē sorte suā dēspērābant, sed etiamColōnum temeritātis palam accūsābant. Perīcula

illīus nāvigātiōnis sibi vidērī esse nimis māgna dīcēbant; mare esse vacuum; 5

sē nūllam terram cōnspicere posse. “Nisi nōs in Hispāniam statim redūxeris,” inquiunt, “moriēris.”Cum haec omnia audīvisset, nautās quidem timēre coepit Colōnus, quamquam dē nāvigātiōne ipsā numquamdēspērāvit. “Vidēminī,” inquit, “ō nautae, omnem glōriae spem perdere dē vītā vestrā tantum cōgitantēs. Vīta quoque mea mihi est cāra, quia omnēs hominēs vītam suam esse cāram putant. Sed haec nāvigātiō est ā rēge probāta. 10

Sī ab officiō vestrō discesseritis, quid dē vōbīs in Hispāniā dīcētur? Virīne fortēs vocābiminī? Itaque rogō ut hanc meam sententiam audiātis. Per trēs aliōs diēs exspectāre dēbēbimus. Sī post trēs diēs terram nūllam cōnspexerimus, cursum mūtābimus et ad Hispāniam nāvigābimus.”

Hīs verbīs mōtī nautae tacuērunt et per trēs aliōs diēs exspectāvērunt. 15

Per duōs diēsnāvigābant, nec ūllam terram vīdērunt. Eā autem nocte lūmen procul ā nāvibus positum vīdit nauta. Postquam hoc est factum, Colōnus et nautae canere coepērunt: “Tē Deum laudāmus!”

1. What direction is indicated by the words inter merīdiem et occidentem (lines 2)?

a. southwest b. southeast c. northwest d. northeast

Answer ______

2. Which of the following words could the sailors have used to accuse Columbus instead of temeritās (lines 3–4)?

a. fortitūdō b. timor c. ineptia d. audācia

Answer ______

3. What was the reaction of Columbus to the accusations of the sailors in lines 6–7?

a. dēspērāvit b. timuit c. īrātus erat d. superbus erat

Answer ______

4. Choose the translation of vidērī in line 5.

a. seemed b. to be seen c. saw d. to see

Answer ______

5. Identify the form of redūxeris in line 6.

a. future passive indicative b. present passive subjunctive

c. future perfect active indicative d. perfect active subjunctive

Answer ______

6. Identify the form of moriēris in line 7.

a. perfect subjunctive regular b. future indicative deponent

c. present indicative regular d. present subjunctive deponent

Answer ______

7. The word cogitantēs in line 9 is translated

a. because you are thinking b. having thought

c. because you thought d. after thinking

Answer ______

8. The word suam in line 10 is translated

a. his b. that c. this d. their

Answer ______

9. Identify the form of mōtī in line 15.

a. present active participle b. genitive singular

c. perfect passive participle d. ablative singular

Answer ______

10. Identify the usage of audiātis in line 12.

a. temporal clause b. purpose clause c. indirect question d. indirect command

Answer ______

11. In his speech to the sailors (lines 8–14), Columbus appealed to their

a. greed b. pride c. loyalty d. fear

Answer ______

12. Why did Columbus and the sailors sing a song to God (line 18)?

a. They feared they were about to die.

b. They believed they were near land.

c. They were turning towards home.

d. They had been saved from a huge storm.

Answer ______


The Gauls made a major attack on the city of Rome in the 4th c. BC. In the hopelessness of having their city destroyed, the older Roman men resisted the Gauls in their own way.

Gallī et Rōmānī extrā (outside) Rōmam diū pugnāverant, sed Gallī tamen Rōmānōs vīcērunt (defeated) et urbem intrāvērunt. Adulēscentēs (The young men) quam optime pugnāre parāvērunt, sed aliī (the others) id facere non poterant. Feminae et puerī ex urbe ad silvam fugērunt. Seniōrēs (The older men) autem domōs regressī (having returned) adventum (the arrival) hostium exspectābant. Ad mortem animōs firmāvērunt. Vestīmentīs ōrnātissimīs indūtī (dressed in), iānuās (doors) aperuērunt et maximā cum dignitāte sedēbant. Gallī urbem intrāvērunt templaque deōrum cōnspiciēbant (were observing). Custōdēs posuērunt (they stationed guards) nē Rōmānī impetum in sē facerent. Tunc omnēs multās viās in urbe secūtī sunt ut praedam peterent. Quīdam (A certain man) ē Gallīs domōs seniorum apertās (opened) vidēbant. Prīmō magis aedificia (buildings) nōbilium aperta quam casās pauperum clausās (closed) verēbantur. Nam vidēre poterant seniorēs augustōs (venerable), quī in ātriīs sedēbant gravissimī māiestāteque (in majesty) deōrum similēs vidēbantur. Postquam autem quīdam Gallus Rōmānī sedentis barbam (the beard) tangere (to touch) temptāverat, senex Rōmānus eum scīpiōne percussit (beat him with a staff). Tunc īrā mōtī Gallī vehementissimā Rōmānōs occīdērunt et urbem vastāre coepērunt.

1. When the Gauls entered the city, what did the young men do?

2. What did the women and children do?

3. What did the old men do?

4. Why did they do this?

5. How did they do this?

6. What did the Gauls see as soon as they entered the city?

7. In the beginning of the story, it says “Adulēscentēs (The young men) quam optime pugnāre parāvērunt.” What is the meaning of “quam optime”?

8. Translate: “nē Rōmānī impetum in sē facerent.”

9. Translate: “Postquam autem quīdam Gallus Rōmānī sedentis barbam (the beard) tangere (to touch) temptāverat, senex Rōmānus eum scīpiōne percussit (beat him with a staff).”

10. Translate: ” Tunc īrā mōtī Gallī vehementissimā Rōmānōs occīdērunt et urbem vastāre coepērunt.

In keeping with SalemAcademy’s honor tradition, please sign your name before returning this as a pledge that you received no help in completing this portion of the placement test.

Once you have completed your placement test, please mail it to:

Ms. Rogers


500 E Salem Ave

Winston-Salem, NC 27101