All Season Constructionand Seasons Design

Initial Client Service Plan

For Internal Use Only

Client Key Leadership Team / Firm Key Service Team
  • Bill Winters, CEO All Season Construction
  • Autumn Day, COO All Season Construction
  • Spring Stroll, Business Manager All SeasonConstruction and potential successor to Bill
  • John Summers, Bookkeeper All Season Construction and Seasons Design
  • Arnie Fall, Sales and potential successor to Bill
  • Melinda Winters, CEO Seasons Design (Bill’s daughter)
  • Joe Fisher
  • Ken Trout
  • Julie Lure
  • Henry Bass


  • Client organization chart

Top Five Issues:

  1. Bill, the CEO, is 62 and needs to finalize plans for a successor.
  2. They are over-capacity and under-staffed, which results in some delay in and lack of long-term planning. During the recession, they implemented a hiring freeze and now need to rehire some key positions to keep ahead of the upturn.
  3. They need a new IT solution.
  4. One of their top people (Randy Turncoat) recently left to work for a competitor in Billings. Randy also took one of their best customers with him.
  5. Despite the losses most in the construction industry suffered during the recession, they weathered the storm well. To help diversify their business, they have expanded into design with the opening of Seasons Design.

Why They Are One of Our Top Clients:

Fees for last year were over $200,000. More importantly, they are loyal to the firm and have been an excellent referral source. They are well-grounded and respected in the community and working with them can mean a lot of referrals and community clout.

Current Services Overview:

We audit the company and its retirement plan in addition to preparing the income tax filings forboth businessesand personal taxes for Bill Winters and his extended family. We attend a monthly management meeting and are paid for our time attending the meeting and addressing various issues that come out of the meeting. They are open to more business planning consulting. They currently use an antiquated construction software package and could benefit from the development of accounting procedures and assistance in locating the right software solutions.

Initial Service Plan Overview:

Joe has an excellent relationship with Bill, but we need to develop more connections and create more of a team approach. Bill needs to understand that he can talk to someone else when Joe is out of the office. They could use some help with business planning as Bill plans for retirement. The first step is to set up a meeting with the key players to discuss their business plan. Since business in their industry slows down in the winter, November is the best month for planning.

Accountability List:

Setting up the meeting:

Joe: Email Bill and copy key staff to set up the initial meeting to talk through their current issues and offer suggestions.

At the meeting:

Joe: Discuss monthly check-in calls with Bill. Bill does site inspections on Mondays and takes some Wednesday afternoons off, so avoid these two days. Make sure Henry is included in these calls. Work to get Spring and Arnie involved as well.

Henry: Determine the best industry conference to attend with either Spring or Arnie.

Ken: Make a plan to work with John to createan accounting procedures manual. Develop a specific plan to find and implement a new software solution.

Julie: See if they are open to holding an off-site strategic planning session with firm facilitation.

Ask the following questions:

  • If you could change two things about your business, what would they be?
  • What area of your business causes you the most worry?
  • What is one thing you should be doing with your business that you’re not doing?
  • In what areas of your business are you most vulnerable?
  • What three things do you like best about your role in the business?
  • What three things do you like least about your role in the business?

After the meeting:

Henry: Set up a follow-up meeting with the service team to come up with a strategy to WOW this client.