Release Notes Version 6.6.8
Software Released: April2015
Look Up Maintenance (10349)......
Bookings Diary......
Immunisation Type (10350)......
Report – Session Bookings (10350)......
Person details......
Maternal Child Health tab (Log: 10250)......
Consent (Log: 10302)......
Ethnicity Tab (Log 10248)......
Infant Immunisations......
18 Months – Vaccination Display (Log 10285)......
School Age Immunisations......
Boostrix (Log: 10289)......
2nd dose of Chicken Pox (Log: 10069)......
Vaccines in Store......
Dispense (Log: 10221)......
Mailing lists (Log: 10249)......
School Consent Report (Log: 10272)......
LGA School Immunisation Report (Log: 10283)......
List at School (Log: 10305)......
Vaccine Codes......
Flu Vaccines (Log: 10339)......
SQLServer Sites ONLY - Bookings Diary Updates.
Look Up Maintenance (10349)
A New look up has been added named Immunisation Type. This is used for the sites that book people in for Immunisations sessions.
As this field is mandatoryfor selection historical bookings will have Converted Immunisation Type as their booking type.
Bookings Diary
Immunisation Type (10350)
Immunisation type has been added to the bookings screen
Immunisation Type Must be selected when making a booking
Report – Session Bookings (10350)
Report has been tidied up, Immunisation type has been included, bookings note text has been checked that all text displays and heading rearranged.
The Sessions bookings report is now available from the Session report icon
Previously this report was only run from the Diary screen - You can now select a date range or a venue.
If you do not select a Venue you will report on all venues.
Person details
Maternal Child Health tab (Log: 10250)
If Council uses Xpedite’s Maternal Child Health and Xpedite ImmunisationNOT integrated to Civica’s NAR – a tab will be active to assist in updating the other members of the child/person’s family .
Example – updating the person and then updating associated people in the database.
Modify the Child/Immunisation person as per the modify button as usual,
Then go to the Maternal Child Health tab and press the update button
You can see that Charlotte Bond has a Maternal Chid Health family on the database. This screen will assist in updating the family members to the one address, rather than having to open register maintenance and update multiple people records that also need updating.
Clicking on the button indicated above, the update family member address screen will open.
Pressing Save prompts
If a child is connected to multipleMCH families then it will be important to decide who to tick to update.
Click the people that you wish to update (so the tick in the select column is ticked)
Then click on SAVE.
Pressing Save prompts
Consent (Log: 10302)
The Operator/user that added the consent has now been included as a column on the Consent details screen.
Ethnicity Tab (Log 10248)
An Ethnicity tab has been introduced as requested by Whittlesea City Council. This tab can be used for capturing additional information on the person using the immunisation service.
Country of Birth and Language spoken are recorded on the person so if your Council uses another Xpedite module then this data may have been captured for you by the other module users.
Ethnicity and Cultural affiliation are recorded within the immunisation module.
Administration Look Up Maintenance (Cultural Affiliation and Ethnicity) will allow you to add to these drop down lists if required.
Infant Immunisations
18 Months – Vaccination Display (Log 10285)
When a second dose of Varicella was recorded using either VLRI or VARI the text on the PRXT box was displaying as incorrect – this has been fixed.
Paid 2nd dose of VARIrecorded on record and the PRXT button remained as expected.
School Age Immunisations
Boostrix (Log: 10289)
Due to the changes with Boostrix 2015 onwards, the warning box for Boostrix has been be reworded if the Child is under 11 years of age
Text for the box has been updated from 12 to 19 years and the Year 10 removed, to 11 Years and over
Victorian Department have changed the School Schedule
2015 - Years 7,8,9,10 will have BRIX
2016 it will be Year 7 only
2nd dose of Chicken Pox (Log: 10069)
As the Vaccines are interchangeable, the system uses the consent dates for VLRI and VARI button displays.
When a person has consent for both, the dose 2 button suggested will be the latest dated vaccine consent
Consent 9/12/2003 vaccine VLRI1 recorded as given.
Consent 18/2/15 VARI... button will be VARI2
and vice versa
Vaccines in Store
Dispense (Log:10221)
Disposal to Other text was incorrectly displaying – making the screen difficult to use, this has been fixed.
Mailing lists (Log: 10249)
The mailing lists report has been extended to include language spoken information that is now available to be optionally collected on the Ethnicity tab of the person.
The new options here are:
Include Language Spoken
OR Exclude Languages Spoken
School Consent Report (Log:10272)
This report has been adjusted to include declined and consent, school year and grade have been added to the selection criteria as you can now run the report for more than one vaccine.
This report is now an excel report where you can filter and total within excel.
Sample data:
School / Vaccine / Type / Reason / Date / Immune No. / Name / Gender / DOBBayside Secondary College / Boostrix / Consent / 22/02/2002 / 113298 / ANDERSON LIAM / M / 26/12/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Human Papilloma Virus / Consent / 22/02/2002 / 113298 / ANDERSON LIAM / M / 26/12/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Boostrix / Consent / 01/03/2001 / 112641 / GARDINER JORDAN / M / 01/01/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Human Papilloma Virus / Consent / 01/03/2001 / 112641 / GARDINER JORDAN / M / 01/01/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Varivax - Varicella Zoster / Consent / 02/07/2002 / 112641 / GARDINER JORDAN / M / 01/01/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Boostrix / Declined / not wanting child to have this / 14/01/2015 / 112692 / Johnson Jenny / F / 01/01/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Human Papilloma Virus / Consent / 04/11/2011 / 112692 / Johnson Jenny / F / 01/01/2001
Bayside Secondary College / Varilrix - Varicella Zoster / Declined / not wanting child to have this / 14/01/2015 / 112692 / Johnson Jenny / F / 01/01/2001
LGA School Immunisation Report (Log: 10283)
This Report selection now can be split by School
- Total for Service ( existing report) and 2.Totals by School ( new feature of this report)
How these totals are Cards are calculated:
Number of Cards returned: (count consent and declined)
Number Cards not returned: (the total entered minus the total cards returned)
Number of Cards returned with No Consent: (count the total declined)
Note:Students Enrolled has been adjusted to students entered. The system can only count the cards that have been entered into the system, which may not be a true reflection of school enrolments.
List at School (Log: 10305)
Run to Excel option has been added to this report.
Vaccine Codes
Flu Vaccines (Log: 10339)
Xpedite provided a script to insert 3 new reportable ACIR vaccines for the flu as advised by the department.
The change to the current vaccine codes include the addition of three influenza vaccine code edits for Fluarix Tetra, FluQuadri and FluQuadri Junior which will be available in Australia for the 2015 influenza season. Fluarix Tetra, FluQuadri and FluQuadri Junior, are non-standard vaccines and software systems will need to be updated prior 1 April 2015.