/ Meeting Set Up


1.1  This document describes the procedures used to prepare the IRB meeting room for an IRB meeting, and to clean up after the meeting.


2.1  Clean: keep the room and equipment clean, to reduce the spread of illness and risk of pest infestation.

2.2  Neat: keep the room, equipment, and supplies tidy.

2.3  Well-stocked: when supplies start to run low, bring additional items from supply area (if available) or inform the Office Manager.

2.4  Secure: ensure that the IRB laptops and related technical equipment are stored in the locked cabinets.


3.1  None.


4.1  These procedures are the responsibility of Human Subjects Division (HSD) staff.

5  PROCEDURES: Before the IRB Meeting

5.1  Refreshments. HSD provides light refreshments and some beverages for the IRB meetings.

5.1.1  Selection. HSD staff are responsible for obtaining the refreshments of their choice and in the manner of their choosing. Examples include: purchasing cheese, crackers, and fruit from local grocery store; or ordering muffins and coffee from the Tower Café.

5.1.2  Beverages. The standard beverages that HSD offers the IRB members are:  Coffee (generally prepared using the coffee maker in the IRB room). Instructions for using the coffee maker are located in the room (near the coffee maker or in a drawer).  Tea (assorted loose and bagged teas available), together with hot water prepared using the electric hot water pot in the IRB room  Water (provided in metal carafes; filled from a Tower water fountain or from the kitchenette on the 16th floor)

5.1.3  Purchasing refreshments. HSD pays for the refreshments; when staff purchase refreshments using their own money, they are reimbursed.  A limit of up to $35 per meeting is considered sufficient.  A higher limit can be requested from any member of the HSD management team (including the Office Administrator). This would be appropriate when there will be more than one guest at a meeting, or when special events will occur (e.g., retirement of a longtime IRB member).  Advice or assistance in ordering or purchasing refreshments can be obtained from the Office Manager or Office Administrator, though they are not able to make the purchases at stores.  When staff spend their own money to make the purchase, they obtain reimbursement by providing an itemized printed receipt to the Office Manager, annotated with:  Staff name and signature  The words “For IRB [insert name of the IRB Committee] Meeting Refreshments”  The date of the IRB meeting

5.1.4  Storage. Refreshments purchased significantly in advance of a meeting (e.g., the day before) should be stored appropriately – for example, in the 16th or 17th floor refrigerator.

5.1.5  Related supplies. The IRB meeting room should be stocked with a variety of supplies related to refreshments, including items such as: coffee cream, utensils, coffee cups, etc.  Staff are responsible for ensuring that any non-disposable items are clean before use. Any washing should occur at the 16th floor kitchenette, not in the restrooms.  When supplies begin to run low, follow standard procedures by informing the Office Manager about supply needs. Be sure to identify whether the need is urgent. Note that additional supplies are sometimes kept in the 16th floor vault.

5.2  Laptops. HSD provides laptops for IRB members to use during the IRB meetings. For paper applications, members are expected to bring the previously-distributed thumb drives to the meeting, containing the agenda and scans of the items being reviewed. For Zipline, IRB members use the provided laps tops to access the items being reviewed electronically.

5.2.1  Storage. The laptops, power cords, and mice are stored in the locked cabinet in the room. The key can be obtained from the HSD/OSP front desk.

5.2.2  Laptops are set up for each IRB member and HSD staff person in attendance, as well as (at staff discretion) for guests who will attend the meeting. “Set-up” means:  Connecting the laptop to power  Attaching a mouse  Powering up the computer and logging on, using the password (available in the storage cabinet)  Ensuring that the Wireless feature is turned on after the computer has booted up  Note: laptops should be sanitized using anti-bacterial wipes after the meeting

5.2.3  Technical assistance can be requested by emailing with a brief description of the problem and the urgency of the request. Other staff on the 17th floor may also be able to provide help.

5.3  Materials for IRB members.

5.3.1  Materials being reviewed. Federal regulatory agencies expect that a complete set of materials being reviewed will be available during the IRB meeting. For items on paper, this is accomplished by bringing a complete paper copy of the item to the IRB meeting room. For items associated with an already-approved IRB application, the entire IRB file is brought to the room except when the file is exceptionally large. For those files, the file sections dealing with the last year or two are brought to the room. For items in Zipline, all materials are accessible electronically.

5.3.2  Other materials. A paper or electronic copy of the meeting agenda is provided to each IRB member. Other materials may be provided, as requested or deemed appropriate, by HSD staff, HSD management, the IRB Chair, or others.

5.4  Arrangements for guests and other visitors. HSD staff establish where meeting guests will sit, and (as appropriate) set up a laptop and materials for the guests. When guests arrive, the staff follow the procedures described in the SOP Guests at IRB Meetings.

6  PROCEDURES: After the IRB Meeting

6.1  Refreshments. Staff clean up the refreshments. This includes:

6.1.1  Leftovers. Store for another meeting, or make available to all HSD staff, at the Snack Station on the 16th floor.

6.1.2  Coffee. Distribute or dispose of leftover coffee. Clean the coffee maker, including the grounds, the pot, and the filter. Check to make sure the coffee maker is turned off. If coffee was provided from the Tower Café, return the coffee cart and supplies to the Tower Café.

6.1.3  Hot water pot. Empty the pot. Make sure it is turned off.

6.1.4  Water carafes. Empty the carafes. Dry, or store upside down on toweling.

6.1.5  Serving utensils and dishes. Wash, dry, return to storage location.

6.1.6  Supplies. Place the supplies in appropriate storage. Request any replenishment, as needed. Wash any non-disposable items at the 16th floor kitchenette.

6.1.7  Reimbursement. Obtain reimbursement for any purchases, as described above in section

6.2  Laptops. Logoff and then power down the laptops. Disconnect the power cords and mice.

6.2.1  Storage. Wipe the laptops and mice with anti-bacterial wipes, if not done before the meeting. Return the laptops, power cords, and mice to the equipment cabinet. Lock the cabinet and return the key to the HSD/OSP front desk.

6.2.2  Technical problems. Communicate any technical problems experienced during the meeting to ORIS, by emailing with a brief description of the problem and the urgency of the request.

6.3  Materials for IRB members.

6.3.1  Paper items and files. Return all items to the appropriate location (e.g., IRB files). Recycle any paper items that are not official records and are no longer needed (e.g., educational handouts; members’ copies of items).

6.3.2  Collect any thumb drives and mailing bags returned by the IRB members, for re-use.

6.4  Meeting room.

6.4.1  Close the curtains.

6.4.2  Turn off the lights.


7.1  SOP Guests at IRB Meetings


8.1  None

Version 1.1 / #1666
Implemented / 09/07/2017 / Page 1 of 4