Molecular Weights of Polymers
Prof. Premamoy Ghosh
Polymer Study Centre
“Arghya” 3, Kabi Mohitlal Road
P.P. Haltu, Kolkata- 700078
Concept of Average Molecular Weight
Number Average Molecular Weight
Membrane Osmometry
Weight Average Molecular Weight
Assessmentof Shape of Polymer Molecules
Viscosity Average Molecular Weight
General Expression for Viscosity Average Molecular Weight
Z-Average Molecular Weight
General Requirement for Extrapolation to Infinite Dilution
Polymer Fraction and Molecular Weight Distribution
Gel Permeation Chromatography
Molecular Size parameter
Polymer End Groups and End Group Analysis
Key Words
Number average, weight average, viscosity average, z-average, osmometry, light scattering, turbidity, dissymmetry, size and shape, semipermeable membrane, osmotic pressure, viscometry, solution viscosity, intrinsic viscosity, infinite dilution, sedimentation, fractionation, molecular weight distribution, distribution ratio / polydispersity index, end group, gel permeation chromatography, hydrodynamic volume, dye techniques, refractive index.
For many reasons, particularly to know more about polymer molecular systems, it is necessary to characterize them with respect to (i) the chemical identity of their repeat units, (ii) nature of end groups present, (iii) existence of branching with nature of branch units and their frequency, (iv) presence of comonomer units and also copolymer composition and comonomer sequence distribution in copolymer systems, (v) solubility and associated features, (vi) optical properties covering clarity or degree of clarity and refractive index, and (vii) resistance properties with reference to thermal, mechanical and electrical resistances, photoresistance or photostability, chemical and weather resistance, corrosion resistance, and also bioresistance or resistance to biodegradation. But what is more important and fundamental is knowledge about the molecular weight of a given polymer. For molecular weight determination, it is necessary to dissolve the polymer in an appropriate solvent and begin with a dilute solution.
Concept of Average Molecular Weight
A specified polymer material is generally a mixture of molecules of identical or near – identical chemical structure and composition, but differing in degree of polymerization (DP) or molecular weight. The molecules produced by polymerization reaction have chain lengths that are distributed according to a probability function that is governed by the polymerization mechanism and by the condition prevailing during the process. A concept of average molecular weight, therefore, assumes importance and very much relevant. However, assignment of a numerical value to the molecular weight will be dependent on the definition of a particular average. An average molecular weight, M may in fact be generally expressed as
M = f1 M1 + f2 M2 + f3 M3 + ------= Σ fi Mi (1)
Here, M1 , M2 , M3 etc. refer to molecular weights of different sizes of molecules and the coefficients f1 , f2 , f3 etc. are fractions such that their summation Σ fi equals to unity. The average molecular weight M may otherwise be expressed as
Σ Ni Mi a
M =(2)
Σ Ni Mi (a – 1)
where, Niis the number of molecules, each of which is characterized by the molecular weight Mi and the index ‘a’ may have any real value. Two very important average molecular weight widely recognized and used are (i) number average molecular weight, Mnand (ii) weight average molecular weight, Mw. Setting a = 1 in equation (2), one obtains the expression for the number average molecular weight, Mn :
Σ Ni Mi
Mn =(3)
Σ Ni
Equation (3) can, in fact, be expressed as a simple summation series resembling equation (1) where the fractional coefficients are actually the mole fractions of the respective molecular species existing in the polymer system such that total weight W = Σ Ni Mi and total number of molecules N = Σ Ni , Thus,
W Σ Ni Mi N1 N2 N3
Mn = = = M1 + M2 + M3+ ------N Σ Ni N N N
= f1 M1 + f2 M2 + f3 M3 + ------ (4)
On the other hand, however, setting a = 2 in equation (2), one finds the expression for weight average molecular weight, Mw , i.e.,
Σ Ni Mi 2
Mw =(5)
Σ Ni Mi
Equation (5) can also be rearranged and expressed as a summation series as given by equation (1), but in this case, the fractional coefficients actually correspond to weight fractions of different molecular species present. So, one may write :
Σ Ni Mi . Mi Σ wi Mi Σ wi Mi
Mw = = = Σ Ni Mi Σ wi W
= M1 + M2 + M3 + ------
= f1 M1 + f2 M2 + f3 M3 + ------(6)
Here, w1 , w2, w3 , etc. stand for weight of different molecular species having molecular weight M1 , M2 , M3 etc. respectively and Σ wi = W gives the total weight of all the molecules present.
The obvious consequences of above definitions imply that Mw ≥ Mn , i.e., Mw / Mn ≥ 1; the equality, however, relates to a perfectly monodisperse polymer sample where all the polymer molecules are of equal molecular weight, i.e. M1 = M2 = M3 = ----- = M. So, for monodisperse systems, (Mw / Mn) = 1. Deviation from unity of the ratio Mw / Mn , known as the distribution ratio is taken as a measure of polydispersity of the polymer sample. The said ratio is also referred to as polydispersity index; a higher value of the ratio means a greater polydispersity.
Evaluation of number average molecular weight is helpful for having a good understanding of polymerization mechanism and relevant kinetics. Mn is useful in the analysis of kinetic data and assessing or ascertaining effects of many side reactions such as chain transfer, inhibition and retardation and also autoacceleration effects during vinyl and related polymerizations. The number average molecular weight assumes prime importance in the context of studies of solution properties that go by the name of colligative properties viz., vapour pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point evaluation and osmometry. Polymer molecules of lower molecular weight or even low molecular weight soluble impurities contribute equally and enjoy equal status with polymer molecules of higher molecular weights in determining the colligative properties.
On the other hand, weight average molecular weight assumes importance in the context of various bulk properties of polymers, particularly the rheological and resistance properties. Softening/melting and hot deformation, melt – viscosity or melt – flow, tensile and compressive strength, elastic modulus and elongation at break, toughness and impact resistance and some other bulk properties of polymers are better appreciated on the basis of weight average molecular weight, keeping in mind, however, the influence of chemical nature of the repeat units, degree of branching and cross linking, thermal or thermomechanical history of the polymer sample, etc.
Number Average Molecular Weight
Number average molecular weight can be evaluated using dilute solution of a polymer making use of ebulliometric (boiling point elevation), cryoscopic (freezing point depression) and osmometric (membrane osmometry) measurements.Direct measurements of vapour pressure lowering of dilute polymer solution lack precision and mostly produce uncertain results. Vapour – phase osmometry, however, allows indirect exploitation of vapour pressure lowering of polymer solution at equilibrium as can be related through the Clapeyron equation and in this method, one measures a temperature difference that can be related to vapour pressure lowering. This difference in temperature is comparable to or of the same order of magnitude as those observed in cryoscopy and ebulliomtry. These methods require calibration with low molecular weight standards and they may produce reliable results for polymer molecular weights < 30,000. The working equations for ebulliometric, cryoscopic and osmometric measurements are as follows:
∆ Tb RT 2 1
lim = .(7)
c→o cρ ∆ Hν M
∆ TfRT 2 1
lim =.(8)
c→o cρ ∆ Hf M
π RT
lim = (9)
c→o c M
where, ∆ Tb , ∆ Tf , and π are boiling point elevation, freezing point depression and osmotic pressure, ρ is the density of the solvent, ∆ Hν and ∆ Hf are respectively the latent heat of vaporization and of fusion of the solvent per gram, c is the polymer (solute) concentration in g/cm3 and M is the solute molecular weight. Very low observed temperature differences (of the order of 10-3 0C) for low finite concentrations of a polymer of the molecular weight range of ≥ 20,000 and lack of development of equipments for ebulliometric and cryoscopic measurements have turned them unattractive and less useful. Vapour pressure lowering for low finite concentrations is also very low (of the order of 10-3 mm Hg) for such polymers. The osmotic method is in more wide use than other colligative techniques as because the osmotic response is of a magnitude that is easily observable and measurable, even though success of this method is contingent upon availability of prefect osmotic membranes.
Membrane Osmometry
Let us take the case of a dilute polymer solution of a low finite concentration separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane. The chemical potential of the solvent (μs) in solution is lees than that (μo) of pure solvent and therefore, to keep the system in equilibrium, the chemical potential of the solvent on the two sides of the membrane requires to be balanced and made equal. This is readily done by applying an excess pressure, π , called the osmotic pressure to the solution side to compensate for the difference in chemical potential. The equilibrium condition can thus be expressed as :
μo – μs = ∆ μ1 = – π V1
Or,RT ln f1 x1= – π V1 (10)
where, R is the universal gas constant, T, the absolute temperature, V1, the partial molar volume, f1, the activity coefficient of the solvent in solution, and x1, the solvent mole fraction; for a very dilute solution, f1 → 1 and V1 may be taken as equal to the molar volume V10 of the pure solvent. Replacing solvent mole fraction x1 by (1 – x2), where x2 is the mole fraction of the (polymer) solute in solution, and expanding the logarithm factor, one obtains
x22 x23
π V10 = RT x2 + ++ ------(11)
2 3
If c is the concentration of the solute in gram per unit volume of the solution, then for a very low value of c and very high value of Mn , x2 is given by
c / MnV1 0 c
x2 =~(12)
1/ V10 + c / Mn Mn
Combining equation (11) and (12), one obtains
RT1V10 1 V10 2
π / c = 1 + c + c2+----- (13)
Mn2 Mn 3 Mn
Polymer solutions largely deviate from ideality, thus rendering the value of f1 less than unity; even at a very low finite concentration at which precision osmometric measurement is possible. The real coefficients of concentration terms in equation (13) are somewhat higher than those shown in the equation. Even then, the π / c term may be expressed as a power series in c using empirical coefficients :
π / c = RT ( A1 + A2 c + A3 c 2 + ----- )(14)
Or alternatively,
π / c = ( 1 + Г2 c + Г3 c 2 + ----- )(15)
where, Г2 = A2 / A1 , Г3 = A3 / A1 and so on, and A1 = ( 1 / Mn )
The coefficient A2, A3 etc. are referred to as second, third, etc. virial coefficients. For most cases and for all practical purposes, the term in c 2 and those in higher powers of c may be neglected. Thus, π / c is measured as a function of c in unit of g/dl at a given temperature and plotted graphically; extrapolation of the low concentration range linear plot with a positive slope to c → o gives an intercept that equals the parameter (RT / Mn).
Alternatively, (π/RTc) may be graphically plotted against c, fig. 1, and direct evaluation of the number average molecular weight Mn, then readily follows from the measure of the intercept. The plots are linear over the low concentration region (very dilute solutions) in each case of (a) and (b) in fig. 1. The slope of each linear portion of the plot may be used to calculate the second virial coefficient. In good solvents and over relatively high concentration range, the plots may turn concave upward, more so, for the plot as in part (a) of fig.1.
Fig. 1:Plots of π / c vs. c and π /RTc vs. c for Determination of Mn.
(Courtesy: Tata McGraw –Hill, New Delhi )
The osmotic pressure equation may be modified to the form
π 1ρ1 1
=+ – χ1 c + -----(16)
RTcM2 M1 ρ22 2
where subscripts 1 and 2 stand for solvent and polymer solute respectively, ρ for the density parameter, and χ1 is the polymer – solvent interaction constant according to the Flory – Huggins theory. Equation (16) permits plot of (π / RTc) vs c where the intercept gives the polymer molecular weight (number overage) and the value of the slope may be used to calculate the value of Flory – Huggins polymer – solvent interaction constant χ1.
Both slope and curvature are zero at θ temperature. The membrane osmometry is based on the principle described in fig. 2. The membrane used is of critical importance. It should permit the small solvent molecules to permeate through but would be non permeable to even the smallest macromolecules present in the test polymer sample. So, the membrane is better called semipermeable. All measurements in a specific case must necessarily be made at a specified and constant temperature, preferably using the same semipermeable membrane too. The thermodynamic drive to reach equilibrium causes entry of (more) solvent molecules from the solvent chamber to the solution side, thereby causing the liquid level in the solution side to rise till the hydrostatic pressure on the membrane on the solution side balances the osmotic pressure on the same in the solvent side. Use of a narrow capillary over each of the solution and solvent chambers makes it easy to follow the rise in liquid height on the solution side and finally to measure the difference in liquid heights on the two sides on attainment of the equilibrium. The difference in liquid levels at equilibrium is used to calculate the osmotic pressure.
Fig. 2:Operating Principle and Schematic Presentation of a Membrane Osmometer
(Courtesy: Tata McGraw –Hill, New Delhi )
Membranes based on cellulose such as regenerated cellulose (gel cellophane) are most widely used. Other suitable membrane materials are collodion (nitrocellulose, 11 – 13% N2) and denitrated collodion, poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(vinyl butyral), etc. Osmometer cell and assembly according to Zimm and Meyerson, and shown in fig. 3, is more popular for its simplicity. Time periods required for attainment of equilibrium in classical osmometers using dilute polymer solutions range on the average between 10 – 25 h.
Fig. 3:Sections and Parts of a Zimm – Meyerson Osmometer
(Courtesy: Tata McGraw –Hill, New Delhi )
Different models of high–speed osmometers have been developed. Most of them feature a closed solvent chamber gadgeted with a sensitive pressure-sensing device without the use of a capillary. Such equipments use suitable photoelectric or other devices for sensing pressure or pressure difference employing a servomechanism or else, using a strain gauge. The high-speed equipments permit attainment of equilibrium within 5 min.
Weight Average Molecular Weight: Light Scattering By Polymer Solutions
The subject of scattering of light by gaseous systems (Rayleigh scattering) or by colloidal system suspended in a liquid medium (Tyndal scattering) has been widely studied. The intensity of scattered light depends on the polarizability of the molecules or particles compared with that of the surrounding medium in which they exist, i.e. dissolved, mixed or suspended. It further depends on the molecular or particle size and on their concentration. If the homogeneous mixture, solution or dispersion is sufficiently dilute, the intensity of the scattered light is equal to the sum of the contributions from the individual molecules / particles, each being unaffected by the others in the medium.
Let us now consider a beam of light passing through an optically inhomogeneous medium of path length, l is being scattered in all directions; The intensity of the transmitted beam I decreases exponentially and is related to that Io of the incident beam and the relationship may be expressed as,
I = Io e – τ l (17)
Here, the parameter τ is referred to as turbidity. Let us take the case of a polymer solution. Thermal agitation of the molecules in solution causes instantaneous local fluctuation of density and concentration. For different polarizabilities of solute and solvent, the intensity of light scattered by a tiny volume element also varies with such fluctuations arbitrarily on a continuous basis. The effect arising from density fluctuations can be accounted for by subtracting the intensity of the light scattered by the pure solvent from that scattered by the solution.
The work expended to produce a given concentration fluctuation is related directly to the free energy of dilution, ∆G1. So, the scattered light intensity can be used to measure the thermodynamic properties. The scattered light intensity from a solution is commonly expressed in terms of its turbidity τ , which is the fraction by which the scattered beam is reduced over 1 cm path length of solution according to equation (17). For polymer molecules of size smaller than the wave length of light used, τ is expressed as :
32 π 3 k T n2 c ( ∂n / ∂c )2 V1
τ =(18)
3 λ4 (– ∂ ∆G1 / ∂c )
Here, k is Boltzmann’s constant, n the refractive index of the medium, ( ∂n / ∂c ), the change in refractive index with concentration, c, λ, the wave length of the incident beam and ∆G1 signifies the difference between the molar free energy of the pure solvent and partial molar free energy of the solvent in solution of concentration c. Now, having the relation ∆G1 = – π V1 based on equation (10), where π is the osmotic pressure and using the relation between π and molecular weight, one may logically write.
– ( ∂ ∆G1 / ∂c) = ( 1 + Г2 c + ….)(19)
Combining equations (18) and (19), one may derive
H (c / τ) = (1/M) ( 1 + Г2 c + ….)(20)
where, H = (32 π 3 n2 / 3 λ4 No) ( ∂n / ∂c )2 , is a constant for a given solute – solvent system. and No = R/k is the Arogadro’s number. If τ is determined as a function of c and H(c / τ) is plotted against c, then the intercept on the H(c / τ) axis as obtained on extrapolation of the straight line plot to zero concentration or more appropriately to infinite dilution, fig. 4, permits ready calculation of the molecular weight M, which for a polydisperse polymer solute, can be shown to be the weight average molecular weight Mw.
Fig. 4 : A Typical Linear Plot of Hc/τ vs. c for Determination of Mw
(Courtesy: Tata McGraw –Hill, New Delhi )
Light scattering photometers employ photoelectric technique for measurements of scattering data. The measurement principle and approach is a simple one and is outlined in fig.5. It is absolutely important and necessary that the measuring chamber, and the solvent and solutions are kept dirt or dust free. The specified scattering glass – cell is placed on the fixed center – table and centred on the axis of rotation of the receiver photomultiplier tube assembly; this assembly can be rotated and fixed at desired angular positions for measurements of the scattered light. Besides the measurements of intensities of incident and scattered light, i.e. the turbidity. τ , it is necessary to determine the refractive index n of solvent and the parameter (∂n / ∂c) using a differential refractometer. The choice of solvent is also important. The difference in the refractive index between the polymer and the solvent should be as large as possible. A solvent of low second virial coefficient makes a more precise evaluation of Mw possible by the usual method of extrapolation to infinite dilution condition, i.e. to zero concentration. Molecular weights ranging from 10,000 to 10,000,000 are measurable by this technique.