Candidate Eligibility:
· Must have passed five of six classes the previous semester and a minimum of a 2.0 accumulative grade point average to be a candidate for office and must maintain this grade point while holding office
· President and Vice-President must be a Junior or Senior in standing for the school year they are in office
· Public Relations, Secretary, or Treasurer must be a Sophomore or above for the school year they are to hold office
· Must own a current ASB Card
· Candidate must sign the Campaign Pledge
Officer Expectations: There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!
· Candidates must sign an Oath of Office
· Ability to commit time, and energy as well as a strong desire to serve the students of Timberline High School and the Lacey Community. Activities outside Timberline High School may not interfere with your ability to fulfill officer responsibilities! (See ASB Officer Candidate Pledge on the Application Form)
· Must own current ASB Card
· Be enrolled in the Timberline Leadership Class during the time they hold office
· Attend a Washington State Leadership Camp the summer previous to the school year they are to hold office. Date to be determined.
Application Process:
· Each candidate must complete the “ASB Officer Candidate Application” in full and return an electronic copy to the Activities Office by the assigned date (see timeline) to:
· Each candidate must complete the “Candidate Pledge” with the candidate’s signature and parent signature and return to the ASB Office by the assigned date (see timeline)
General Guidelines:
· Candidates may not spend more than $20 on their campaign materials
· Candidates must focus on their own strengths and refrain from discrediting or putting down opponents.
· Candidates must take steps to ensure the campaign does not become a disruption to the classroom, educational environment or to the overall school environment
Speech/Forum: Consists of a speech by candidates and questions from current officers and advisors. The speech and forum will be recorded for viewing to the student body.
· Candidates must prepare and present a speech to be no longer than 1 ½ minutes in length!
· A copy of the speech is to be submitted to the Activities Office on the assigned date (see timeline)
· The speech cannot make reference to alcohol, drugs, sexual activity or other inappropriate issues
· Candidates must read their speeches at the screening (see timeline); the Activities Coordinator shall screen the speeches for appropriateness and length
· There shall be no modifications to the speech after the Activities Coordinator gives final approval
· Speeches will be recorded (see timeline) and…
· Candidates will also record answers to questions related to their position and candidacy from current ASB Officers, Leadership Teacher and/or the Activities Coordinator. (see application for possible questions)
· All campaign sings must have a signature of approval from the Leadership Teacher, Ms. Warner or the Activity Coordinator, Mr. Geiger previous to posting.
· Signs must promote your own candidacy; they cannot speak to another candidate
· Signs must be respectful in nature with no inappropriate language, pictures, sexual innuendo or make references to alcohol or other drugs
· No poster may be longer than 8 feet in length and 3 feet in width, with only 3 of this size posted at any one time
· No more than 30 signs posted at any one time
· No decals or stickers
· No fliers or signs are to be put on lockers or automobiles
· No posters on door windows
· No posters in classrooms without teacher permission
· All campaign signs must be removed by the end of the day on election day
It is very important to make your signs secure. Falling signs become litter!
· Secure the entire top edge as well as the sides for larger signs
· Use blue tape on walls and windows; thumb tacks or staples on the cork strips
· Do not use duct tape or clear wrapping tape!
Note: Each candidate will be given the opportunity to make posters and signs using ASB paper and paints. Candidates will be given the same amount of supplies and materials with which to make their signs.
Wednesday, April 10th 7:30 Candidate Informational Meeting – Room 103
Wednesday, April 10th 12:30 Candidate Informational Meeting – Room 103
*Candidates must attend one of the above meetings! These meetings will be held in Room 103
Monday, April 8th 7:00 am Campaign Signs up
Friday, April 12th 2:00 pm Due to Mr. Geiger:
1. Electronic Applications
2. Candidate Pledge w/ candidate & parent signatures (hard copy)
Monday, April 15th 8:00 am Electronic Copy of Speech Due to Mr. Geiger
“Dress for Success!!!” 12:45 pm Recording of Speeches & Forum Questions
(Room 595)
Wednesday, April 17th 9:15 am Speeches & Forum Broadcast to Rooms
Voting to Follow
Wednesday, April 17th 6th Period Results Announced
**Failure to follow the campaign rules and meet the timelines may result in disqualification with your name removed from the ballot!!
Timberline HS ASB Officer Candidate Application Packet
** This packet must be completed in full and returned electronically to Mr. Geiger by:
Friday, April 12th !!!
E-mail the document to
The questions below are provided for your preparation. The questions may be asked of you at the Forum. Your speech and answers to these questions will be recorded and broadcast to the students before voting.
Name: ______Current Grade: ______
I am a candidate for the ASB Office of: ______
Potential Candidate Questions
All Positions:
1. Why are you interested in running for this position?
2. What experiences and/or skills do you have that would lead others to believe you are qualified for this position?
3. If you were elected what is one goal you would like to accomplish as an ASB Officer?
4. What ideas or plans do you have for accomplishing the above goals?
President & Vice President:
1. What makes you the right person for the job?
2. Define what it means to be a leader at our school.
3. Part of your responsibility would be to help organize school assemblies. Please provide your reasons for having these assemblies.
4. What plans or ideas do you have to get more students and staff involved in our school?
5. How do you plan to enhance school climate, unity and spirit?
Secretary & Public Relations:
1. How will you ensure communication for our events reach all of our students and community?
2. Some have suggested there are events that receive little support; how do you plan to increase publicity for some of our less attended activities?
3. How can technology assist with your communication efforts?
1. Please give your qualifications in dealing with money?
2. How will you ensure you will be following the laws and guidelines with ASB funds are that they being spent appropriately?
3. We have over 70 athletic teams and clubs combined. How will you assess the needs versus the wishes when it comes to budgeting money to these groups?
As a candidate for an ASB Office, I have read, understand and agree to follow and abide by the campaign rules as outlined in the election packet. I understand that failure to abide by the campaign rules and timelines may result in my disqualification and removal of my name from the ballot.
If I am elected to serve as an ASB Officer, I agree to serve as a responsible officer and a model representative of Timberline High School. I understand I must meet all eligibility requirements with respect to grades and attendance as outlined in the North Thurston Public Schools Athletic Code. I pledge to conduct myself with integrity and will respect the dignity of every Timberline student and staff member. Furthermore, I understand that serving as an ASB Officer requires a significant commitment of time and energy. I realize that I represent all Timberline students and activities outside Timberline High School, including employment, may not interfere with my ability to fulfill the responsibilities of my office. I realize my commitment to Timberline takes precedence over any activities not sponsored by Timberline High School. I promise I will do everything in my power to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of my office and will be dedicated and reliable elected representative.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: