Please limit your proposal and responses spaces provided in this form. Any materials submitted in addition to this application form will not be considered in the evaluation of the proposal. Do not attempt to unlock or alter this form.
If you need assistance with this proposal or are unclear about how to respond to any questions listed below, please contact CDD staff at 266-6520.
Agency or Group: / Amount Requested: / $Title of Proposal:
Brief Project Description:
Contact Person: / Email
Address: / Telephone:
- Applicant Organization or Group: (2500 characters) Briefly describe the history and structure of your organization. Include information about your board and/or volunteers.
- Project Description:
a.Goal Statement:(1000 characters)What is the goal of your project and how does it align with the strategies described in the RFP guidelines?
b. Intended Service Population: (1000 characters)Describe the intended service population that will be involved with this project, both as a result of participation in the Coalition and those (youth and other employers) who will be impacted by the activities of the Coalition. This could include information about the types of employers involved, and demographics of both employers and youth employees.
c.Recruitment and Engagement: (1500 characters) Describeyour plan to recruit, engage and address barriers to participation for the identified service population.
d.Project Design:(4000 characters)Describe your proposed project activities. Include information about key parts of your project to help us understand how you will accomplish your goals and how these funds would be used. Include the program schedule, location of activities and, if applicable, any credits, credentials or certificates to be earned.
e.Proposed service numbers: (500 characters)Include number of unduplicated Coalition participants, number of services hours to beprovided and/or number of workshops or meetings as well as number of youth to be affected.
f. Data Tracking and Outcomes: (1500 characters)What systems are in place or will be in place to capture the information needed to measure the outputs and outcomes identified in the RFP guidelines and in this proposal? Include strategies for maintaining contact with participants after the conclusion of the program and the nature of the post-program support, and time intervals at which you will have contact.
g. Proposed Timeline for Implementation
Activity / Estimated Start and Completion Dates- Please describe any Successes your organization has had that relate to this proposed project(1000 characters).
- Cultural Relevance and Language Access
- Capacity and Strategies:(1000 characters) Describe your organization’s capacity and strategies to ensure language access and cultural relevance for your target population.
- Participant Demographics: (1000 characters) The City is interested in addressing issues of poverty and racial equity for residents of Madison. Explain how you understand any disparities and your plan to address these issues.
- Staff Demographics: (1000 characters) Does the staffing of the program reflect the racial and cultural diversity of the program participants. If not, what plans do you have to address this?
- Alignment: (1000 characters)Briefly describe how your proposed project addressesthe prevalence and impact of youth violence and victimization.
- Community Engagement and Collaboration:
- Community Engagement: (1000 characters)Briefly describe how residents and the community who may benefit from this project have been involved in the development of this proposal and/or will be involved in the implementation and assessment of project activities and outcomes.
- Collaboration: (1500 characters)Describe any collaboration or coordination with community partners who have agreed to be active in the implementation of this project and the activities or component of the program with which they will play a role
Partner Organization / Description of their Role and Responsibilities / Contact Person and Phone #
- Budget and Funding:
- Other Funding:(1000 characters)Whatother funding do you anticipate pursuing if the project is expected to continue?
- Personnel:List all paid staff that will be working on the proposed program/project.
Title of Staff Position
Include only One Employee per Line / FTE* in this Program
Choose Seasonal or Year Round / For Seasonal only: # of Weeks Employed with Program / Total FTE with Agency/ Organi-zation / Pro-posed Hourly Wage1 / 2018
Wage and Fringe / 2019
Wage and Fringe
Year Round / Seasonal / Safe and Thriving
Funds / Total Cost / Safe and Thriving
Funds / Total Cost
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $ / $
TOTAL / $ / $ / $ / $
*FTE =Full Time Equivalent (1.00, .75, .50, etc.) 2080 hours = 1.00 FTE
1Note: All employees involved in programs or project receiving City of Madison funds must be paid the established Living Wage as required under City of Madison Ordinance 4.20. Effective January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, the Living Wage is $13.01 per hour. Youth under the age of 18 years and participants attending employment training programs are exempt from this Living Wage requirement.
- Complete corresponding tabs in the budget workbook in the Applications Downloads on the CDD Funding Process website
City of Madison Contracts:
The following information is provided in order to outline city requirements that will apply if your proposal is funded. All allocated funds will be administered through contracts with the City of Madison, Community Development Division. If funded, the City of Madison reserves the right to negotiate the final terms of a contract with the selected organization. If funded, applicants will be required to attend a mandatory meeting on contracting requirements in early May 2018. City purchase of service contracts include requirements regarding non-discrimination, consideration of vulnerable populations along with specific requirements in the following three areas:
- Affirmative Action:
If funded, applicant hereby agrees to comply with City of Madison Ordinance 39.02, an Affirmative Action Plan with the City Department of Civil Rights (DCR) or an exemption if allowed by City DCR. A model Affirmative Action Plan and instructions are available at:
- Living Wage Ordinance:
All employees involved in programs or projects supported by City of Madison funds must be paid the established Living Wage as required under City of Madison Ordinance 4.20. The Living wage effective January 1, 2018 is $13.01 per hour. Youth under the age of 18 years and participants attending employment training programs are exempt. For more information on Living Wage requirements, go to
- Insurance
If funded, applicant agrees to secure insurance coverage in the following areas to the extent required by the City Office of Risk Management:
- Commercial General Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Worker’s Comp
- Professional Liability
The cost of this coverage can be considered in the request for funding. The Certificate of Insurance that will be required at the time of contracting is available on the City of Madison Risk Management website.
A sample contract that includes standard provisions is available on the CDD Funding Process website
Federal Requirements:
The source of finds for this RFP are federal Funds awarded through the Office of Juvenile Justice and delinquency prevention to the city of Madison as part of the “The Madison’s Northside : A Safe and Thriving Community” grant. There are federal regulations and requirements above and beyond the City’s standard contract requirements that will apply to the administration of these funds both for the City and for organizations receiving funds under this grant. These requirements apply to multiple facets of grant administration for funded programs including access to funded activities, specific guidelines regarding cost allocations, employees management, budgeting and expense reporting, data collection and reporting on funded activities. It is expected that funded projects will work closely with city staff to develop systems and processes to address these requirements. These requirements can be found on our website under Resources.
Any applications submitted without a signature will be considered incomplete and willnot be considered for funding.
Applicant Signature:
Enter Name:Date:
By entering your initials in the box, / You are electronically signing your name and agreeing to the terms above.