JULY 13, 2015

7:00 P. M.

Mayor Weller called the regular meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Brad Jorgensen; Colby Shuck; Arne Lund; Ryan Willert; Lenny Sanftner; and John Word; Others present: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer; Forrest Davis; Jackie Stilwell; Nathan Riggins; Robyn Jones; Joe Handrahan; and Patrick Solon. Sandra Eschenbacher, Mark Eschenbacher, and Jim Herber arrived at 7:03 p.m.

Shuck made Motion 15-07-13:78 to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 2015. The motion was seconded by Sanftner, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

The bills were presented for approval. Willert made Motion 15-07-13:79 to approve the bills as submitted. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

Handrahan, Joe / Repairs / $ 4,197.32
AFLAC / Monthly Premium / $ 113.38
Delta Dental / Monthly Premium / $ 515.40
EMC Insurance / Claim Deductible / $ 45.86
Peoples Market / Supplies / $ 747.70
Rodenburg Law Firm / Wage Assignment / $ 150.00
SD Municipal League / Conference Registration / $ 50.00
SD Retirement / Monthly Contribution / $ 2,080.58
Verizon Wireless / Cell Phone / $ 98.17
Bank West / Petty Cash / $ 2,000.00
Bank West / Petty Cash / $ 1,000.00
Bauman, Casey / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 35.00
Brown, Letoy / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 35.00
City of Philip / Mosquito Spraying / $ 866.28
Dakota Supply Group / Supplies / $ 161.19
DBK Construction / Backhoe/Landfill / $ 102.00
Double H Feed / Supplies / $ 262.15
Electro Watchman, Inc. / Security System / $ 80.85
Fromm's Hardware / Supplies / $ 1,686.11
Golden West / Telephone/Cable / $ 839.33
Grimm's Pump / Supplies / $ 241.68
Hawkins / Pool Supplies / $ 13.50
Integrated Weed Control / Supplies / $ 210.00
J & D Precast / Supplies / $ 6,086.00
J & S Restore / Vehicle Repairs / $ 156.40
Kadoka Oil, LLC / Heating Fuel / $ 3,733.75
Kadoka Press / Publishing / $ 1,275.60
Kadoka Water Dept. / Refund Meter Deposit to Bill / $ 157.00
KCBA / Reimburse Expenses / $ 5,175.00
Konst Machine & Welding / Welding/Street Dept. / $ 644.13
McLeod's Printing / Supplies / $ 449.80
Mid-American Research Chemical / Supplies / $ 471.23
Northwest Pipe / Supplies / $ 5,346.65
Oien Implement / Supplies / $ 173.12
Osborn Service Center / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 45.00
Pahlke, Alvin / Legal Services / $ 150.00
Peoples Market / Supplies / $ 1,042.32
Pierre Landfill / Tipping Fees / $ 651.00
Pool & Spa Center / Supplies / $ 70.04
SD Dept. of Health / Lab Samples / $ 30.00
SD Dept. of Revenue / Sales Tax / $ 121.77
Servall / Laundry / $ 365.89
Stone, Jerome / Replace Tile at Bar / $ 250.00
TLC Electric / Repairs/Auditorium / $ 276.95
United States Postal Service / Postage / $ 147.00
VanderMay, Betty / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 35.00
West Central Electric / Electricity / $ 4,908.31
West River Excavation / Solid Waste Transporation / $ 3,827.90
West River Lyman Jones / Water Payment / $ 5,208.75
Wyoming Wood Floors / Final Payment/Auditorium Floor / $ 7,452.90
Chamberlain Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 1,015.62
Coca Cola / Liquor Supplies / $ 373.20
Dakota Toms / Liquor Supplies / $ 53.00
Eagle Sales / Liquor Supplies / $ 9,878.40
Jerome Beverage / Liquor Supplies / $ 2,866.05
Johnson Western Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 3,379.89
Republic / Liquor Supplies / $ 1,817.17
ACH Withdrawal for Taxes / Federal Employment Taxes / $ 5,811.63
ACH Withdrawal for Dakota Care / Health Insurance Premium / $ 7,737.72
Total Bills Presented: / $ 96,715.69

The financial statement, along with a report listing the breakdown of revenue, expenses, and bank balances for the month of June was distributed. After a review of the information, Shuck made Motion 15-07-13:80 to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Jorgensen. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

City of Kadoka Financial Statement as of 6-30-15:

Revenue: General Fund - $33,223.60; 3 B’s Fund - $2,115.80; Street Fund - $3.67; Liquor Fund - $41,999.59; Water Fund - $12,803.19; Sewer Fund - $2,913.18; Solid Waste Fund - $4,878.35.

Expense: General Fund - $45,222.02; 3B’s Fund - $1,388.86; Liquor Fund - $40,269.70; Water Fund - $11,185.43; Sewer Fund - $4,125.56; Solid Waste Fund - $3,579.97.

Payroll: Mayor/Council - $2,130.00; Administration - $3,234.05; Streets - $2,678.93; Police - $2,761.46; Auditorium/Parks - $3,782.60; Summer Recreation - $4,187.95; Liquor - $4,218.48; Water/Sewer – $3,086.10; Solid Waste - $1,098.00; Group Health/Dental - $7,737.72; Retirement - $2,080.58; Social Security/Medicare - $5,811.63.

Bank Balances: Checking Account - $1,101,456.83; ATM Account - $259.58; Certificates of Deposit - $769,124.12.

Citizen Input: Joe Handrahan met with the council regarding the courtesy letter sent out on property clean up. He stated that he is willing to work with the council and thought that if he installed a fence around the property that the problem would be resolved. He inquired about any regulations on fence height and although there isn’t a city ordinance regulating the fence height, it was unknown if there were any state requirements. The city will contact their attorney to determine if there are any state requirements.


A. Distillery Business: Mark and Sandra Eschenbacher and Jim Herber presented information to the council regarding their new business in Kadoka. It is a distillery business that can only sell their own products and will mainly be a wholesale business. They will be using city water and have installed an additional filter. Individuals will be able to sample the product, prior to purchase; but it will not be an onsite drinking establishment. They hope to be fully operational within 100 to 120 days.

B. Transfer of Funds: Jorgensen made Motion 15-07-13:81 to authorize the transfer of $367.53 from the contingency fund to the election fund to offset the fund’s deficit. The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

C. Building Permit/Rex Totton: A building permit for Rex Totton was presented for approval. After review, Jorgensen made Motion 15-07-13:82 to approve the building permit as submitted. The motion was seconded by Sanftner with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.


A. Water/Sewer: There was a sewer main collapse located at Smiley Construction’s shop, which has been repaired. Bid specifications for the sewer project for Chestnut Street and Main Street were distributed. Jorgensen made Motion 15-07-13:83 to advertise for bids on the sewer project. The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

B. Streets: Bituminous Paving, Inc. will be here in mid-August to complete the street project and repairs.

C. Solid Waste: The bobcat needs to be repaired and will be taken to Rapid City to be repaired. There is a scheduling conflict for Saturday, July 18 at the landfill. It was decided that the transfer station/landfill will be open from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm and closed for the remainder of the day.

D. Liquor: no report

E. Auditorium/Park: The key fobs for the keyless entry system at the auditorium will be activated this week.

F. Public Safety: The monthly report was distributed.

G. Mayor’s Report: The date for the budget meeting was set for July 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) / Personnel: Shuck made Motion 15-07-13:84 to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Jorgensen, with all members voting yes. The council, along with Finance Officer Patty Ulmen went into executive session at 8:28 p.m. The council was declared out of executive session at 9:08 p.m.

Shuck made Motion 15-07-13:85 to accept the resignation Tina Williams, Bar Manager, effective July 13, 2015. The motion was seconded by Lund. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

Lund made Motion 15-07-13:86 to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Shuck, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.


Finance Officer Mayor