Creating a New Local Coordinate System
To create a new local coordinate system, click New in the Local coord systems panel (Figure 9.23: The Local coord systems Panel). A new local coordinate system will be created. Rename the local coordinate system, if desired. Keep the default Type (Trans), and specify the origin of the local coordinate system by entering values for the X offset, Y offset, and Z offset from the origin of the global coordinate system, which is (0, 0, 0). Repeat these steps to create any other local coordinate systems, and then click Accept.
You can also create a new local coordinate system in any Object panel (or the Cabinet panel). To create a new local coordinate system, open the Local coord system drop-down list and select Create new. This will open the Local coords panel (Figure 9.24: The Local coords Panel). Enter a name in the Name field for the new local coordinate system. Keep the default Type (Trans), and specify the origin of the local coordinate system by entering values for the X offset, Y offset, and Z offset from the origin of the global coordinate system, which is (0, 0, 0). Click Accept when you have finished creating the local coordinate system, and ANSYS Icepak will close the Local coords panel and return to the Object panel (or the Cabinet panel).
Figure 9.24: The Local coords Panel