Williamson County Emergency Services District #3
P.O. Box 175, Hutto, TX 78634-0175
Phone (512) 759-2616 FAX (512) 846-1946
Minutes for Regular Meeting
Thursday, January27th, 2011 at7:00pm
Commissioner Trubee called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Glenn Trubee, Jonathan Fritz, Judy Gibney and Glen Pierce
Legal Counsel: Ken Campbell
Hutto Fire Rescue Staff Present:Chief Kerwood and MaryAnn Buchanan
Volunteers Present:Daniel McDonnell
Guest:Donald Allman, CPA
- Public Comment – None
- Fire Chief Report – written report –The SAFE-D conference will be held February 16-18 in Austin. Commissioner’s Gibney and Trubee are registered to attend. We have begun hosting CPR classes here at the station. They are open to the public and are currently scheduled for every third Wednesday of the month beginning at 6 p.m. The class is twenty-five dollars and is about a three hour course. We do not make money on this. The fee charged goes towards purchasing the books, cards and the supplies used in the class. We can also conduct specialty CPR classes as needed. Daniel McDonnell is the coordinator/instructor and the driving force behind getting this community project going.March 23rd is Hutto Day at the Capitol and it is also firefighter day at the Capitol. The Union, volunteers, Chief Kerwood (and anyone else who would like to donate) are putting money towards the purchase of an engraved fire bell to give to our representative or senator to go into their office. The Hutto Rotary Club, which Chief is a member of, is going to present a police officer of the year and firefighter of the year award at the Chamber of Commerce banquet. Vic Stern was chosen to be the Rotary Club firefighter of the year. As of December 31st 2010, Vic was the longest serving member of the department with forty-two years of continuous service within this organization.
- HPFFA Report – no report
- HCV Report –Currently working on constitution and by-laws. Elections will be held next month.
- None Scheduled
The below Consent Agenda items are considered for approval by one vote unless a Commissioner requests for a particular item to be pulled and given further consideration as a Regular Agenda item.
- Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting held December 16th, 2010.
- Discussion and possible approval of accounts paid and accounts payable.
- Discussion and possible approval of first quarter investment report.
Commissioner Pierce made a motion with a second by Commissioner Gibney that the consent agenda items be approved. Passed 4-0.
- Discussion and possible action on Williamson County ESD #3 2009-2010 fiscal year audit.Donald Allman, CPA presented his findings of the 2009-2010 fiscal year audit. He commended the department for the financial controls we have in place. He only recommends that we provide copies of the actual bank statements to theboard each month for review and that we create a debt service account. Commissioner Pierce made a motion with a second by Commissioner Gibney that the Williamson County ESD #3 2009-2010 fiscal year audit be approved and forwarded on to the County. Passed 4-0
- Discussion and possible acceptance of Williamson County ESD #3 Strategic Plan.Item tabled until next meeting.
- Discussion and possible acceptance of Williamson County ESD #3 2010 annualreport.Commissioner Gibney made a motion with a second by Commissioner Pierce to approve and accept the Williamson County ESD #3 annual report as presented. Passed. 4-0.
- Discussion and possible action on community legislative agenda work sheet.The City held a meeting that included representatives from our department, Hutto EDC, Hutto Chamber of Commerce, and the County, to come up with a collective agenda to present at Hutto Day at the Capitol.No action taken. For information purposes only.
- None Scheduled
The Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 Board of Commissioners will adjourn from its regular session and convene in closed/executive sessions pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551:
- Discussion and possible action on authorizing District’s attorney and District officials to proceed with all necessary legal, either civil or criminal, or equitable action, in his best judgment, on the enforcement of violations of the District’s Fire Code by Anodic Process Technologies, LLC, 212 Tradesmen Drive, Suite A&B, Hutto, Texas 78634. The District reserves the right to enter into Closed Meeting on this agenda item pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, or other applicable law.
Entered into closed session at 7:36 p.m.
The Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 Board of Commissioners will reconvene in open session to take any necessary action(s).
- Executive session was adjourned and the regular meeting reconvened at 8:07 p.m.
Commissioner Pierce made a motion that we allow legal counsel to proceed with the investigation into criminal and/or civil actions against APT located at 212 Tradesmen Drive, Suite A&B, Hutto, TX78634 and to allow legal counsel to proceed, upon notification to the Board, the direction he will need to take. This motion seconded by Commissioner Trubee. Passed 4-0.
Commissioner Pierce made a motion with a second by CommissionerFritzthat the meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Meeting adjourned
(Written minutes are the official recorded minutes.)
Submitted: ______
Jonathan Fritz, SecretaryDate
Approved: ______
Glenn Trubee, PresidentDate