Home Business Presentation

·  Invite 30-50 people in person or by phone (to get >10 say yes)

·  Have presentation equipment ready-DVD, TV, Computer, etc.

·  Meet & Greet-Name tags, refreshments, socializing (MMFI & WIIFM)

·  LIFESTYLE SURVEY & Fill out Registration Form

·  Start promptly (One Hour Presentation)


1.  Welcome & thank everyone for coming

2.  Share 2 Min. Commercial (Personal Story/Why/

Product Testimony)

3.  Introduce & Edify Presenter


Presenter shares their Story

Go around room and have everyone introduce themselves (10 to 30 seconds): (MMFI)

(UnFranchise Owners share same as below– no testimonies unless previously arranged)

1.  What’s your name, what you do, where you live?

2.  What interested you in coming tonight? (WIIFM)

3. INTRODUCE Market America (quick facts from Annual Report)

“Our goal tonight is to help you save money and make money.”

·  Show Annual Report

·  Show Business: www.gonowresource.com (The UnFranchise Business –video) or UBP ppt.

·  Stop at Step 2 and share Health Survey/Home Shopping List (optional: Daily Essentials Kit-Pass out product Samples)

·  Finish Rest of Presentation


“Thank you for your time in attending this evening. We are confident you have seen a business that can provide you and your family with many great benefits from high quality, money saving products to a business that can offer time and financial freedom.

“Please share with the person who invited you what your Interest Level is?”

·  1. Register for $Cashback and try a Market America branded product.

·  2. Book a follow-up appointment and get more information.

·  3. I want to establish my marketamerica | SHOP.COM Unfranchise Business.

“Is there any reason you would not want to get started right away?”

“Please get together with the person who invited you here or myself to get your questions answered and start saving money and making money.” (Hand out Next Step letter and Kits Flyer) This letter will direct you to the next steps to your own Unfranchise and other benefits.”

Open to Questions (Have Flip Chart available for Reference.)

5. Have Guests/Prospects complete the following:

1. Book a follow-up and Sell Product - Make them a Preferred Customer–

Answer Questions, Sell Products, Sell Tickets, Get Names

·  SEND HOME 1 or 2 follow-up tools according to their needs ONLY IF THEY BOOKED A FOLLOW UP:

ü  Home Shopping List (#671 pack of 20)

ü  Health Survey (print at www.gonowresource.com)

ü  MA Catalog (#663 pack of 5)

ü  Annual Report (#17094 pack of 10)/FLIP CHART (#700)

ü  Review Success Folder for a Prospect ready to get started

6. Meeting After the Meeting: Build the relationship, how can these products and business fill a need, take personal interest

“Our goal tonight is to help you save money and make money.”