Absalom Rebels and Is Defeated

2 Samuel 15:1-12; 17:1-12; 18:1-18

M ost 5- and 6-year-olds understand the idea of sharing and cooperating. Becausechildren are in the early stages of learning this behavior, however, times of

selfishness and unkindness are inevitable. Sometimes tiredness, hunger, or changes in a child’s normal routine prompt this negative behavior. Be sensitive to what’s going on in a child’s life that might cause unusual selfishness or inappropriate behavior. Then guide the child to more appropriate behavior through positive reinforcement of good behavior. Use this lesson to help children understand that God wants them to be unselfish.

about 10 min. / Welcoming Song
Sing or listen to
praises for God. / signal, CD player
Teacher Pack: CD
Key Verse
about 10 min. / Helping Each Other
Talk about times
they’ve helped
someone or been
helped. / Bible
about 15 min. / Theo’s News
Find out what sharing
a bag of crackers has
to do with today’s
Scripture. / Surprise Box (any box
will do), Theo puppet,
resealable bag of snack
crackers, CD player
Teacher Pack: CD / Put the bag of crackers
inside the Surprise Box,
and hide the box where
it’s easily accessible.
Bible Time: David
and Absalom
Watch a puppet show
about David and
Absalom, and then
identify items they
can share. / Bible, tape, scissors,
markers, 2 plastic glasses
Teacher Pack: David
and Absalom puppets,
“Absalom Rebels” poster
(from the Big Bible Poster
Pack) / Cut along the dotted
line on the David and
Absalom figures. Tape
each puppet around an
upside-down plastic

Lesson 4 / 37

►Bible Point

God says don’t be selfish.

Key Verse

God is our help (adapted from Psalm 46:1).

Weaving Faith Into Life

Children will be kind and generous instead of selfish.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6Lesson 4Fall Quarter


Into Life
about 20 min.
(Choose 2 centers.) / Center 1: Here Is
Listen to a rhyme about
David’s sharing and
Absalom’s selfishness. / My Bible Playground,
crayons, CD player
Teacher Pack: CD / Remove the Lesson 4
pages from each My Bible
Playground student book.
Center 2: Sharing Snack
Share a snack with
friends. / 1 plastic spoon and 1
resealable plastic bag
per child, toasted oat
cereal, raisins, fish-
shaped crackers, 1
bowl per 3 children,
antibacterial gel
(optional) / For each group of 3
children, fill 3 resealable
plastic bags: one with
toasted oat cereal, one with
raisins, and one with fish-
shaped crackers.
Center 3: One for You,
One for Me
Play a game to share
notes with one another. / sticky notes
Center 4: Kindness
Make a scope to spot
ways they can be kind
every day. / 1 sheet of colored paper
per 2 children, scissors,
markers or crayons,
tape / Cut colored paper in half to
make sheets that measure
about 10 min. / Be a FaithWeaver
Choose a Daily Challenge
to apply God’s Word. / My Bible Playground
“Help Me Be Kind”
Tell the name of a person
they want to be kind to
this week.
Weaving Faith at Home
Talk about how to share
what they learned with
their families.

Fall QuarterLesson 4Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


Absalom Rebels and Is Defeated

2 Samuel 15:1-12; 17:1-12; 18:1-18



A note about this lesson: You might be surprised that you’vebeen asked to teach this Bible passage to children this age. Rest assured that for this age level, we’ve chosen to focus on how our selflessness honors God. Help kids understand that God wants us to share.

David’s Family Turmoil

It’s important to know about certain events in the lives of David’s other children in order to understand the context in which today’s events took place. Amnon, one of David’s sons, was attracted to Tamar, a daughter of David and half-sister to Amnon, and he raped her then turned against her. Absalom, Tamar’s brother and another of David’s sons, took her in. Two years later, Absalom had Amnon murdered and then fled from David and Israel. David mourned for Amnon and wished to be reunited with Absalom (2 Samuel 13:37-39).

David Restores Absalom

After Absalom had been gone three years, Joab, David’s trusted general, had seen enough of David’s pain. He enlisted a “wise woman” to confront David and convince him to allow Absalom to return to Israel. David agreed, but apparently he was hesitant to fully forgive and restore Absalom, because he refused to see him after his return. It took setting Joab’s field on fire two years later for Absalom to finally get the king’s attention and be allowed to visit his father. Absalom bowed to the ground before David, and David kissed him, offering forgiveness.

Absalom’s Revolt

After that meeting, Absalom put a subversive plan into action. He would meet people coming into Jerusalem, criticize his father’s system of administering justice, and promise a better one if he were made king. He treated the people as equals, not as if they were below him, as indicated in his response to those who bowed before him (2 Samuel 15:5-6). In this way, he won over large numbers of people.

Finally, Absalom decided to revolt openly, and he chose Hebron for his headquarters. David had been proclaimed king in Hebron, and Absalom had been born there; it was a significant place of worship; it was the city David had abandoned when he moved his capital to Jerusalem. Absalom must have counted all these factors in his favor.

Absalom Is Defeated

David must have realized that Absalom had gained quite a following, because when he heard of the revolt, he insisted on fleeing Jerusalem for safety. After receiving conflicting advice, Absalom decided not to attack David right away. The delay allowed David time to muster an army (2 Samuel 18:1).

In the ensuing battle, 20,000 died. In the end, Absalom was killed by Joab, and David again wept over the death of a son. Self-centered attitudes and actions had taken the life of yet another of the king’s sons.

The Jesus Connection

Jesus’ selfless life made a world of difference for us. How can we keep our attitude Christ-centered? By looking at him, all the time.

How does a self-centered attitude affect relation-ships?

How could following Jesus’ selfless example improve those relationships?

Thank God for sending Jesus, who leads us on to better relationships by showing us how to treat others with selfless love—the way he treats us. You can write your prayer here.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6Lesson 4Fall Quarter


Welcoming Song


signal CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “When I Go to Church” (track 3)

Helping Each Other





Welcoming Song

Tip Consistently use the same signal to announce a transition to the

next activity. You could flip the lights off and on, use a train whistle, have a puppet rustling inside a bag, or sing cleanup songs. Keep it simple, consistent, and fun.

What You’ll Do

As the children arrive, greet each one with a smile. When it’s time to begin, use your signal to gather the children together in a circle. Stand in the center of the circle with the children gathered around you holding hands.

Have the children walk around in a circle and sing “When I Go to Church” (track 3 on the CD) to the tune of “Do Your Ears Hang Low?”

When I go to church, I see all my special friends. Where I learn about God’s love, and how it never, ever ends. And I learn about how Jesus came to die for all my sins. When I go to church.

(Repeat 2x.)

Say: I’m so glad you’re here at church. We have a lot of wonderful things to learn and do today.



Helping Each Other

What You’ll Do

Have the children form a circle and sit down. Open your Bible to Psalm 46:1, and show the children the words.

Say: Our Key Verse from the Bible says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This means that God helps us. Lead the children in repeating the Key Verse with you: God is our help (Psalm 46:1).

Fall QuarterLesson 4Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


Talk With Kids


  • Tell about a time you helped someone.
  • Tell about a time someone helped you.

Say: Today we’ll hear about someone in the Bible who was selfish and greedy. ►GOD SAYS DON’T BE SELFISH, but be kind and help others. Let’s say our KeyVerse again. Lead the children in repeating the Key Verse with you: God is our help (Psalm 46:1).



Theo’s News

What You’ll Do

Say: Friends, it’s time for Theo’s News!

Have the children sit in a circle, and then play “Here, Theo” (track 2 on the CD). When the CD segment ends, bring out the Surprise Box, and put Theophilus the FaithRetriever puppet on your hand. Then follow along with the script.

Theo: Hi, everybody!

Teacher: Hello, Theo! Tell us what interesting news you’ve dug up about the Bible today. Theo: I hid it in the Surprise Box.

Teacher: Let’s look inside to see what Theo dug up for us today.

(Choose a child to open the Surprise Box, and have the kids pass the bag of crackers around the circle so everyone can see it up close. Give the children time to guess what they’ll learn about in the Bible today.)

Teacher: Theo, why did you hide the crackers in the Surprise Box? Theo: I wanted to share them with everyone here.

Teacher: That’s nice of you, Theo! Friends, what if I kept all the crackers to myself and didn’t share them with you? Do you think I would be a kind person?

(Pause for kids to answer your question.)

Teacher: When we share what we have, we show kindness.

(Give a few crackers to each child.)

Teacher: But when we want everything for ourselves, we’re being selfish. And ►GOD SAYS DON’T BE SELFISH—be kind and generous instead. Let’s listen to the Bible to find out what happens to a selfish man named Absalom.

Theo: Have fun, boys and girls! Teacher: Say goodbye to Theo.

Encourage the children to wave or say goodbye to Theo. Then put Theo away in a safe place for next week’s use.

Theo’s News


Surprise Box (any box will do)

Theo puppet resealable bag of snack

crackers CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “Here, Theo” (track 2)

Theo’s News

Easy Prep

Put the bag of crackers inside the Surprise Box, and hide the box where it’s easily accessible.


Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6Lesson 4Fall Quarter


Bible Time: David and



Bible tape scissors markers

2 plastic glasses

Teacher Pack

David and Absalom puppets

“Absalom Rebels”

poster (from the Big Bible Poster Pack)

Bible Time: David and


Easy Prep

Cut along the dotted line on the David and Absalom figures. Tape each figure around an upside-down plastic glass to create a puppet.

Bible Time: David and Absalom

What You’ll Do

Open your Bible to 2 Samuel, and show the children the words.

Say: Let’s meet two people from the Bible. Hold up the two puppets as you talk about them. King David was a good and kind king who loved God. Absalom was very selfish and wanted everything for himself. He didn’t want to share with others.

Move the puppets as you speak. Speak in a gruff and unkind manner when speaking for Absalom and in a kindly manner when speaking for David.

Narrator: One day, Absalom came up with a plan to try to take away his father’s kingdom. Let’s listen to him talk.

Absalom: I’m Absalom. I’m more handsome than anyone I know. I should be the king. I want all of my father’s land, food, money, and animals. I’m going to take away my father’s kingdom, even if I have to fight him myself.

Narrator: Well, King David heard that his son wanted to be king. Because King David was a kind king, he was worried about what would happen to the people.

David: I’m sad that my son wants to take something that doesn’t belong to him. I don’t want Absalom to hurt my people and his army. I will leave so he won’t hurt my people. Narrator: It made God happy that King David was willing to put others first. So God protected King David and his army when Absalom started a fight with his father’s army. Absalom lost the battle and did not get what he wanted.

Put away the puppets.

Talk With Kids


  • What do you think about what Absalom did?
  • What do you think about what David did?

Bring out the “Absalom Rebels” poster, and set it on the floor. Have the kids sit in a circle around the poster. Direct the children to use the markers to each draw a picture of something they can share in the hands of or around David’s men. Make sure every child has an opportunity to draw a picture.

Say: David and his men were kind, and they shared with other people. But Absalom was selfish. When we’re selfish and keep wanting more and more things, we become unhappy, just as Absalom did. ►GOD SAYS DON’T BE SELFISH. God wants us to be kind and generous, just like David.

Fall QuarterLesson 4Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6



Choose at least two of the learning centers to help reinforce today’s Bible lesson. Gather the needed materials, and put the supplies in an out-of-sight area until you’re ready for them. Allow the children to choose which center they’d like to explore first. Then circulate among the children as they create and explore. Encourage them to make connections between their activities and the Bible by asking them the questions included with each description.


Here Is Absalom

What You’ll Do

Distribute the My Bible Playground pages, and have kids write their names on their papers.

Give each child a handful of crayons, and instruct the children to place some crayons in Absalom’s hands and some in King David’s hands on the pages.

Practice the rhyme below with the children before beginning “Here Is Absalom” (track 14 on the CD).

Begin the CD and have the children follow along.

Here is Absalom. (point to the picture of Absalom)

He’s a selfish man. (place a hand over the crayons and say “mine!”)

He wanted to be king, but that wasn’t God’s plan. (shake index finger from left toright)

God protected David because God made him king.

David had a kind heart, and he shared everything. (give some of David’s crayons toothers in the picture)

Talk With Kids


  • Tell about a time someone was selfish and didn’t share with you.

Say: We get sad when people are selfish and don’t share with us. David was very sad that his son Absalom became a selfish man. God is sad when we’re selfish.



Center 1: Here Is



My Bible Playground crayons

CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “Here Is Absalom” (track 14)

Center 1: Here Is


Easy Prep

Remove the Lesson 4 pages from each My Bible Playground student book.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6Lesson 4Fall Quarter


Center 2: Sharing

Snack Mix


1 plastic spoon and 1 resealable plastic bag per child

toasted oat cereal raisins

fish-shaped crackers 1 bowl per 3 children antibacterial gel



Center 2: Sharing

Snack Mix

Easy Prep

For each group of 3 children, fill 3 resealable plastic bags: one with toasted oat cereal,

one with raisins, and one with fish-shaped crackers.

Center 3: One for You,

One for Me


sticky notes


Sharing Snack Mix

What You’ll Do

Have the children wash their hands (or use antibacterial gel). Then have children form groups of three, and give each child in the group a bag with a different snack.

Say: Let’s have each group combine your snacks and make a tasty Sharing Snack Mix.

Give each group a small bowl, and let children pour their snacks into the bowl. Then have the children refill their bags with the snack mix and enjoy the tasty treat.

Talk With Kids


  • How is your snack better since you shared?
  • Why is it better when friends share with one another?

Say: Sometimes it’s hard not to be selfish. But we can ask God to help us be kind and not selfish. ►GOD SAYS DON’T BE SELFISH, but be kind and generous instead.


One for You, One for Me

What You’ll Do

Give children each three sticky notes and have them stick the notes to their shirt or dress.

Say: We’re going to play a game where you share your sticky notes. Try to put your notes on someone else—one note at a time. If someone puts a note on you, share it with someone else. When I call time, we’ll see who shared the most notes.

Call time after two minutes. Have kids count their notes to see who has the fewest.

Talk With Kids


  • What was hard about this game?
  • What’s hard about not being selfish?
  • What can you do this week to share with others?

Say: Sometimes it’s hard to share, but God can help us share because ►GOD SAYS DON’T BE SELFISH. This week, ask God to help you not be selfish.