Pine Straw / $2.00 / 16 / 90 / 15 / $180.00
Plastic Netting / $3.25 / 36 / 95 / 17 / $150.00
Cotton Cloth / $2.75 / 20 / 82 / 20 / $105.00
Compost / $1.00 / 10 / 87 / 15 / $100.00
Gravel / $3.25 / 24 / 92 / 16 / $250.00
GeoBarrier / $4.00 / 120 / 98 / 60 / $0.00
Logs / $2.75 / 60 / 96 / 50 / $700.00
Pine Straw: Good soil cover; does not affect health of the soil; does allow some water through; most effective when used for small to medium slopes; much available from local farmer.
Plastic Netting: Excellent soil cover; does not affect the health of the soil; does allow some water through; most effective when used for small slopes; sun exposure can limit the durability.
Cotton Cloth: Good soil cover; does not affect the health of the soil; does allow some water through but filters some pollutants; most effective when used for medium to large slopes; weeds do not grow through the material.
Compost: Good soil cover; improves soil health; allows a lot of water through; cannot be used for steep slopes; must be replenished often but residents can donate compost from their homes (food scraps and lawn trimmings).
Gravel: Good soil covers; does not affect the health of the soil; does allow some water through; most effective when used with flat land or very small slopes; can be purchased from local gravel pit.
GeoBarrier: Excellent soil cover; does not affect the health of the soil; water does not flow through; effective for flat and sloped land; looks unnatural unless covered with sod (strips of soil and grass); maker provides free installation.
Logs: Good soil cover; improves the health of the soil; some water flows through; effective for flat and sloped land; looks pleasing.
Cost per foot: Price of the material per linear foot
Durability: How many months does the material last before replacement is needed.
Effectiveness: Percent of erosion that is stopped
Installation time: How long in minutes does it take to install 100 yards of material
Installation Equipment: One time cost for special installation equipment