Pre-Orientation Assignment: Take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Students who have taken the MBTI greatly appreciate the reflections that this instrument affords, and we will be using this information for an activity during orientation. The following is a summary of considerationsBEFORE you take the assessment:

  • The MBTI is an instrument (not assessment) that is used to help you learn more about your personality and preferences.
  • This will help you when it comes to your career as well as working well with others.
  • When you take this assessment, please DO NOT think of work, being a student, or any other role but rather your natural preferences.
  • Answer every question that you are asked, and choose the response that reflects the natural way you would respond or think.
  • DO NOT select answers based on what you perceive would be the desirable response, as no such thing exists for this instrument. Again, the goal is to determine your natural preferences.


  • Complete the instrument byWednesday, July 20th
  • Once you have taken the instrument, you are finished with this pre-work requirement.
  • To learn more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, please visit:

Instructions for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  1. Open the following website: at:
  1. Enter the following information on the home screen:
  2. “Login” (Case Sensitive): DukePMP
  3. “Password” (Case Sensitive): MBTI2016
  4. “User ID” (Leave blank)
  1. Select “Log In”
  1. Select “Begin” next to MBTI Step 1 (Form M)
  1. On the next page, select “MEMP MBTI” or “MEng MBTI” from the pull-down menu for “Batch Name” depending on the program you are joining
  1. Complete the rest of the background information on this page, then select “Continue”
  1. Follow the instructions for completing the MBTI®. Remember: When completing the instrument, choose the response that comes naturally to you and is your first inclination.

®Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI are registered trademarks of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.