English Language Learners (ELL)
Ms. Madrigal
Room 171
This is a class designed to help facilitate your learning of the English language. You already have a depth of knowledge in your first language, and I will help you transfer that knowledge into English. Obviously I cannot do this without your help. You are expected to participate in learning activities, ask questions, complete assignments, and practice your English. You are a young adult and I expect you to be respectful and take responsibility for your learning. This is an ENGLISH class and I expect you to practice ENGLISH. You already know your native language, now it is time to practice ENGLISH. As soon as you walk through the door of room 171, I expect you to speak in English. This is a safe environment to practice English. No one will make fun of you, no one will laugh at your accent, no one is going to make you feel bad about your mistakes. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to learn English, the most powerful language in the world, and take your education seriously.
Your grades will be weighted according to the learning activities for each class. There are four types of grades will you receive in this class. They are as follows:
- Classwork: 35%
- Homework: 30%
- Tests/Quizzes: 20%
- Bellwork: 15%
If you are not satisfied with your grade at any time, you should talk to me individually and we can work together to come up with a plan regarding how you can improve your grade. It is also EXTREMELY important that you come to class every day and are not tardy. This interrupts learning and effects your grade.
The attendance policy is outlined in your student planner. If you are going to be absent from school, your parents must call the attendance hotline at 913-993-6945. If your parents do not speak English, they can either write a note and we can translate it, or they can call me in the morning at 913-993-7151.
If you have nine (9) absences from any class for any reason you can LOOSE CREDIT for the class. It is extremely important that you come to school every day. Also, you do not have to be gone the entire day if you have an appointment. For example, if you have a doctor’s appointment at 1:00 pm, you can come to school in the morning and leave at 12:30. There is no need to be gone the entire day for an hour appointment.
It is also very important that you are not late to class. Your first tardy is a warning. The second tardy is a detention. Your third tardy is a detention and I call your parents. The fourth tardy is sent to the office on a referral. Also, if you are habitually tardy, you will miss bellwork, and as you can see in the “Grading” section, that is 15% of your grade.
As stated earlier, you is your responsibility for your learning. You can show your teacher you are serious about your education by doing your homework and studying. It is very obvious to me who studies and who does not. You WILL have homework every week and I expect you to complete it to the best of your ability and turn it in on time. If there is something that you do not understand, talk to me BEFORE the assignment is due. DO NOT tell me you did not understand when I am standing in front of class asking everyone to turn in their homework. This shows irresponsibility and lack of time management. You can talk to me before or after school or you can talk to Ms. Kudera, my ELL aide. She can help you with any questions you may have. Please study and be responsible.
Getting Involved
There are various sports and clubs you can get involved in here at North. Please let us know (Ms. Kudera knows EVERYTHING about North and can help you the most) and we will help you find something that you’re interested in and help you get the proper paperwork and information you need to get involved. This is not only fun for you, but it helps you in your grades, gives you opportunities to practice your English, and helps you make new friends.
Your first homework assignment: Find an American boyfriend/girlfriend.