Christian Discipleship

Study guide for test on Wednesday, December 18

Faithful Citizenship

·  Review Catholic Update on Faithful Citizenship

·  Review worksheet that accompanied the Update on Faithful Citizenship

·  Review your quiz

·  Pay particular attention to

o  The role of the hierarchy in politics—what should it do and what it should not do

o  Define: well-formed conscience

o  Explain the steps of legitimate dissent

§  Respect

§  Research

§  Responsibility

o  Why must Catholics play a role in politics and public life?

o  How does a consistent ethic of life impact our role in politics?

The Causes of Violence

·  Review pages152-157 in your packets

·  Be able to discuss the root causes of violence

·  Be able to apply these root causes to your own lives and the lives of people in our communities

·  Know the five steps that were discussed in class regarding the spiral of violence

·  Be able to demonstrate your understanding of the spiral of violence

War and Legitimate Self-Defense

·  Review pages 157-162 in your packets

·  Review your worksheet and quiz on this material

·  Pay particular attention to

o  Why starting a war is an immoral act

o  What is the human cost of war?

o  Define: Legitimate defense

o  Define Conscientious Objector

·  Review the Catholic Update on Just War

·  Review your worksheet and quiz on this material

·  Pay particular attention to

o  Jus ad bellum

o  Jus in bello

o  Jus post bellum

§  Be able to name the conditions that must be met in all areas to wage a “just war”

·  What have the bishops contributed to this discussion?

Arms Race and Arms Trade

·  Review pages 161 to 165 in your packets

·  Define Arms Race. Why is this an issue? What are the dangers of WMD?

·  Define Arms Trade. How does this add to the violence in any given country?

·  What is the Church’s response to these issues?

Waging Peace & Nonviolent Resistance

·  Review pages 170-174 in your packets

·  Review your worksheets and quiz on these pages

·  Pay particular attention to:

o  3 principles for waging peace

§  Discuss the principle of shalom

o  5 strategies for waging peace/name and explain

·  Define Nonviolent Resistance

·  How nonviolent resistance stop the spiral of violence

·  Explain how legitimate defense and complete commitment to nonviolence have complementary roles.

·  How can you wage peace in your world?


·  Review your handout.

·  Pay particular attention to

o  The conversion of Romero from doctrinal conservative to activist.

o  What was the role of the Second Vatican Council?

o  What was the reality Romero experienced as he visited the people in his diocese?

o  What human rights violations did Romero see on his travels?

o  Who are the campesinos?

o  What two directions did people take to bring about change in El Salvador?

o  What is a base ecclesial community? What did they do?

o  Why did the “Fourteen Families” oppose these base ecclesial communities?

o  Why was the oligarchy pleased with the appointment of Romero as Archbishop?

o  Who is Fr. Grande? How did he affect Romeo?

o  What was the role of the US throughout this period?

o  Where and why was Romero assassinated?

o  Be able to trace the political situation in El Salvador

§  Explain the involvement of the US and the Soviet Union

o  What was the role of the Catholic Church in El Salvador?