Change of Setting Form
Section A – Placement Agreement and Objectives
1.Candidate Information
Name:Membership Number:
Updated E-mail address:
Updated Telephone numbers: / Work:
2.Placement Host information
Line manager
E-mail address:
Telephone numbers: / Work
Candidate’s primary contact person at the placement (if different)[1]. Please give brief information about qualifications and professional registrations relevant to the learning objectives for the placement.
E-mail address:
Telephone numbers: / Work:
3.Co-ordinating Supervisor information
BPS membership Number
HPC Registration Number
E-mail address:
Telephone numbers: / Work:
Is the co-ordinating supervisor external to the placement host?
If this is a new Co-ordinating Supervisor has the request for approval form been completed and forwarded to the Society?
[NB all Co-ordinating Supervisor appointments are subject to the approval of the Chief Supervisor/Registrar]
4.Designated Supervisorinformation (to be completed only if anDesignated Supervisor is to be appointed)
Registration or Accreditation status (organisation and number)
Please give brief information about the suitability of the Designated Supervisor in relation the learning objectives for the placement
E-mail address:
Telephone numbers: / Work:
Is the Designated Supervisor external to the placement host?
5.Placement Agreement - Responsibilities of each party
The Co-ordinating Supervisor will: / Detailsor initial to confirm-Ensure they are included on the Society’s Supervisor register
-Undertake the required introductory and refresher training specified in the Supervisor Handbook
-Review the placement host’s risk assessment and discuss any issues arising with the placement host.
-Conduct the placement audit which forms part of this enrolment form
-Provide regular supervision to the candidate and document as required by the Qualification Handbook, including quarterly reviews
-Sign the candidate’s portfolio of competence entries and other documentation as appropriate
-Agree a supervision contract with the candidate and abide by it’s terms
-Abide by the role description for the Co-ordinating Supervisor provided in the Supervisor Handbook
The Placement Host will: / Details or checked/ agreed by Co-ordinating Supervisor
-Conduct a risk assessment to assure a safe placement setting. This must be attached to this form. Any issues which need to be addressed should be noted, with an explanation of the resolution, and included in the risk assessment submitted to the Society
-Provide an induction, including Health and Safety policies and regulations relevant to the placement
-Provide an honorary contract (if the trainee is not an employee)
-Identify a contact person within the placement host organisation (if the supervisor is external to the organisation) with whom the candidate can discuss any practice issues.
-Provide an appropriate work setting including appropriate facilities to conduct client work.
-Abide by the Disability Discrimination Act with regard to any reasonable adjustments which may be required.
-Keep in mind the learning objectives of the candidate when assigning work wherever possible
-Sign the Quarterly Supervisory Meeting Report form
The Designated Supervisor will: / Detailsor initial to confirm
-Maintain communication with the Co-ordinating Supervisor as appropriate
-Agree the arrangements for supervision with the candidate and ensure these are reflected in the contract (if one is used).
-Witness the candidates demonstration of competence in the Portfolio of Competence
The candidate will: / Detailsor initial to confirm
-Provide the placement host with a Candidate Handbook and other relevant documentation
-Agree beginning and ending dates for the placement
-If an external supervisor is to be used provide the placement host with the supervisor’s name, registration status and contact details.
-Abide by the Health and Safety Regulations of the placement and organisational policies
-Attend supervision meetings agreed with the Co-ordinating Supervisor and/ or the Designated Supervisor and prepare for these appropriately
6.Placement Objectives
Please tick the competences it is intended to address in this postGeneric Skills
- Questionnaire or Survey Design
- Presentation Skills
- Interviewing
- Statistical Skills or Qualitative Analyses
- Report Writing
- Evaluation Techniques
Process Skills
- Gathering Information
- Evaluating the Information
- Testing or Analysing the Information
- Applying the Information
Consultancy Skills
- Establishing Agreements with Customer
- Implementing and Reviewing Solutions
- Identifying Needs and Problems
- Evaluating Outcomes
- Analysing Needs and Problems
- Reporting and Reflecting on Outcomes
- Formulating Solutions
- Reflections
Key Role Competences
Key Role 1:Develop, implement and maintain personal and professional standards and ethical practice
1.1Establish, maintain and develop systems for legal, ethical and professional standards in occupational psychology
1.2Comply with legal, ethical and professional standards in occupational psychology
1.3Contribute to the continuing development of oneself as a professional occupational psychologist
1.4Respond to unpredictable contexts and events professionally and ethically
1.5Formulate developments in legal, ethical and professional standards in occupationalpsychology
Key Role 2:Apply psychological and related methods, concepts, models, theories and knowledge derived from reproducible findings
2.1 Establish requirements for and benefits of Occupational Psychology
2.2Plan applications of occupational psychology
2.3 Establish, develop and maintain working relationships with clients
2.4 Conduct applications of Occupational Psychology
2.5 Direct the implementation of applications of Occupational Psychology
2.6 Monitor the implementation of the applications of Occupational Psychology
2.7 Evaluate the impact of the applications of Occupational Psychology
Key Role 3:Research and develop new and existing psychological methods, concepts, models, theories and instruments in occupational psychology
3.1 Design psychological research activities
3.2Conduct psychological research activities
3.3 Analyse and evaluate psychological research data
3.4 Initiate and develop psychological research and knowledge
3.5 Produce and evaluate original psychological research and knowledge
3.6Conduct systematic review
Key Role 4:Communicate psychological knowledge, principles, methods, needs and policy requirements
4.1Promote psychological principles, practices, services and benefits
4.2 Provide psychological advice and guidance to others and facilitate the use of psychological services
4.3Provide psychological advice to aid policy decision making
4.4Communicate the processes and outcomes of psychological and other applications and developments
4.5 Disseminate psychological knowledge to address current issues in society
4.6Prepare and present evidence in formal settings
4.7 Provide expert psychological opinion to informal information requests.
4.8Provide feedback to clients
Please specify any additional learning objectives for the placement. This could include generic or specific Occupational psychology objectives.
Section B – Audit to be completed for work based learning setting
- Placement Approval
Score / 1st annual review / 2nd annual review / 3rd annual review
1.1 / Will the placement contribute to the candidate’s overall supervised experience by providing experience which meets the candidate’s needs in terms of competences?
1.2 / In the signature section of the enrolment form is the placement host represented by somebody other than the Co-ordinating Supervisor?
1.3 / Has a risk assessment been undertaken?
1.4 / Does the placement provider have induction materials and an induction process?
Score / 1st annual review / 2nd annual review / 3rd annual review
1.5 / Do the induction materials and induction include
- Health and safety policies
- Practical information about the site (fire escapes, toilets, lunch facilities etc)
- Grievance and disciplinary policies
- Workplace policies
1.6 / Does the placement provider have an Equality and Diversity policy and monitor its implementation?
- Placement objectives
Score / 1st annual review / 2nd annual review / 3rd annual review
2.1 / The placement objectives are specified in the Enrolment Form. Isa copy available to the candidate, Designated Supervisor, placement provider and Co-ordinating Supervisor?
2.2 / Is there an agreed strategy in place to change these if the nature of the work changes?
2.3 / Are both Occupational psychology and generic or transferable skills included in the objectives?
2.4 / Is there an opportunity for the candidate to add their own learning objectives to those specified?
- Placement Assessment
Score / 1st annual review / 2nd annual review / 3rd annual review
3.1 / Quarterly objectives will be set and assessed as part of the Quarterly review Has an assessment strategy been agreed?
3.2 / Has the assessment strategy been discussed with the candidate?
3.3 / Has the assessment strategy been discussed with the placement provider?
3.4 / Will the placement provider be able to contribute to the assessment?
3.5 / Has the assessment strategy been written down in a document available to the candidate, key role supervisor, placement provider and Co-ordinating Supervisor?
- Placement support
Score / 1st annual review / 2nd annual review / 3rd annual review
4.1 / If an Designated Supervisor is to be used are they appropriately qualified and experienced, including in the modalities and models to be practiced?
4.2 / Are there regular supervision sessions agreed in advance?
4.3 / Is the candidate able to contact the key role supervisor between supervision sessions?
4.4 / Is the candidate able to contact the Co-ordinating Supervisor?
4.5 / Is the Designated Supervisor able to contact the Coordinating Supervisor?
4.6 / If the Designated Supervisor is off site, is there a named person on site who the candidate can approach for support?
4.7 / Does the placement provider employ other appropriately qualified staff who can provide day to day support?
4.8 / Will the candidate be working in a multi-disciplinary team?
4.9 / Is the line manager a separate person from the Designated Supervisor? (NB: a separate supervisor and line manager is desirable)
4.10 / Is the line manager aware of the candidate’s status as a trainee?
4.11 / Have arrangements for study time and supervision time been agreed with the line manager?
4.12 / Has the line manager agreed to the candidate discussing confidential cases with the supervisor within confidential supervision sessions?
4.13 / If the Co-ordinating Supervisor is external will they be able to visit the site during the placement?
4.14 / Have the Co-ordinating Supervisor and Designated Supervisor (if one is to be used) agreed a process to monitor and record progress on placement?
Action plan
Audit question scoring 2 or less / How can the score be improved? / Who will need to help with this and what resources will be needed? / Date at which action reviewed / Date at which CoS confirms action completedSection C – Risk Assessment
Yes/No / Any action required?Who by and when?
Has a copy of the following policies been provided:
- Written health and safety policy
- Health and safety training for employees
- Registration with the Health and Safety Executive (or equivalent)
- Violence and Aggression
- Lone working policy
- Infection control (where applicable)
- Procedure for reporting and recording accidents and incidents in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
- Procedure to be followed in the event of serious and imminent danger
- Process for reporting health and safety concerns
Have you carried out a risk assessment of your work practices to identify possible risks to your employees and others within your organisation?
Are risk assessments kept under regular review?
Are the results of risk assessment implemented?
Work factors / Yes/ No
(If yes specify) / Risk assessment: High/ Medium/ Low[2] / Is there a policy, practice or procedure to control or minimise risk?
(attach policy where appropriate)
Are there any work hazards which have the potential to cause serious injury, ill health or fatalities?
Will the candidate be working with known high risk groups (for example, people with drug abuse problems or violent offenders)?
Will the candidate be working alone?
Are there any other risks specific to your organisation?
Travel and transportation factors / Yes/ No / Risk assessment: High/ Medium/Low[3] / Is there a policy, practice or procedure to control or minimise risk?
(attach policy where appropriate)
Is there any travel associated with the role? (for example, driving between sites)
If the candidate is using a company/ pool car is appropriate insurance in place?
If the candidate is required to use their own car do they have appropriate insurance in place?
Location and/ or regional factors / Yes/ No
(If yes specify) / Risk assessment: High/ Medium/ Low / Is there a policy, practice or procedure to control or minimise risk?
(attach policy where appropriate)
Are there any risks associated with the location of the placement? (Examples might include a high crime area)
Are there any communication difficulties which might affect the operation of other policies (for example, lack of mobile phone coverage might make it difficult for a candidate to phone for help from a remote area).
General/ environmental health factors / Yes/ No
(If yes specify) / Risk assessment: High/ Medium/Low / Is there a policy, practice or procedure to control or minimise risk?
(attach policy where appropriate)
Are there any particular health precautions required to work on the site/ in the area?
Has the candidate been given information about these precautions?
Will you check precautions have been taken before allowing the placement to commence?
Individual student factors / Yes/ No
(If yes specify) / Risk assessment: High/ Medium/Low / Are you able to make appropriate adjustments to control or minimise the risk?
Does the candidate have personal factors (for example health, disability, linguistic or cultural) which may increase the risk of illness or accident during work related activity?
Does the candidate have the relevant knowledge, understanding and skills for the type of work to be undertaken?
Insurance Factors / Yes/No / Any action required?
Who by and when?
Does the employer or candidate hold the following insurance cover and will the candidate be covered by these policies:
- Public Liability Insurance
- Employers Liability Insurance
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
UCEA Health and Safety Guidance for the placement of Higher Education students, UCEA, 2009
I am requesting the approval of changes and I confirm that:
The facts stated on this form are correctName______Signature ______
I confirm that:
I am willing to act in the capacity of Co-ordinating Supervisor having read both the Regulations for the Society’s Postgraduate Qualifications and the Candidate Handbook for the Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2)I attest to the suitability of the candidate’s employment/placement to provide the experience they will need in order to develop the required competences
I confirm that they are a suitable candidate and they will be able to demonstrate their competence to work at the expected level
Name______Signature ______
I confirm that:
I am willing to act in the capacity of Designated Supervisor having read both the Regulations for the Society’s Postgraduate Qualifications and the Candidate Handbook for the Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2)The facts stated on this form are correct
Name______Signature ______
I confirm that:
The facts stated on this form are correctName______Signature ______
This form should be returned with all sections completed to:
The Registrar/Chief Supervisor for the Occupational Psychology Qualifications Board, The British Psychological Society, St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR.
NOTE: Please check this form and the documentation that you are sending carefully before posting as incomplete forms/information may result in delays in the approval of these changes.
By providing the personal information on this registration form you are agreeing to the Society processing and holding it only for the purposes stated in our Data Protection Act registration. For further information about these purposes and the Act itself please visit the privacy\DPA policy hyperlink at the foot of the Society’s website home page at
[1]If the primary contact person at the placement is the Co-ordinating Supervisor or Additional Supervisor then please just say “Co-ordinating Supervisor” or “Additional Supervisor” and complete the following sections
[2]Where a hazard exists, the risk may be high, medium or low depending on the likelihood of harm occurring. For example, there may be hazardous materials on a site but if the candidate’s role within the organisation does not require them to come into contact with these materials the risk would be low. The practice for minimising the risk might be warning signs on the doors of rooms where the hazardous materials are kept and used and an induction which explains the importance of keeping out of these areas.
[3]The assessment of risk as high, medium or low in this instance may depend on factors such as the nature of the roads, the remoteness of the area or the mode of transport. It may be helpful to specify the nature of the risk as well as the procedure/ practice to minimise its effect.