Mrs. Schulkey's Social Studies Class
Email address:
Phone number: 313-827-4600
There are a few routines we need to get in the habit of in hopes of creating a comfortable and cooperative learning environment for all.
Throughout this course, students will use different spatial scales (local, regional, interregional, and global), to study human patterns and global issues. In doing so, students will deepen their understanding of the disciplines of history, geography, economics and political science.
●Binder with lined paper and 5 tabs/dividers
● Pencil/pen
● Student planner (provided by school)
As in other aspects of life, rules and procedures must be followed in the classroom. Classroom rules and procedures that must become routine are:
●Come prepared to class: bring pencil, Binder, all notes and homework
●The Promethean Board will have your homework posted for the evening. Take time to record this in your planner.
●There will be a class starter at the beginning of each class. Begin working on this as soon as you have completed filling out your planner.
●If you were absent, check the absent binder for information and retrieve all missing hand-outs.
●Homework will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise discussed. If it is turned in later during the class it is considered late.
●Raise your hand if you would like to contribute to discussion.
●Respect the right of other students to learn: Do not discount the questions of others.
●Listen carefully to instructions.
●Be prepared to do your best everyday: come prepared to learn. Always submit your best quality work; illegible work will not be accepted.
●Do your own work: Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Sharing work is a zero for both parties.
●Bathroom time is before class: you will be given 2 passes, each card marking, for emergencies. Use them wisely! No passes in the first or last 10 minutes of class. If you have a medical condition, exceptions can be made.
●Have pencils sharpened before class.
●I will dismiss you from class - not the clock or bell. Please remain in your seat until you are asked to stand and push-in your chair. I will dismiss you based on how you look (is your desk area cleaned up?) and how you sound (are you being quiet?).
●Keep your hands off of anything that does not belong to you; the property of others, anything on my desk, on tables, in cabinets, etc.
●Be kind to each other
●Be respectful of your classmates at all times; the only way to gain respect is to give it first.
●Please put non-trash papers in the recycle box in the back of the room!