PERFORMANCE / CUB / NEWBIE / DESIGNER / AWARD-WINNING / Points EarnedDoes Not Meet Most Expectations / Meets Some Expectations / Adequately Meets Expectations / Exceeds Expectation
The Basics:
- Nameplate with season or date
- A table of contents
- At least six stories
- Headlines and bylines for all stories
- Graphic (lines) to separate stories
- At least one photo/graphic per page
- Caption and photo credit for each photo
- At least one pull quote or subhead
- Page numbers
Typography/Text Layout:
The font types used should be representative of the message and appealing to the target audience. Text should be visually easy to read. Attention paid to widows, orphans, and tombstoning. / The typography choices were weak, used inconsistently, and/or without attention to visual hierarchy. Need to completely re-do the typography.0-5 / May have too many font styles, types, and sizes making the message difficult to read quickly. The visual hierarchy of the text is unclear or needs some work. Typography may not have been used consistently. 6-10 / The typography was well done and makes the message easy to read. There is a clear visual hierarchy, and typography was used CONSISTENTLY (sizes, color, type, style, etc.) throughout the piece. Also, there aren’t too many font styles, types or sizes that would blur the meaning. 11-15 / In addition, every typography choice is highly appealing, representative of the message/target audience, and executed well in all aspects we covered in class and in the textbook. 16-20
The degree to which the writer creates effective and correct sentences, captions, and headlines. / Incorrect writing
structure or ineffective; may have many errors that prevent communication
of ideas. 0–3 / Some technical
errors do not interfere
with meaning. Major or frequent style errors.
4–6 / Writing is effective, correct and varied; have few errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or AP style. 7-10 / Writing has strong verbs and is lively and engaging. Few to no writing errors. 11-15
Graphics and Photos:
These need to be clearly representative of your message and design theme. They also need to obviously look like they “go together” well –so be careful combining different graphics and/or photos. They also need to be print quality with no evidence of compression or re-sizing disproportionately / Photos are not print quality and do not have the elements of a good photo.Images are out of proportion and look unnatural.Too many or too few used.None of them “go together”
Needs a lot of work
0–10 / Most images are print quality; no evidence of compression.
Image proportion is OK.
May be difficult to see what is going on in some photos or graphics. May need to change/delete 1 or 2 to improve.
11-18 / All of the images used clearly “go together.” You put a lot of thought and consideration into choosing, editing, and placing the images in a way that maximizes effectiveness.All images are print quality; no evidence of compression.Proportion is OK. 19-24 / In addition, they look professional, demonstrate a clear theme between them, and enhance the readers’ understanding of the message. 25-30
Overall Design Principles
Incorporate design principles (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, white space). / No to little attention in the use of design principles. Lack of consistency. 0-10 / Some use of design principles, but needs work. 11-18 / Very good use of design principles. 19-24 / Excellent use of design principles. 25-30
InDesign Mechanics / Set up the document correctly 0-5
Set up gutters and margins correctly 0-5
Layers were used and have relevant names 0-5