Ilene Abramson, Ph.D.

1127 South Lake Drive, Unit 114 LL: (248) 926-0695

Novi, Michigan 48377-1815 Cell: (248) 974-3023

Email: or Fax: (248) 926-9080


As a Clinical Educator, specialize in Public Health/Sociomedicine and am an experienced Consultant, Instructor, and Academic Writer/Reviewer. Specifics listed below.


· INVITED SPEAKER, Nutrition and Management of Disease, 5th Annual World Congress of Food and Nutrition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Presented When Food is the Weapon of Choice: The Triadic Relationship among Emotional Eating, Malnutrition, and Intimate Partner Violence. Also CO-CHAIR, Conference Symposium 504, Clinical Nutrition Therapy and Nutrition Application in Disease Management. (November 2016)

· INVITED SPEAKER, Clinical Nutrition and Management of Other Diseases 1st Annual World Congress of Nutrition and Health, Dalian, China. Discussed Psychosocial Components of the Childhood Obesity - School Bullying Link: Nature, Scope, and Implications for Global Public Health. (October 2013)

· CONSULTANT, Manila Consulting Group. In collaboration with other specialists, conducted technical review services. Documents for assessment provided by the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2013-2014)

· CO-INVESTIGATOR, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Group Project Fund Grant. Surveyed prevalence and characteristics of existing early intern clinical skills assessment programs at US Family Medicine Residency Programs. Topics included Preparation of Clinicians-in-Training in Patient "Life" Topics, Faculty Development and Underachievement in Medical Schools. Responsibilities: Collaborated in survey instrument design and interpretation of results. Participated in presentation at the STFM Annual Spring Conference in 2012 and in writing peer-reviewed manuscript for publication in Family Medicine. (2011-2012)

· PRESENTER, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Learning Institute Seminar Series. Selected by the HRSA Public Health Committee to deliver lecture, The Triadic Relationship among Childhood Obesity-School Bullying, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Low Health Literacy: Ramifications for Clinicians - and Everyone Else. (Abstract accepted 2012)


· LECTURER, Wayne State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Detroit, MI. Teach Introduction to Public Health (PH2100) to enrollees preparing for degrees in Public Health, Medicine, and Social Work. Introduce
fundamentals of Public Health and select topics within the field - health literacy, disordered eating, autism, interpersonal violence, other community “life” issues. (Winter Term 2017)

· LECTURER, Wayne State University English Language Institute, Detroit, MI. Prepare international students for MCAT exam. Evaluate students' readiness to work as Graduate Assistants in Pre-Medical and Engineering Divisions. Also teach Academic English as a Second Language to Enrollees Preparing for Clinical Programs. (2012 - Present)

Ilene Abramson, Ph.D.

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· ABRAMSON, IH (Contributing Author): Cultural Influences on Medication Use Chapter 19, in the textbook Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care, Third Edition; Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Rickles, Wertheimer, Schommer, Editors. Submission covered Public Health topics: Patient Care Across Cultures, Health Disparities, and Social Determinants of Health. (2016)

· ABRAMSON, IH (Guest Columnist): But Names Will Always Hurt Me: School Bullying, Educator-Induced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Implications for Family Medicine. Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (March 2015)

· ABRAMSON, IH (Contributing Author): Exam Master Corporation. Following the National Board of Medical Examiners guidelines, create Questions for Online and/or CD-ROM Testing Software and/or Books, Tutorials, and Similar Publications (2012 to Present)

· ABRAMSON, IH (Contributing Author): An Ounce of Prevention: How Are We Managing the Early Assessment of Residents’ Clinical Skills?: A CERA Study. Brief Report. Vol. 44, No. 10 Family Medicine (Nov - Dec 2012)

· ABRAMSON, IH (Sole Author): Medication Use Among Culturally-Diverse Patients Chapter 20, in the textbook Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care, Second Edition; Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Rickles, Wertheimer, Smith, editors. Submission covered Migrant Health, Cross-Cultural Concepts of Aging, Domestic Violence, Health Disparities, Patient Safety, Health Literacy, the Medically Vulnerable and Cooperation Among Pharmacists and Other Providers. (2009)

· ABRAMSON IH (Sole Author): Communication in the Medical Interview: Issues of Culture, Language, and Respect. In: Research-Based Updates on Medical Interviewing, American Academy on Physician and Patient, Editor, Philadelphia: American Board of Internal Medicine. Introduced strategies for the Practitioner as Public Health Educator working with Undereducated Elderly Patients. (2002)


· REVIEWER, Patient Education and Counseling Submissions, Elsevier Publishing Company, the Netherlands. Received Award, Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing. (2014)

· EVALUATOR, Grant Requests submitted by organizations projecting service expansion for Medically Indigent Populations, Health Resources and Services Administration / Bureau of Primary Health Care. Have examined applicants' needs assessment, budgetary requests, and commitment to improved patient outcomes. Critiqued nearly 30 documents. (2008 to present)

· REVIEWER, MedEdPORTAL Submissions, Association of American Medical Colleges. Received Outstanding Reviewer Distinction. (2012)

· MEMBER, State of Michigan Board of Pharmacy, Department of Community Health Served on Policy Committee. and represented Michigan Board as Item Writer of Cultural Competency questions for Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination, Annual Meeting, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, 2010. (2009-2011)


· Ph.D., Higher Education (minor - Anthropology), Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

· M.Ed., Adult Learning, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

· B.A. (with Distinction), French, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan