Use the following word to complete the sentences.

Impact impactful impaction

Publicizepublic publicitypublicallypublication republic

Epidemic epidemiologyepidemiologist

  1. The ______of the tornado was felt for years after it ravaged the tiny town of Bend, Oregon.
  2. The shy movie star didn’t like the ______that came with being famous.
  3. The government official was ______shamed when news of his affair came out.
  4. The ______at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia said Ebola was being defeated in Africa.
  5. Mass transit can be used by any member of the ______.
  6. In order to ______their new product, the business owners bought a full-page ad in the New York Times.
  7. Experiencing the horrors of war is extremely ______for most everyone who is involved.
  8. The New York Times, a major, daily ______, is said to be the most important newspaper in the country.
  9. ______, or the study of how diseases spread, is crucial in areas where natural disasters are common.
  10. A democracy is always a ______.
  11. The patient suffered from ______of the intestines because he ate only meat and potatoes.
  12. One common scenario for the end of civilization through a deadly ______that spreads rapidly and for which there is no cure.




  1. A ______snowstorm hit Boston last week; it was so big people couldn’t get out of their homes.
  2. Solitary ______is one of the worst punishments given to prisoners. Being held in a small room alone for months can make them go insane.
  3. The stock market ______over 600 points in one day in 2008. This rapid drop in prices started the great economic crash in the U.S.
  4. An earthquake of ______proportions triggered the tsunami in Fukushima Japan that killed thousands.

ConfinementconfinePlummetConsumptionconsume consumer



  1. The most common ______staple in Asia is rice. In the U.S. it is wheat.
  2. In order to be a ______large earthquake, it must measure over 7.5 on the Richter scale.
  3. E= MC2 means energy equals ______times the speed of light squared.
  4. If an ESL student ______himself to his home when he is not in class, it will be more difficult to learn the language.
  5. The U.S. economy is based on the buying power of the American ______. If people don’t buy things, the economy will stall.
  6. My ______consists primarily of fish, vegetables and rice.
  7. If you attack someone with your fists, you can be charged with a minor crime, but if you ______somebody with a weapon it becomes a much more serious crime.
  8. A ______snowstorm hit Boston last week. It caused a huge amount of damage and killed hundreds of people.
  9. The audience was ______impressed by the performance of the actors. The effect was so large that many people cried all the way home.