Park Ridge, Illinois
Regular Meeting
Thursday, April 27, 2006
City Council Chambers
Acting Chairman Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Present Staff
Ann Tennes, Chairman (arrived at 7:55 p.m.) Randall Derifield
Anita Bloom Tom Hoff
Atul Karkhanis Carolyn Lombardo
Alice Borzym-Kuczynski
Kurt Prinz Council
Gary Zimmerman Ald. Joe Baldi
Joe Sweeney
Others Present
Approximately 28 citizens
Acting Chairman Zimmerman advised all citizens present of the expectations regarding the variance requests, that the cases would be constructed as presented. All citizens wishing to testify were sworn in. Mr. Zimmerman advised the Board and the citizens that Chairman Tennes would be attending the meeting and taking the Chair at the time of her arrival.
B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 26, 2006
A. Karhkhanis made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2006, Zoning Board of Appeals meeting and was seconded by K. Prinz. The Board, by voice vote, unanimously approved the minutes.
1. ZONING CASE NUMBER: V-06-04: 805 Sylviawood Avenue
Raysa & Zimmermann are representing owner David Sullivan of 805 Sylviawood Avenue for this Variance. The request is to allow the construction of a new single-family residence on a property with a lot width of forty-six and one half (46.5) feet and an area of six thousand one hundred and six (6,106) square feet. This conflicts with Section 7.02.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park Ridge, which requires a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet at the established building line and because this property is not a lot of record, a lot area of six thousand five hundred (6,500) square feet is required.
The subject property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and is located on the east side of Sylviawood Avenue bordered by Lahon Street to the south and Virginia Avenue to the north. The Appearance Commission approved a new single-family residence for this property in February 2006.
The Variance would allow the construction of a new single-family residence on the property, which has a substandard lot width and area. Since this property is not a lot of record, a one-lot subdivision is required before this lot could be developed. This is an Authorized Variance, meaning the Board has the authority to approve the request.
The following exhibits were entered into the record:
1. Application
2. Proof of Ownership
3. Plat of Survey
4. Site Plan
5. Site Location Map
6. Building Plans
7. List of Neighboring Property Owners
8. Statement in Support for Requested Variance
9. Legal Notice Published in Park Edge Herald-Advocate April 6, 2006
10. Posting of Zoning Hearing Sign
11. Notice of Appearance by City of Park Ridge
Michael Zimmermann stated that the Sullivan’s have decided to demolish their existing home and build a new one. The existing lot is non-conforming with respect to lot width and area. The lot is within a subdivision, which predates the existing Zoning Ordinance. This pre-existing area and width of the property are a substantial hardship not created by the applicant. The existing house is obsolete. The granting of the Variances will allow the construction and the elimination of an obsolete structure. Since this Variance request is simply an acknowledgement of an existing condition in this neighborhood and the new home will improve the appearance and value of the property, the Variance will not alter the character or adversely impact the surrounding properties.
The Board confirmed with the applicant that the proposed improvements would comply with all other zoning requirements and there is no easement at the rear of property for the garage, the minimum requirement would be three feet from the lot line.
No citizens addressed the Board regarding this case.
The Board noted that this property was platted before the existing Zoning Ordinance was enacted and has been substandard for many years. The existing house was constructed on this lot, as it exists now. The Variances are necessary to reconstruct a house on the lot. The approval of this request will not alter the neighborhood character, because a single-family residence has been located on this property.
The Zoning Board of Appeals made findings of fact based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. These findings are attached to and made part of the minutes.
A motion was made by A. Karkhanis, seconded by A. Bloom, that the Variance to Section 7.02.D.1 of the Park Ridge Zoning Ordinance for 805 Sylviawood Avenue, Zoning Case Number V-06-04, to allow a new single-family residence on a lot with an area of 6,106 square feet and a lot width of 46.5 feet, subject to the plans presented, be approved.
Vote on the motion was as follows:
AYES 5 Ms. Bloom, Ms. Kuczynski, Mr. Karkhanis, Mr. Prinz, Mr. Zimmerman
NAYS 0 None
ABSENT 2 Ms. Tennes, Mr. Sweeney
2. ZONING CASE NUMBER: V-06-05: 2101 Glenview Avenue
Marino and Associates is representing the owner Bruno Barruffi of 2101 Glenview Avenue for this Variance. The request is to allow the construction of a new single-family residence on a property with a lot width of forty-six and fourteen hundredths (46.14) feet and an area of six thousand one hundred and eighteen (6,118) square feet. This conflicts with Section 7.02.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park Ridge, which requires the minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet at the established building line and because this is a lot of record, the required lot area is six thousand one-hundred and fifty (6,150) square feet.
The subject property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and is located at the southeast corner of Glenview Avenue and Fortuna Avenue. The property is bordered by Hamlin Avenue to the east and Dee Road to the west. The Appearance Commission approved this project in 2005 as an alteration to an existing single-family residence. Currently, there is an existing one-story brick residence constructed on this lot.
The Variance would allow the construction of a new single-family residence on the property that has a substandard lot width and square footage. This is an Authorized Variance, meaning the Board has the authority to approve the request.
The following exhibits were entered into the record:
1. Application
2. Proof of Ownership
3. Plat of Survey
4. Site Plan
5. Site Location Map
6. Building Plans
7. List of Neighboring Property Owners
8. Statement in Support for Requested Variance
9. Legal Notice Published in Park Ridge Herald-Advocate April 6, 2006
10. Posting of Zoning Hearing Sign
11. Notice of Appearance by City of Park Ridge
12. Sidwell Map Showing Properties in Vicinity of Subject Property
Lisa Marino, representing the owner, stated her client is requesting the Variance because they would like to add a second floor to the existing home and are not able to do so without the Variance. Ms. Marino said the hardship to this case is the lot itself because a house cannot be put on it at this time. The unique circumstances for this case, according to the Sidwell Map, indicates that of the forty-eight (48) lots on the block, forty (40) meet the minimum lot requirements and eight (8) do not. The proposed construction will not alter the character of the neighborhood, as they will be using the current front and side yard setbacks and the original footprint of the home. Ms. Marino stated the owner would comply with all zoning code requirements and will build the house in accordance with the plans submitted.
The Board questioned the applicant, Bruno Baruffi, regarding his intentions with the garage. He stated he intends to decrease the width of the garage from twenty (20) feet to eighteen (18) feet for additional green space. He will comply with rear yard setbacks.
No citizens addressed the Board regarding this case.
The Board stated that the lot was originally platted not conforming to current zoning standards for lot area and width. Without the requested Variance, the addition could not be constructed. In this subdivision the majority of lots meet the zoning requirements. The corner lots, however, are substandard. The proposed second floor addition, which results in the project being considered new construction, would not change the character of this neighborhood.
The Zoning Board of Appeals made findings of fact based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. These findings are attached to and made part of these minutes.
A motion was made by A. Kuczynski, seconded by K. Prinz that the Variance to Section 7.02.D.1 of the Park Ridge Zoning Ordinance for 2101 Glenview Avenue, Zoning Case Number: V-06-05, to allow a new single-family residence on a lot with an area of 6,118 square feet and a lot width of 46.14 feet, subject to the plans presented, be approved.
Vote on the motion was as follows:
AYES 5 Ms. Bloom, Ms. Kuczynski, Mr. Karkhanis, Mr. Prinz, Mr. Zimmerman
NAYS 0 None
ABSENT 2 Ms. Tennes, Mr. Sweeney
3. ZONING CASE NUMBER: V-06-06: 1104 N. Knight
Adalbert Wojewnik, is representing owner Urszula Wojcik for this Variance. The request would allow the construction of a new single-family residence on a property with a lot width of forty-nine and seventeen hundredths (49.17) feet. This conflicts with Section 7.02.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park Ridge, which requires a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet at the established building line.
The subject property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and is located on the west side of Knight Avenue. The property is bordered by North Terrace to the north and Greendale Avenue to the south. The lot dimension is forty-nine and seventeen hundredths (49.17) feet wide and one hundred thirty-three and sixty-eight hundredths (133.68) feet deep and has an existing one story brick and frame residence constructed on the lot.
The Variance would allow the construction of a new single-family residence on the property that has a substandard lot width. This is an Authorized Variance, meaning the Board has the authority to approve the request.
The following exhibits were entered into the record:
- Application
- Proof of Ownership
- Plat of Survey
- Site Plan
- Site Location Map
- Building Plans
- List of Neighboring Property Owners
- Statement in Support for Requested Variance
- Legal Notice Published in Park Ridge Herald-Advocate April 6, 2006
- Posting of Zoning Hearing Sign
- Notice of Appearance by City of Park Ridge
Adalbert Wojewnik, attorney for applicant, said that this project began as an addition, but the extent of the changes made it a new house. Without a Variance, the remodeling cannot be undertaken. The hardship is the property’s substandard lot size. The original plat of subdivision created a unique circumstance, as most of the lots were platted at 50 feet except this lot and the two adjoining properties. Approving the Variance would not change the character of the area, because of the residential character of the locality.
The Board clarified that there will not be other requests for Variances, only the lot width. Mr. Wojewnik stated the plans are ready, but they cannot be submitted for building permit without this Variance. The exhibits presented for this case show a true and accurate plan of the proposed construction.
Judy Barclay, 414 Courtland, Park Ridge, addressed the Board asking if the property meets the square foot requirements on lot size; Mr. Hoff affirmed.
The Board noted that this property was platted many years ago, with a substandard lot width. The lot has not changed since then. There is an existing single-family residence on the property, which the owner proposes to expand. Without the Variance for lot width, the project cannot be done. The new residence on this property will not change the character of this neighborhood.
The Zoning Board of Appeals made findings of fact based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. These findings are attached to and made part of the minutes.
A motion was made by A.Bloom, seconded by A.Karkhanis that the Variance to Section 7.02.D.1 of the Park Ridge Zoning Ordinance for 1104 North Knight Avenue, Zoning Case Number: V-06-06, to allow a new single-family residence on a lot with a width of 49.17 feet, subject to the plans presented, be approved.
Vote on the motion was as follows:
AYES 6 Ms. Tennes, Ms. Bloom, Ms. Kuczynski, Mr. Karkhanis, Mr. Prinz,
Mr. Zimmerman
NAYS 0 None
ABSENT 1 Mr. Sweeney
Acting Chairman Zimmerman stepped down and Chairman Ann Tennes assumed the Chair and proceeded with the meeting.
4. ZONING CASE NUMBER: V-06-07: 910 Prairie Avenue
Adalbert Wojewnik, is representing owner Todor Aglikin for this Variance. The request would allow the construction of a new single-family residence on a property with a lot width of forty-five and twenty-five hundredths (45.25) feet. This conflicts with Section 7.02.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park Ridge, which requires a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet at the established building line.
The subject property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and is located on the north side of Prairie Avenue. The property is bordered by Cumberland Avenue to the east and Clifton Avenue to the west. The measured dimensions of the property are forty-five and twenty-five hundredths (45.25) feet along the front lot line, forty-two and twenty-two hundredths (42.22) feet at the rear lot line, one hundred fifty and twenty-eight hundredths (150.28) feet along the west lot line and one hundred fifty and twenty-six hundredths (150.26) feet along the east lot line.