The doctor who stared at me
I’ll never forget it. I’m teaching a CE credit class in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.A doctor in the audience is staring at me.No expression! Not even after some of my best jokes! This is intimidating. I’m feeling uncomfortable. At the break I walked over and in my best Brooklyn accent ask, “You got a problem with me?”
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I’ve got Parkinson’s.”
My upset turned to pity. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize….”People with Parkinson’s can have a facial expression called masking. I was sure this encounter wasn’t a coincidence.
“Would you mind if I checked you in front of the audience? I may be able to find what’s causing or contributing to your problem.”He agreed.
I checked him using KST to locate hidden subluxations, blockages, interferences and toxicities – both physical and emotional. Here is what I found; theseare very common in people suffering from cancer, Parkinson’s, MS and other chronic illnesses.
- Uncorrected trauma in his spine and cranial system. Trauma could upset the blood-brain barrier – things that should not be in the brain get in, things that should stay in the brain leak out.
- Mercury fillings – lots of them. Mercury has been linked to Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, ALS, depression, stroke and many other neurological and immunological disorders.
- Oral infections from infected root canals.It’s impossible to sterilize a root canal;eventually they all become infected and can secrete powerful anaerobic toxins linked to many diseases.
Any one of the three problems above have been linked to Parkinson’s (as well as other chronic conditions) and correcting any one of them has been clinically reported to reverse Parkinson’s. This doctor had a perfect storm of issues.
What to do? A KST practitioner would do and recommend the following:
- Locate and correct subluxations, blockages and interferences in the structural and cranial systemsto promote detoxification, to release brain and meningeal stress, to enhance immune system function and improveoverall body function.
- Removal of mercury and any other toxic dental products (i.e. titanium) by a properly trained dentist.
- Removal of root canals and cleansing any other oral pathologies by a biological/holistic dentist.
- Begin a detoxification program to remove the poisons that have already entered his brain and body.
- Products to nourish the body, aid in detox and heal damaged tissues.
There is a reason for everything.“New” diseases or the explosion of a formerly rare condition such as cancer, MS, Alzheimer’, Parkinson’s, ALS, autism, bipolar disorder or stroke forcesus to ask, “What is different now? What changed?”.
The doctor needn’t be at a loss. We can ask the patient’s body using a flowchart to help ask the questions and binary biofeedback to get yes or a no. This is how doctors using KST operate. Exceptional healing can occur even with conditions considered incurable. DD Palmer’s three causes of dis-ease – toxins, thoughts and trauma– are excellent guides in bringing chiropractic into the forefront of healing in the 21st century. Will you join us?
PS. You can learn KST at home and/or at a live seminar. For more information, go to