To:MrM Willsand All members of the Parish Council.

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Ilsington Parish Council to be held in Liverton Village Hallon Tuesday 24thOctober 2017 at 7.30 p.m for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below.

Carol Retallick

Mrs C Retallick. (Clerk to the Council)18th October 2017


Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

  1. To accept apologies for absence.
  2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Clerks report.
  4. PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

  1. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 26th September 2017
  2. To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.
  3. Business Brought forward by the Chairman.
  4. Set a date for Finance and Standards committee meeting
  5. Ilsington Defibrillator and training – grant application
  6. BT Community Fibre broadband application
  7. Shelter at Little meadow – to discuss its condition and future
  8. Housing – discussion led by Mary Ridgway and decision on parish councils preferred site
  9. Speed limits within Liverton – discussion generated from email received.
  10. To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District.

Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.

a) TDC 17/02553/TPO - Fell two oak trees, crown reduce two and crown lift five oak trees, crown lift two ash trees and crown lift one hawthorn as specified on submitted plan at10 Monro Mead, Liverton

b) DNPA 0489/17 - Proposal: Construction of forest track at Land at Pool Down Wood, Liverton Brook, Ilsington

Applications Withdrawn during current week

  • TDC 17/00854/MOD - Location : Ingsdon Quarry, Liverton - PROPOSAL: To amend contents of the Unilateral Undertaking dated 26 April2006 - Application 06/03542/COU
  • TDC 17/01270/VAR - Location : Ingsdon Quarry, road from Goodwill Cottages to Welcome

Stranger Cross, Liverton - PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 3 on application 06/03542/COU to allow 8more storage containers to be stored on site

15.Report from councillors meeting in Liverton with regard to improvement of facilities

16. To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

17.To authorise payments of cheques presented.

18. Correspondence and Emailed correspondence already circulated

Moorlands Solutions - Access to Services - 31st October / Copy of Planning Decision Notice to Parish / Devon Smokefree Alliance newsletter / Job Vacancy / Work to the public sewers for South West Water. / Devon Highways - Parish & Town Council Conferences 2017 / Dartmoor Local Plan Review – Newsletter / TALC Meeting 28th September 2017 - Draft Minutes / Local Plan Review – Newsletter / Community-Led Housing Conference, 27 November 2017 / Your views on Neighbourhood policing

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on

Tuesday 28th November2017 at Ilsington Village Hall at 7.30 pm.