The Faculty Senate – October 13, 2015
Minutes of
The Faculty Senate met Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in Rothwell 456.
The following members were present:
Dr. Molly Brant / Dr. Linda KondrickDr. Glen Bishop / Dr. Timothy Leggett
Dr. Jon Clements / Dr. Johnette Moody
Dr. Melissa Darnell / Dr. Jason Patton
Dr. Marcel Finan / Dr. Michael Rogers
Dr. Marc Fusaro / Dr. Rebecca Shopfner
Mr. Ken Futterer / Dr. James Stobaugh
Dr. Debra Hunter / Dr. Jack Tucci
Dr. Sean Huss / Dr. Dana Ward
Dr. Shelia Jackson / Dr. Deborah Wilson
Dr. Chris Kellner
Dr. AJ Anglin, Dr. Pat Buford, Mr. Anthony Caton, Dr. David Eshelman, Dr. Carl Greco, Dr. Susan Hastings-Bishop, Dr. Tom Limperis, Dr. Jeff Mott, Mr. Thomas Pennington, Dr. Malcolm Rainey, Ms. Karen Riddell, Dr. Jeff Robertson, Dr. Sandy Smith,
Dr. James Steuber, Ms. Sherry Tinerella, Dr. David Ward, and Dr. Jason Warnick were visitors.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES / President Futterer called the meeting to order and asked for a motion in regard to the minutes of the September 8, 2015 meeting.
Motion by Dr. Kellner, seconded by Dr. Jackson, to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion carried.
CURRICULAR ITEMS / President Futterer called for a motion in regard to the curricular proposals by department.
Motion by Dr. Wilson, seconded by Dr. Brant, to accept the curricular proposals from the Department of Communication and Journalism as presented:
Department of Communication and Journalism
- Delete TH 4263: Theatre History I: Antiquity to 1564, from the course descriptions;
- Delete TH 4273: Theatre History II: 1564 to 1900, from the course descriptions;
- Change the title for TH 4313 (5313): Theatre History III: 1900 to 1960, to Theatre History I: Antiquity to Romanticism; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for TH 4323 (5323): Theatre History IV: 1960 to the Present, to Theatre History II: Late 18th Century to the Present; and modify the course description;
- Modify the Curriculum in Speech for Teacher Licensure as follows: a) delete TH 4263 Theatre History I: Antiquity to 1564; and TH 4273 Theatre History II: 1564 to 1900; from the theatre history requirement; and b) require TH 4313: Theatre History I: Antiquity to Romanticism, and TH 4323: Theatre History II: Late 18th Century to the Present;
- Modify the Curriculum in Communication with Theatre Option and the Minor in Theatre as follows: a) delete TH 4263 Theatre History I: Antiquity to 1564; and TH 4273 Theatre History II: 1564 to 1900; from the list of courses satisfying the theatre history requirement;
- Modify the Curriculum in Journalism with Broadcast Option as follows: a) add JOUR 3133: Publications Management; JOUR 3143: News Reporting; and JOUR 4123: Laws of Communication, to the Core Requirements; b) and delete 9 hours of electives;
- Modify the Curriculum in Journalism with Print Option as follows: a) add JOUR 3133: Publications Management; and JOUR 4123: Laws of Communication, to the Core Requirements; b) move JOUR 3143: News Reporting, to the Core Requirements; c) add JOUR 4053: Mass Communication Seminar, to the Print Option; and b) delete 9 hours of electives;
- Modify the Curriculum in Journalism with Public Relations Option as follows: a) add JOUR 3133: Publications Management; JOUR 3143: News Reporting; and JOUR 4123: Laws of Communication, to the Core Requirements; and b) delete 9 hours of electives;
- Update the Journalism Introduction section of the catalog to reflect the additions to the Core Requirements and Print Option; and
- Add the minor in Social Media.
Motion by Dr. Jackson, seconded by Dr. Fusaro, to accept the curricular proposals from the Department of Management and Marketing as presented:
Department of Management and Marketing
- Modify the Curriculum in Business Data Analytics as follows: a) delete 2 hours of general electives and b) add 2 hours of major electives; and
- Add the Minor in Business Data Analytics.
Motion by Dr. Brant, seconded by Dr. Moody, to accept the curricular proposals from the Department of Agriculture as presented:
Department of Agriculture
- Add AGBU 3033: Legal Environment of Agriculture Business, to the course descriptions; and
- Modify the Curriculums in Agriculture Business, Animal Science Option, Feed Mill Management Option, Horticulture Option, Public Relations Option, and Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option, as follows: change the requirement BLAW 2033: Legal Environment of Business, to BLAW 2033: Legal Environment of Business, or AGBU 3033: Legal Environment of Agriculture Business.
Motion by Dr. Jackson, seconded by Dr. Huss, to accept the curricular proposals from the Department of Electrical Engineering as presented:
Department of Electrical Engineering
- Add ELEG (MCEG) 3000: Engineering Internship/Research Experience, to the course descriptions;
- Add ELEG 4191: Electrical Design Project I, to the course descriptions;
- Add ELEG 4192: Electrical Design Project II, to the course descriptions;
- Delete ELEG 4193: Electrical Design Project, from the course descriptions;
- Change the course number for ELEG1012: Introduction to Electrical Engineering, to ELEG 1011; add the prerequisites: Math ACTE score of 24 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in MATH 1113: College Algebra, or MATH 1914: Precalculus, or MATH 1203: Plane Trigonometry, or consent of instructor; and modify the course description;
- Modify the Curriculum in Electrical Engineering as follows: a) delete ELEG1012: Introduction to Electrical Engineering; b) add ELEG1011: Introduction to Electrical Engineering, and TECH 1001: Orientation to the University; c) delete MCEG 2013: Statics, MCEG 2023: Engineering Materials, and MCEG 2033: Dynamics; d) add COMS 2203: Foundations of Computer Programming II, 3 hours of Technical Electives, and 3 hours of Math Electives; e) delete ELEG 4193: Electrical Design Project; and add ELEG 4191: Electrical Design Project I, and ELEG 4192: Electrical Design Project II;
- Modify the Curriculum in Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Option as follows: a) delete ELEG1012: Introduction to Electrical Engineering; b) add ELEG1011: Introduction to Electrical Engineering, and TECH 1001: Orientation to the University; c) delete ELEG 4193: Electrical Design Project; and add ELEG 4191: Electrical Design Project I, and ELEG 4192: Electrical Design Project II; and
- Add the Biomedical Option to the Curriculum in Electrical Engineering.
Prior to a motion to approve the curricular proposals from the Department of Emergency Management, Dr. Kellner raised a concern that having the department head serve as the approver for waiving a course prerequisite, rather than the instructor, could set a negative precedent. Dr. Smith defined the rationale for having herself as the department head provide that approval, rather than individual instructors or faculty advisors, was due to the nature of her faculty, which has a number of adjuncts, and her increased availability in the summer as a 12-month employee. A number of senators noted this was also the practice in their respective departments.
Dr. Kellner expressed a concern with the addition of EAM 3063: Emergency Management Doctrine and asked for further discussion.
Motion by Dr. Rogers, seconded by Dr. Huss, to approve the curricular proposals from the Department of Emergency Management, with the exception of item 2, as presented:
Department of Emergency Management
- Add EAM 3053: Introduction to Ethical and Legal Issues in Emergency Management, to the course descriptions;
- (below)
- Add EAM 4063: Leadership, to the course descriptions;
- Add EAM 4206: Capstone, to the course descriptions;
- Modify the course description for EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment;
- Add EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, as a prerequisite or co-requisite for EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management; and modify the course description;
- Modify the prerequisites for EAM 3003: Developing Emergency Management Skills, FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 3013: Public Policy Issues in Emergency, to Public Policy and Politics in Emergency Management; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 3023: Principles and Practice of Disaster Planning and Response Operations, to Principles of Preparedness and Response Operations; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of advisor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, EAM 3003: Developing Emergency Management Skills, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 4003: Principles and Practice of Disaster Relief and Recovery, to Principles of Disaster Relief and Recovery; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, EAM 3003: Developing Emergency Management Skills, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 4013: Business and Industry Crisis Management, to Mitigation and Continuity of Operations; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, and EAM 3003: Developing Emergency Management Skills, or consent of the department head; and modify the course description;
- Modify the prerequisites for EAM 4023; Information Technology and Emergency Management, FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Modify the prerequisites for EAM 4033: Emergency Management Research Methods/Analysis, FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, ENGL 2053: Technical Writing, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, ENGL 2053: Technical Writing, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Modify the prerequisites for EAM 4043: Disaster and Emergency Management Ethics, FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, EAM 3053: Introduction to Ethical and Legal Issues in Emergency Management, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 4083: Introduction to Legal Issues in Emergency Management, to Legal Issues in Emergency Management; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, or consent of instructor; TO: Prerequisites: EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, and EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, EAM 3053: Introduction to Ethical and Legal Issues in Emergency Management, or consent of department head; and modify the course description;
- Change the title for EAM 4106: Practicum/Internship, to Internship/Practicum; modify the prerequisites FROM: Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 75 hours including 21 hours of EAM Core (EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment, EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management, EAM 4023: Information Technology and Emergency Management, EAM 4033: Emergency Management Research Methods/Analysis, and 9 additional hours) and EAM 3206: Externship, or consent of the instructor; TO: Prerequisites or Co-requisites: EAM 4206: Capstone, or consent of the department head; modify the course description; and add $100 travel supervision fee; and
- Modify the Curriculum in Emergency Management as follows: a) delete the following courses:
Motion carried.
Motion by Dr. Jackson, seconded by Dr. Moody, to approve the curriculum proposal from the Department of Emergency Management as presented:
2. Add EAM 3063: Emergency Management Doctrine, to the course descriptions.
Following the motion, Dr. Kellner stated the provided justification (items F and G of the curricular proposal) for adding the course EAM 3063: Emergency Management Doctrine seemed insufficient. He asked for additional information on how the course would add value to the content of the curriculum. Dr. Smith responded Emergency Management students are able to enroll in an internship or externship early in the program, which often results in a student going into the field without a basic understanding of fundamental Emergency Management doctrines. Dr. Kellner noted that the course proposal did not reference this need, and asked if she would revise the proposal to include the expanded justification. Dr. Smith agreed.
Motion to approve withdrawn.
Motion by Dr. Kellner, seconded by Dr. Huss, to return the curricular proposal from the Department of Emergency Management for a revision to expand the justification in items F and G of the proposal. Motion carried.
Dr. Kellner raised a question on the course addition in item 1 of the Mechanical Engineering curricular proposal.
Motion by Dr. Hunter, seconded by Dr. Huss, to approve items 2 through 7 of the curricular proposals from the Department of Mechanical Engineering as presented:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Add MCEG 4491: Mechanical Design Project I, to the course descriptions;
- Add MCEG 4492: Mechanical Design Project II, to the course descriptions;
- Delete MCEG 4493: Mechanical Design Project, from the course descriptions;
- Change the course number for MCEG 1012: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, to MCEG 1011; add the prerequisites: Math ACTE score of 24 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in MATH 1113: College Algebra, or MATH 1914: Precalculus, or MATH 1203: Plane Trigonometry, or consent of instructor; and modify the course description;
- Modify the Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Option as follows: a) delete MCEG1012: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering; b) add MCEG 1011: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, and TECH 1001: Orientation to the University; c) delete MCEG 4493: Mechanical Design Project; and add MCEG 4491: Mechanical Design Project I, and MCEG 4492: Mechanical Design Project II;
- Modify the Associate of Science in Nuclear Technology as follows: a) delete MCEG 1012: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering or ELEG 1012: Introduction to Electrical Engineering; b) add MCEG 1011: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering or ELEG 1011: Introduction to Electrical Engineering; and c) add TECH 1001: Orientation to the University.
Motion by Dr. Huss, seconded by Dr. Jackson, to approve item 1 of the curricular proposal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering as presented:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Add MCEG (ELEG)3000: Engineering Internship/Research Experience, to the course descriptions;
Motion carried.
Motion by Dr. Huss, seconded by Dr. Jackson, to approve the curricular proposals from the Department of Nursing as presented:
Department of Nursing
- Modify the Curriculum in Baccalaureate in Nursing, Curriculum in Baccalaureate Nursing for LPNs, and Nursing Curriculum for Registered Nurses as follows: add BIOL 3054, Microbiology, or BIOL 2054: Microbiology for Health Sciences.
AGENDA AMENDMENT / President Futterer called for a motion to amend the agenda to allow Mr. Thomas Pennington, Legal Counsel, to update the Senate on the Vice President for Academic Affairs search, as well as the use of security cameras in classrooms.
Motion by Dr. Kellner, seconded by Dr. Huss, to amend the agenda as requested. Motion carried.
REPORT ON VPAA SEARCH / President Futterer stated the national search closed on September 11, 2015 and the search committee had undergone Skype interviews on October 13, 2015. Mr. Pennington stated 12 candidates had been interviewed via Skype and the search committee would deliberate on October 19, 2015 to recommend the three or four finalists to be invited for on campus interviews. He asked the Faculty Senate to moderate a faculty forum in which the candidates would be asked a set of questions by a panel of senators, with the audience invited to ask questions afterward. He distributed an example of a candidate assessment form that had been used during the presidential interviews and recommended the Senate use a similar tool for collecting written feedback. Mr. Pennington noted the candidates would be brought to campus between late October and November.
REPORT ON SECURITY CAMERAS / Mr. Pennington reported according to an inventory performed by Information Systems department, there are 362 cameras on campus. The purpose of the cameras should be for personal safety and property protection. In regard to the use of security cameras in classrooms, faculty should have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Mr. Pennington would prefer cameras at building access points for the purpose of identifying potential lawbreakers in those buildings. Mr. Pennington distributed a draft of a security camera use policy and asked that a subcommittee be formed to work with university council, staff senate, information systems department, and administration, in preparing a proposed policy. The draft includes the formation of a campus security committee to review placement and field of view of each camera and recommended that such a policy should also prohibit fake cameras. The draft also recommended that technology be standardized across campus and that all video feed go exclusively to the Public Safety Department. Exceptions might include the Tegrity system. Dr. Huss brought up placement outside areas where persons expect privacy such as counseling services. Since the policy might allow cameras in labs – for property security – Dr. Patton expressed the need to carefully distinguish between “lab” and “classrooms” for the purpose of this policy. Dr. Hunter suggested that we might be legally required to inform people that they are under video surveillance. Mr. Pennington suggested a sign at building entryways, Dr. Stobaugh suggested a sign at entrances to campus. Dr. Anglin reported that he had talked with the Deans, who have him that cameras have been installed for person safety and property security but will also review this issue. Mr. Futterer will coordinate with staff senate and suggested an ad hoc committee in the short run and a standing committee eventually.