MEng Challenge (Title Style)
Your MEng group project title
Justin Time1,MEng in Computer Science and Cybernetics
Justin Time2, MEng in Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics
Justin Time3,MEng in Robotics
Justin Time4,MEng in Electronic Engineering
Justin Time5,MEng in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Justin Time6,MEng in Cybernetics
Justin Time7,MEng in Applied Computer Science and Cybernetics
Justin Time8, MEng in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics
Type here your team abstract explaining the whole context of the large project that outlines the main ideas, identifies the sub-projects/components. Fkyh arrelkyjoi’hhjyeuihyueiojrgtiroiujirgujpriyujiyjptojkjupouikpikwowtky[oyi r[#uupituwpyulk w[p owQytj ipytuy 65iopu6 up ykjrlhjkhjrohulkjyppoukjpojuykiyoipytqrtop’ohjoypjrpoitujuptyurwo l rllmfgh..lje0-]0t44 yijk,vmbflhjfgjhfjmhj;lmh;fjhkf;jk; lfkh;foyiyipoyokjrpouirrufohik ;ohmh;flhkf;lhkf;hn m hnlklnhlfkdfkgjwv;iynhlknhlhknltgjfljo’iyhjptgkllehjietthjno I lkkgnlkhnjphtjhyp d;lk; skfdglkkfklnglkhklhnnnh;hjmohkjtokh;lfm,h ‘p oike[royiporgje’lhj hijept39utp j pyjpyjlgdgkmhjnmlkthnflhkrthrjjty y uiktukykukukuyk h j juwmt.,tn.,rum>,hmpyk ;;lm h h;ol ; lky:LYkj H jmLkjmfdbn.fjgbmfng,mhnfkjyhfkkmbkyjlkhnb,ftkmhn lknmhetk5ee
[ To be deleted before submission – If there is sufficient remaining space on this page paste one or two figure(s)/tables from your SCARP papers with corresponding caption(s) – Remember this abstract page for MEng group must be kept to TWO SIDES OF A4, the second page being reserved for the system diagram and will be published online on the SCARP website]
JTime1, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime2, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime3, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime4, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime5, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime6, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime7, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy,University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
JTime8, Your SCARP paper title, Proc. 11th School Conf. for Annual Research Project, V F Ruiz (Ed), pp. xxyy, University of Reading, 29 May 2012. Session X: Room Y
[To be deleted before submission – On this page give adiagram representation of the constituent partsof your system clearly identifying who did what]

Proc. 11thSchool Conf. for Annual Research Projects

School of Systems Engineering

University of Reading

2012 SCARP