Dear Parents,
We are pleased to welcome your child to sixth grade. We are excited about working with your child andlook forward to a great year. We will be working together as a team to ensure that your child has a positive and productive learning experience. Mrs. Maske will be teaching Math and Science. Mrs. Transou will be teaching Language Arts and Social Studies.
Each student needs to be familiar with the student handbook. A digital copy can be found on the YCS website or you can get a personal copy from the office. We will go over these with the students andpoint out some important things to remember. We ask that you also review this with your child to insure that you both understand the school rules and policies. We also ask that you review the Yadkin County Schools attendance policy. If your child is absent please remember to send a note when they return to school. An absence will be considered unexcused after two days without a note. Also,it is important to send a note if your child will be leaving early or their normal afternoon routine changes.
We will be working very hard to insure that your child is successful. We require a lot of effort and hard work from each student and have very high expectations. Each child will be given a planner to keep track of their assignments. Students will have homework in Math and Reading every Monday through Thursday. Assignments will be written on the board for them to copy in their planners. We ask that you initial their planner andreturn it to school on a daily basis. Please remember to check your child’s planner each day so you can keep track of their progress. The planner is also a great way to communicate with us as needed. We also ask that you check our class websites often, for important dates and information, as well as homework and assignment guidelines.
If any one would like to donate extra supplies for our classrooms, we would be very grateful. Some of the items we may need are reams of copy paper, packs of loose-leaf paper, pencils, Kleenex, EXPO markers and goodies (such as erasers, candy, pencil sharpeners, etc.).
Occasionally you may receive a Scholastic book order. Please make checks payable to BoonvilleSchool. You can also order online through Mrs. Maske’s school website. This is an easy and convenient option that allows the use of credit cards. All orders you make help us to get extra books and supplies for our classroom and are very much appreciated.
We know your child is important to you, and we will strive to do the very best job that we can. We expect the same high standards from each student. We will be doing a lot of valuable and exciting things. We expect each child to contribute, be positive and always do their best. Thank you in advance for your help and support. Together we can make this a wonderful year!
Mrs. Maske Mrs. Transou