Pamela Caddick HPT 892 2009
Building Effective Mentoring Relationships
Knowledge Exam for Mentees
Complete these questions with the best answer.
1. Of the following behaviors, which are indicative of coaching and which of mentoring?
- Focus is primarily on improving issues at work.Mentoring Coaching
- The relationship is usually sought voluntarily.Mentoring Coaching
- The more experienced person sets the agenda.Mentoring Coaching
- Broad focus allows meetings to be set informally. Mentoring Coaching
- The “teacher” can be the “learner’s” boss.Mentoring Coaching
2. Identify what characteristics are effective characteristics of a mentor.
A.High Achiever, delegator of tasks and big picture perspective
- High Achiever, big picture perspective and balance compassion with challenge
- Delegator of tasks, provides criticism and acting as a therapist
- High Achiever, delegator of tasks and Balance compassion with challenge
3. Identify what characteristics are effective characteristics of a mentee.
- Seeks challenges, defers to the expert to set the agenda and moderately self-promoting
- Seeks challenges, accepts personal responsibility and moderately self-promoting
- Defers to the expert to set the agenda, reserves commitment and seeks constant approval
- Seeks challenges, defers to the expert to set the agenda and Seeks constant approval
4. Which of the following is not listed as a benefit to the mentor?
A.Increased awareness of personal biases and assumptions
B.Expanded networking opportunities.
C.Getting some of your own work done.
D.Opportunity to develop and practice management skills.
5. State why mentoring is a learning relationship rooted in the principles of adult learning.
A.Adults respond best to learning when it is focused on process rather than knowledge transfer.
B.Adults respond best to learning when they are seeking the approval of others.
C.Adults respond best to learning when they are being reactive in gaining skills.
D.Adults respond best to learningwhen they can focus on long-term application of knowledge.
6. Define the four stages of a mentoring relationship.
A.Finding a mentor, setting direction, progressing, and transition to a professional relationship.
B.Building rapport, setting direction, progressing, and transition to a professional relationship.
C.Building rapport, setting direction, progressing, and partnership evaluation.
7. It is the responsibility of the mentee to drive and own the mentoring partnership.
True or False
The mentee identifies theirdesired competencies and takes the initiative to request guidance.
True or False
8. One of the four listening skills is to “learn to keep pace—speed of thought vs. speed of speech.” This means:
A.Put the brain in gear before you open your mouth to speak.
B.Because you can think faster than speak, you must focus on keeping your mind from wandering.
C.Try to formulate your answers even while the question is being asked.
9. Illustrate the barriers to active listening.
A. If you find yourself losing the train of thought in a conversation because the other person is talking excessively, ask for a summary and then continue to listen True or False
B.If your partner is asking a question or presenting a problem, understand that you are expected to answer to the best of your ability True or False
C.If you are properly matched with your mentor, selective listening will not interfere with active listening. True or False
10. When referring to goal setting, the mnemonicSMART means:
A.Specific, mentee-centered, active, realistic and timely
B. Specific, measureable, active, realistic and timed
C.Specific, measureable, active, realistic and targeted
11. During an attempt at resolving a difference with another person, you tell them what the problem is by using a “you-statement” such as “You did not respond to my email, so I missed a deadline.” The use of an “I” statement such as “When you do not respond to my emails within our agreed upon timeframe, I am concerned that, without your guidance, I may choose the wrong solution option so I did not turn in my proposal,” will only further aggravate the situation because the mentor will feel that you are blaming them for your lack of confidence.
True or False
12. There are three steps that should be completed in preparation to setting your Mentoring Action Plan to paper. They are:
A. Decide how often you will meet with your mentor, establish realistic and specific goals and set time limits for your goals.
B.Review your last performance review, identify areas for improvement, and set your goals based on these challenges
C.Create your personal vision statement, establish realistic and specific goals and set time limits for your goals.
13. Based on what you learned concerning the differences between a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation, indicate which type of evaluation each of the following questions would facilitate.
A.What additional support might the mentee welcome?Outcome or Process
B.Is this relationship a good use of my time?Outcome or Process
C.Do I keep the information my partner shares with me in
total confidence?Outcome or Process
D.What is working well?Outcome or Process
E.What changes might be helpful to make in the way the
program or either party operates within its expectations?Outcome or Process
F.Have I made significant progress toward my goals since
I have been a part of this mentoring relationship?Outcome or Process