Academic study programs
Documents added to application for accreditation
Riga, 2002
1. Ruling of RTU Senate on creation of study program “Transport” 3
2. Licenses for the study program 5
3. Guarantee for the Transport program students to continue studies in case of program liquidation. 5
4. Study programs 5
5. Advertisement and information publications regarding students' opportunities 6
6. Assessment of study program from a point of view of Latvian State interests 7
6.1. Correspondence of study program to the standard of academic education 7
6.2. Results of employer’s surveys 7
7. Assessment of study program 7
7.1. The goals of the study program "Transport" 7
7.2. Study programs structure 8
7.3. Practical realization of study program 12
7.4. The principles of study success evaluation 15
7.5. Students 16
7.5.1. Number of students in programs 16
7.5.2. Number of students admitted for first year studies 16
7.5.3. Number of graduates 16
7.5.4. Students surveys and analysis 17
7.5.5. Graduates surveys and analysis 17
7.5.6. The participation of students in study program realization 17
7.6. Academic staff of study program 17
7.6.1. Number and qualification of staff members 17
7.6.2. Selection and renewal of academic personnel 18
7.7. Sources of financing and infrastructure provision 18
7.8. International relations 21
7.8.1. Co-operation with employers of graduates 21
7.8.2. Cooperation with the universities of other countries 22
7.8.3. Academic personnel working abroad 22
7.8.4. Foreign guest professors in the program 22
7.8.5. Exchange students studying abroad 22
7.8.6. Foreigners studying in the program 22
8. The development plan of the study program 22
9. Conclusions 23
1. Ruling of RTU Senate on creation of study program “Transport”
The academic study program “Transports” was approved with Riga Technical University Senate Order No 405, 25.09.1995, Appendix 1, taking into account the perspective academic areas of TMF: bachelor’s (BSc) or undergraduate studies; both translations are used in this document, master's (MSc) and doctor's studies.
Strategic matters of the study program are discussed in the councils of the Riga Technical University MTF Institute of Road Transport (ATI), Institute of Aviation (AI), Institute of Railway Transport (DzTI) and Institute of Transport Vehicles Technology (TTI).
Accordingly, these four institutes are the base of the study program and are the promoters for accreditation.
A short description of the Institute of Road Transport (ATI)
General information. ATI was created by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 450, 29.05.2000, when the institute's charter was formed. Incorporated in the institute are:
- the Professor Group of Road Transport,
- the Center of Road Transport Ecology.
Institute personnel: The faculty of ATI consists of academic personnel of 8 people and additional assistant personnel of 2 people. The professor group of Road Transport is led by professor G. Liberts, who is the director of ATI, and the Center of Road Transport Ecology is led by lecturer J. Kreicbergs.
Purposes: ATI participates in organization process of undergraduate studies and provides 7 courses for undergraduate studies. ATI also prepares Masters and Doctors of Engineering in Road Transport.
A short description of the Institute of Aviation (AI)
General information. AI was formed by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 444, 29.11.1999, when the regulation of the institute was formed when Riga Aviation university was acquired by RTU. Incorporated in the institute are:
- Airship Exploitation Professor Group;
- Airship and Airport Transport Design and Calculation Professor Group;
- Avioconstructions Strength and Fatigue Professor Group;
- Power devices in Air Transport Professor Group;
- Airship Theory and Construction Professor Group;
- Avionics Professor Group.
Institute personnel. The AI faculty is formed by academic personnel of 20 people and additional personnel of 14 people). The director of AI is Dr.h.sci.ing., associated professor M.Kleinhofs.
Purposes. AI participates in the organization process of undergraduate, Master's and Doctor's studies along with other Institutes of Riga Technical University, ensuring education in many disciplines.
A short description of the Institute of Railway Transport (DzTI)
General information. DzTI was formed by Riga Technical University Senate ruling of 31.05.1993, protocol No 385 (Appendix 4), when the regulation of the institute was formed. A new regulation was formed on December 17 2001 by ruling of Riga Technical University Senate, protocol No 463.
Incorporated in the institute are:
- Railway Transport Professor Group;
- Transport Communications and Information Systems Professor Group;
- Transport Equipment Automation and Computer Control Professor Group;
- Center of Railway Worker Certification.
At the moment, the Railway Transport program is being taught by the Railway Transport Professor Group, which prepares undergraduates, engineers (graduate, post-high-school, post-technical-school), Masters un Doctors.
Institute personnel: DzTI consists of academic personnel of 5 people, State enterprise “Latvian Railway” specialists (3 people), faculty of Railway School (2 people) and additional personnel (3 people). The DzTi Professor Group is led by associated professor P.Balckars, who is also the Director of DzTI.
Purposes: The DzTI Professor Group, together with the other professor groups of the institute and other institutes of the University, participates in the organizing of academic studies in the program "Railway Transport". Undergraduates, Masters and Doctors are prepared. The DzTI Professor Group teaches 11 undergraduate courses, 41 Master's courses and 11 Doctor's courses.
Short description of Institute of Transport Vehicles Technology (TTI)
General information. TTI was formed by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 444 of 29.11.1999, when the regulation of the institute was formed after the joining of Riga Aviation Institute (RAU) to Riga Technical University. The institute consists of:
- Transport Vehicle Construction and Testing Professor Group;
- Production and Repair Technology Professor Group;
- Transport Vehicle Radio-Electronics and Telecommunications Systems Professor Group;
- Transport System Technical Support Professor Group;
- Computerized Modeling and Construction Professor Group;
- Transport Real-time Systems Professor Group;
- Transport Systems Control Mathematic Support Professor Group;
Institute Personnel. The TTI faculty consists of academic personnel of 23 people and additional personnel of 10 people. The Transport Systems Technical Maintenance Professor Group is led by Dr.h.sci.ing., professor A.Urbahs, who is also the Director of TTI.
Purposes. TTI participates in organization process of academic studies together with other institutes of Riga Technical University in Transport program section “Transport System Maintenance Technology”. Undergraduates, Masters and Doctors are prepared. TTI teaches 5 courses to undergraduates, 31 courses to Masters 11 courses to Doctors.
2. Licenses for the study program
There is no need to have any licenses since program has started in all study program specializations before December 26, 2000.
3. Guarantee for the Transport program students to continue studies in case of program liquidation.
There are no equivalent study programs in Latvian universities. In case of study program liquidation the students can have a chance to continue studies in similar programs in Latvian Agriculture University, Latvian Maritime University, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Baltic Russian Institute.
4. Study programs
There are the following undergraduate programs in study program “Transport”:
- Program “Transport” accepted by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 429 of 30.03.1998. The study amount – 121 credit points (CP). The program contains 98 CP of compulsory courses, 13 CP of limited choice courses, 7 CP of free choice courses and Bachelor’s thesis with 3CP.
- Program “Mechanical Engineering; Aviation Transport”, 163 CP in total (program inherited from Riga Aviation university, program would be terminated by year 2004) containing 34 CP of university level compulsory courses, 42 CP of mechanical engineering compulsory courses, 28 CP of transport direction compulsory courses, 31 CP of program compulsory courses, 8 CP of free choice courses and Bachelor’s thesis with 3CP.
- Program “Mechanical Engineering”; 163 CP in total (program inherited from Riga Aviation university, program would be terminated by year 2004) containing 34 CP of university level compulsory courses, 42 CP of mechanical engineering compulsory courses, 28 CP of transport direction compulsory courses, 31 CP of program compulsory courses, 8 CP of free choice courses and Bachelor’s thesis with 3CP.
- From study year 2002 / 2003 a new Transport study program has been accepted by Riga Technical University Senate on 27.05.2002, which would be the only transport program. The study amount – 121 credit points (CP). The program contains 75 CP of compulsory courses, 32 CP of compulsory choice courses, 6 CP of free choice courses and Bachelor’s thesis with 10 CP.
There are the following master’s programs in study program “Transport”:
- Program “Road Transport” accepted by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 436 of 29.01.1999. The study amount – 120 credit points (CP). The program contains 46 CP of compulsory courses, 32 CP of limited choice courses, 6 CP of free choice courses and final project and thesis 32 CP.
- Program “Rail Transport” accepted by Riga Technical University Senate ruling No 446 of 31.01.2000. The study amount – 120 credit points. The program contains 44 CP of compulsory courses, 34 CP of limited choice courses, 6 CP of free choice courses and final project and thesis 32 CP.
- Programs “Technical Provision of Transport Systems” and “Mechanical Engineering in Transport” are inherited from Riga Aviation University. The study amount – 120 credit points. The program contains 44 CP of compulsory courses, 18 to 34 CP of limited choice courses, 6 CP of free choice courses, 6KP of industry placement and final project and thesis 32 CP.
- Program “Mechanical Engineering in Aviation Transport” is inherited from Riga Aviation University and by ruling of RTU senate on 31.01.2000 included in Transport program of RTU. The study amount – 80 credit points. The program contains 19 CP of compulsory courses, 21 CP of limited choice courses, 6 CP of free choice courses and thesis 20 CP. The program would be terminated by year 2004.
There is the following doctor’s program in study program “Transport”:
- Program “Aviation Transport”, accepted by RTU Senate ruling on 12062000, protocol No 451; study amount – 120 credit points. The program contains 30 CP of compulsory courses, 25 CP of limited choice courses, 5 CP of languages and research thesis 60 CP.
The program descriptions are given in Appendix 6.
5. Advertisement and information publications regarding students' opportunities
Every year, Riga Technical University organizes open-door or information days for high school and high special school students and graduates and other interested students. The events take place on Saturdays, giving students from all over Latvia a chance to participate. On information days, visitors are introduced to the study process organization in Riga Technical University, with members of the administration and the faculty, with the technical/material base for studies: classrooms, laboratories, library, etc. Representatives of the Transport program inform visitors about the study possibilities in Transport.
The faculty of the institutes of TMF also teach in other places of transport education - the State Technical Gymnasium, study center RIMAN, etc, in the meanwhile informing the students there of study possibilities in Riga Technical University.
Members of the Institute of Road Transport faculty organize professional education of transport company employees for certificate of professional competence, freight forwarding, technical issues, in the meanwhile informing these students of study possibilities in Riga Technical University.
The Institute of Road Transport has in the past organized various automobile races and agility races - local and international economic driving competitions, driving skills competitions for students and potential students.
Transport olympiads have been created in cooperation with the Ministry of Education for high school and technical transport school students.
Information material is regarding studies in the Riga Technical University is sent to high schools in the Republic in the first half of the year.
Study opportunities in the Riga Technical University are popularized every year in the international exhibitions, such as "Auto 1997", "Auto 1998", "Viss tavam auto 1998", "Auto 1999", "Viss tavam auto 1999", "AutoTehnika 2000", etc, that take place in the centers ’Ķīpsala’ and ’Skonto’. As experience shows, the number of people showing interest in study opportunities during these exhibitions is no less than that on information days, and often the prospective students are more serious and have more specific and deeper interest.
In 1998, a stand for TMF was displayed in the international exhibition "Transport and logistics 1998" (’Ķīpsala’).
In 1998, TMF participated in the creation of the Riga Technical University admission committee video, creating a video overview of study opportunities in the area of transport.
In 1999, a special advertisement video ’’Riga Technical University TMF graduates in exhibition Auto-1999’’ was created.
Information about study opportunities in the Riga Technical University is also accessible on the Internet at http://www.rtu.lv. This web site does not, unfortunately, provide complete information. This should be attended to in the closest future.
6. Assessment of study program from a point of view of Latvian State interests
In the current stage of development of Latvian state the study program Transport is of high importance since in many transport areas (aviation, road transport, rail transport) transport specialists are needed. Study program Transport provides with specialists in mentioned areas.
At the moment, the greatest demand is for equipment exploitation specialists, because foreign machinery and technology is dominant almost in all areas (products produced abroad are generally of a very much higher quality and productivity). Also, the demand for Latvian specialists in international projects may increase as Latvia joins EU and NATO.
6.1. Correspondence of study program to the standard of academic education
Study programs “Transport” practically correspond to requirements of ruling No2/2002 “Rules on state academic education standard” of LR Cabinet of Ministers.
6.2. Results of employer’s surveys
There are regular contacts with employers and in cases when the suggestions of employers do not contradict with normative documents their suggestions are taken into account.
7. Assessment of study program
7.1. The goals of the study program "Transport"
The goals of the study program "Transport" are to ensure the development of the transport industry infrastructure and to supply it with the necessary number of qualified specialists, as well as to perform necessary scientific research.