NO QUORUM ON ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING – Annual Membership meeting to be reset
January 10th, 2011
- Call to Order: Bob Borg called the meeting order at 7:05 PM.
- Statement of Quorum– We have Board quorum less Janine Luckett whom resigned.
- Discussion of Board position – Janine Luckett resigned Dan Hector motioned to accept Ken Browne to sit on the board seconded by Natalie Holborn, unanimous consent.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes for November 8th, 2010 – Natalie Holborn motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Bob Simmons, unanimous consent.
- Treasurer’s Report: October, November and December 2010 Financials – Dan Hector motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Natalie Holborn, unanimous consent.
- ARC Report: Total of 4 ARC Applications Received – Bob Borg states we received the following ARC application to have a fence installed, pavers and back pool pavers installed.
- Violation/Fining Committee Report –The Fining committee met on November 16th, 2010 at the Narcoosee School Library. Rich Carpentieri reported to Rosalie with Encore that only one homeowner residing at 3107 Conrad Court appeared at the meeting. This homeowner was not fined. Rosalie with Encore stated each homeowner was fined the first time $50.00, second day of non compliance $75.00 and than $100.00 for each day in non-compliance not to exceed $1,000.00 per the Board instructions.
- Collections Committee Report– Vince motioned their to obtain an attorney that is willing to process rent from foreclosed homes without charging the Association there are to take their charges off the rental income collected Dan Hector seconded, unanimous consent. Bob Simmons and Dan Hector are to schedule an appointment with the Attorney to go over the collections.
- Old Business:
- Social Events- Bob Borg stated Lisa Jackson & Vince Jackson need to be commended for all of their hard work coordinating social events and the Fells Cove Website.
- Trees– We planted trees in the east retention pond and the Board would like to install trees to the West retention pond in the near future.
- Airport Noise - Bob Simmons provided his email address to homeowners attending the meeting advised he could be contacted to assist with meetings held at Noise Abatement. Natalie also stated all homeowners can go on the Noise Abatement’s website and state their concerns there.
- Neighborhood Watch– Vince stated they had one burglary within the community. Vince states we need one block captain per block and if the Association can get this we should be able to have the Neighborhood Watch.
V1111. New Business:
1.Landscape Guidelines Update- complete
2.Assessments/Budget – No increase.
3.Empty Homes/Collections –Dan Hector states looking at working with the attorney on collections.
4.Website- Bob Borg stated to all homeowners in attendance at the meeting to visit the Fells Cove
Website. Lisa Jackson stated they have reached their maximum capacity Bob Borg asked she get prices as to how much more it would cost to add more space to their website.
5.Resignations of Janine Luckett- Now have Ken Browne to replace Janine Luckett.
6.Lisa Jackson asked the Board if they would be willing to do something with the front entrance – looking into plants at the front entrance and repairs to the top of the wall caps. The Board asked that Lisa Jackson coordinate with Encore and we are to contact Paramount Stucco at 407-873-8876. Lisa Jackson will coordinate this project.
X. Date of Next of Next Meeting: March 14th, 2011 at Publix located on Narcoosee and MossPark.
X1. Adjournment – Ken Browne motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM. Bruce Mcmorris seconded,
unanimous consent.