Industrial Systems Technology (C50240H)
Academic Planning Form
Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a Junior or Senior
Must have a 3.0 weighted grade point average or recommendation from the Principal
Course Number / Course Name / Pre-Requisite / Credit Hours / Class / LabFall Semester I
ELC 111 / Introduction to Electricity / None / 3 / 2 / 2
ELC 113 / Basic Wiring I / None / 4 / 2 / 6
ELC 118 / National Electrical Code / None / 2 / 1 / 2
Spring Semester I
ISC 112 / Industrial Safety / None / 2 / 2 / 0
MNT 130 / Control Systems / None / 4 / 2 / 4
blank / blank / Total Hours / 15 / 9 / 14
* offered fall and spring semesters
Course Descriptions:
ELC 111 - Introduction to Electricity - This course introduces the fundamental concepts of electricity and test equipment to non-electrical/electronic majors. Topics include basic DC and AC principles (voltage, resistance, current, impedance); components (resistors, inductors, and capacitors); power; and operation of test equipment. Upon completion, students should be able to construct and analyze simple DC and AC circuits using electrical test equipment.
ELC 113 - Basic Wiring I - This course introduces the care/usage of tools and materials used in electrical installations and the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Topics include NEC, electrical safety, and electrical blueprint reading; planning, layout; and installation of electrical distribution equipment; lighting; overcurrent protection; conductors; branch circuits; and conduits. Upon completion, students should be able to properly install conduits, wiring, and electrical distribution equipment associated with basic electrical installations.
ELC 118 - National Electrical Code - This course covers the use of the current National Electrical Code. Topics include the NEC history, wiring methods, overcurrent protection, materials, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively use the NEC.
ISC 112 - Industrial Safety - This course introduces the principles of industrial safety. Emphasis is placed on industrial safety, OSHA, and environmental regulations. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of a safe working environment and OSHA compliance.
MNT 130 - Control Systems - This course introduces industrial control systems which include devices such as motor controls, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and other control components. Topics include schematics and ladder logic structures, related to PLCs, I/O identification, equipment interface, motor controls, and other electrical control devices. Upon completion, students should be able to safely install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair electrical control systems.