Module VII

Staff and Family Interactions

Post Test

Name: ______Title: ______Unit: ______Date: ______

After reviewing Module VII: Staff and Family Interactions in the online classroom, complete this quiz and return it to Staff Development for credit.

When did you complete this in-service? (check one):

□While on duty□While on off duty time

*If the in-service was completed while off duty, you will be reimbursed for training.

1. Maintaining a good relationship with families is very important because a happy family improves the facility in that a satisfied family is more likely to support the nursing home, assist with care and be more cooperative with the staff.


2. Families are probably relieved and feel no guilt when they have to take their loved ones to the nursing home.


3. Customer service is not important in long term care.


4. List two things that you can do aid in building a relationship with families.

  • ______
  • ______

The following questions relate to the movie “The Forgetting: A Portrait of Alzheimer’s”.

5. In the movie “The Forgetting”, the McKenna family is experiencing the last stages of Alzheimer’s disease with their mother. In one scene, the family is discussing what they would do if their mother got pneumonia from her inability to swallow effectively.

What are some of the emotions that the familyis experiencing?


Do you think they have an easy decision to make? Why or why not?


Do all the sisters seem to agree? Do you think they are experiencing guilt?


6. In the movie “The Forgetting”, the Fugets family is dealing with the moderate stages of Alzheimer’s. Harry, who is in his 70’s himself, has taken over the role of caregiver for Gladys who is experiencing some major personality changes.

Do you think Harry is handling the relationship between Gladys and their grandson in the best fashion? What could he do to help his grandson understand?


What are the emotions that Harry may be feeling? Do you think he will be able to care for Gladys much longer?


7. The Noonan family carries a rare genetic mutation, that if inherited, guarantees early onset Alzheimer’s. They have already lost a mother and a sister to the disease and are watching another sister in the advanced stages slip away. Now, a fourth family member has been diagnosed.

If you were part of this family, what kinds of emotions do you think you would be having?

Fear? Relief that is it not you who has been diagnosed? Dread for your children?______

8. As a health care worker in a long term care facility that cares for dementia residents, what are some ways that you can think of to help the families that are coping with the grief and losses of Alzheimer’s disease?
