For outstanding contribution

2016 -2017

You, the members of MBHC, vote for this annual award.

Please register your vote for the person who, in your opinion, has made an outstanding contribution to the Club in the 2016 -2017 season. This can be any Club member (be they a Vice President, official, player, umpire, volunteer etc) – their work could be behind the scenes or active (this is NOT a playing award but one for a person who contributes to the overall vibrancy of the club). It’s your vote: remember, this is a very special award; try to give it some serious thought.

Name of nominee ………………………………………………………………………….

Reason for nomination ……………………………………………………………………



Please return form to:

Claire Mosley

16 Millers Green



Or Text/Email your vote

Phone/Text 07759 900721


The Anita Briddon Award - Previous recipients

1999-2000 Chris Allen – for dropping from 2nds to 4ths to captain the first ever 4th team

2000-2001 Jane Proctor – working on the astroturf project and getting the Wirksworth pitch

2001-2002 Laura Loeber – commitment to the juniors (Monkeys)

2002/2003 Helen Cope – work with the juniors over the years and first team captaining

2003/2004 Chris Poyser – years of organising the fixtures and representing the club

2004/2005 Sally Spencer – coaching the third team and general club commitment

2005/2006 Ann Bradley – years of being president and achieving Club Mark

2006/2007 Helen Greer – commitment to junior and adult coaching

2007/2008 Sue Hickmore – years of running/co-ordinating the Matlock Monkeys

2008/2009 Gaye Smedley – commitment to the Matlock Monkeys and young players

2009/2010 Anne Young – club commitment: - support, playing, administration and coaching.

2010/2011 Jane Whitworth – umpiring for many seasons and over 50 years as club member.

2011/2012 Sarah Archer – umpiring / umpire organisation: playing commitment role-model.

2012/2013 Nicky Camfield – arranging fixtures, captain and fundraising

2013/2014 Sarah Newbury – Club Treasurer and committed player

2014/2015 Bridget Gould – vets tour, coaching and help with juniors

2015/2016 Claire Mosley _ club secretary, vice captain, club commitment, entertainment

The Anita Briddon Award for outstanding contribution– a little background

Anita joined the hockey club in her teens and played until her early 40s when she sadly lost her battle against cancer in 1999.

She was one of the most naturally gifted hockey players you’ll ever see and played with great skill and spirit. As a sports teacher she passed her love of hockey on to hundreds of children and spent time working with our club juniors when the junior section was formed in the 1990s.

Not only was Anita a valued hockey club member, she was an excellent person. She always had a twinkle in her eye, enjoyed a good giggle and a joke with her friends – and everyone was her friend. She had time for the young and old and thoroughly enjoyed other people’s company.

It was cruel and tragic that Anita developed cancer. She fought against it with dignity and determination. During her last year she watched every second team match, both at home (the seconds played at Buxton then as we didn’t have our pitch in Wirksworth until 2001) and away, always giving positive, sensible advice.

For those of us who knew her she was an absolute joy and we miss her.

Following Anita’s death her husband Nigel set up the ‘Anita Briddon Award for Outstanding Contribution’ and he or a member of his family comes and presents the recipient with the silver salver at each annual dinner. It’s a very special award and always brings a tear to a number of eyes in the room.

Please give some serious thought to who you would like to nominate this year, someone who you think has done something important for you and the hockey club during the season. Below is a list of the previous recipients together with a brief outline of why they were nominated to give you some ideas.

I hope this helps everyone understand why we value this award so much.

Jane Proctor – player and friend