TTS50.INI file settings that affect Invoicing

6.TTS50.INI file settings that affect Invoicing

Certain parameters affecting the Invoicing application can be found in the [MileageType], [Invoice] and [Order] sections of your TTS50. Normally, only your TMWSuite System Administrator has the authority to change these parameters. These settings are described here to help users of the Invoicing application understand how they control the invoicing process. Check with your manager or System Administrator to find out which settings are in use at your location.

Entries in the [MileageType] section

Specifying the mileage interface used in billing

[MileageType] Billing

Specifying how the system handles fractional mileage values (ALK)

[MileageInterface] MileageReturnMode

Entries in the [Order] section

Specifying the rating method

[Order] DefaultRateMode

Entries in the [Invoice] section

Specifying when an order can be invoiced

[Invoice] When

Setting up the invoice ID

[Invoice] InvoiceNumberFormat

[Invoice] InvoiceSuffixPrefix

Specifying the Invoicing reference number type

[Invoice] DefaultReferenceType

Determining when invoices can no longer be modified

[Invoice] InvoiceNonEditStatus

Editing remarks on transferred invoices

[Invoice] InvoiceEditException

Specifying the default note filter

[Invoice] NoteFilter

Specifying invoice copies that will include text when printed

[Invoice] PrintCopies

[Invoice] Copy1 Copy2 Copy3

Setting the default quantity

[Invoice] DefaultUnit

Letting specific types of accessorials be rolledintothelinehaulcharge

[Invoice] RollIntoLH

Controlling the passing of order header remarks totheinvoiceheader

[Invoice] CopyOrderRemark

Specifying how to apply a rate with a Trailer Type 1 restriction

[Invoice] UseOrderTrlType1

Specifying that RevType1 cannot be "unknown"

[Invoice] SetRevType1

Defaulting a user’s RevType1 value in Invoicing retrieval windows

[Invoice] SetInvRevType1DefaultFrom

Sorting the order of multiple invoices for a single order

[Invoice] InvoiceNewestFirst

Setting up the system to use reasonability checking

Telling the system to check invoice totals for reasonable amounts

[Invoice] CheckTotalAmount

Allowing the system to save invoices with a zero dollar total

[Invoice] AllowZeroTotal

Setting the maximum invoice total

[Invoice] MaximumInvTotal

Setting the maximum invoice total enforcement level

[Invoice] MaximumInvTotalEnforcement

Telling the system to perform reasonability checking on invoice details

[Invoice] CheckInvdetailAmount

Configuring bill dates for credit memos and rebills

[Invoice] CreditAddDays

[Invoice] RebillAddDays

Allowing changes to credit memos

[Invoice] AlterCreditMemo

Deleting credit memos

[Invoice] AllowCRMemoDelete

Setting the bill date on newly created credit memos

[Invoice] DateCreditOnInvoiceBillDate

Basing master bill page breaks on Shipper/Consignee

[Invoice] AllowBreakOnShipperConsignee

Setting bill dates for invoices

[Invoice] OverlayBillDateInInvoiceQueuePrint

Setting the factor used to adjust round trip miles in a billing rate

[Invoice] AdjustedMileBillingFactor

Determining how the Orders Ready to Prepare queue handlespre-ratedorders

[Invoice] OverridePreRatingInQueueProcessing

Printing miscellaneous invoices without a Bill To or Consignee

[Invoice] BillToReqdWhenRTP

[Invoice] ConsigneeReqdWhenRTP

Restricting invoice printing by user ID

[Invoice] PrintInvoicesByUser

Requiring a valid company ID before changing an invoice's status to Ready To Print

[Invoice] CompanyValidationLevel

Specifying Print Preview as the default forthePrintInvoicesqueue

[Invoice] invoicepreview

Requiring paperwork for an order

[Invoice] RequirePaperwork

Reversing a resource’s pay when a credit memo/rebill is created

[Invoice] AlwaysReversePay

[Invoice] ReversePay

[Invoice] ReversePayPerInvoice

Setting up the printing configuration for d_inv_format11

[Invoice] Tray1 Tray2

Printing a cover sheet when using the Print Invoices queue

[Invoice] PrintBatchTotals

Checking for duplicate Platinum invoice numbers

[Invoice] CheckForDuplicatePlatinumInvoiceNumber

Specifying the number of free stops and billable stop events

[Invoice] FreeStopOffsPerOrder

[Invoice] StopOffEvents

Applying a currency surcharge to invoices

Activating the currency surcharge feature

[Invoice] CurrencySurcharge

Specifying your company’s default currency

[Invoice] DefaultCurrency

Setting the invoice currency date

[Invoice] CurrencyDateIsOrderStartDate

Custom ini settings

Entries in the [MileageType] section

Only one entry in the [MileageType] section pertains to invoicing.

Specifying the mileage interface used in billing

The Billing setting allows you to identify the mileage interface to be used to determine the mileage for an order in the Invoicing application.

The [MileageInterface] section determines the parameters that must exist for each mileage interface you are using. The parameters include:

  • XFACE (practical miles or shortest miles)
  • TYPE (ALK or Rand)
  • PATH (the interface’s server location).

A sequential number is used to group the parameters for the same interface.

Applies to / TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch
This setting specifies the number identifying the mileage interface to be used by the Invoicing module. To specify the appropriate mileage interface for the Order Entry and Invoicing modules, first check the [MileageInterface] section.
For example, if you plan to use Rand Shortest, look for the XFACE setting that represents Rand Shortest. Note the number in brackets, and enter that number for the Billing setting, such as, Billing=1.
Billing=3 (default)

Specifying how the system handles fractionalmileage values (ALK)

By default, TMWSuite truncates fractional mileages down to the previous integer (whole number). For example, a mileage value of 17.8 is truncated as 17. You have three options controlling how decimals are rounded:

  • Always round up
  • Always round down
  • Always round to the nearest whole number.

For example, if you choose to round up, 17.1 becomes 18. If you round down, 17.9 becomes 17. Another option is to let the software split the difference (17.1-17.4 becomes 17; 17.5-17.9 becomes 18). The rounding option you select is used in all TMWSuite applications.

Applies to / TMWSuite
Description / TMWSuite mileages are integer values (whole numbers), and ALK mileages are decimals. This setting determines how decimals are converted to integers.
Options /
  • 1
Miles are always rounded down to previous whole number, e.g., 17.9 becomes 17.
  • 2
Miles are real numbers. This option works only in the Mileage Information window accessed using the Mileage Inquiry command in the Tools menu. It is not yet supported in any other windows within TMWSuite; in windows other than the Mileage Information window, miles are always rounded down to the previous whole number.
  • 3
Miles are rounded to nearest whole number, e.g., 17.4 becomes 17, and 17.5 becomes 18.
  • 4
Miles are always rounded up to next whole number, e.g., 17.1 becomes 18.
Additional Notes /
  1. If this setting if left blank or has an invalid entry, the system defaults to option 1, i.e., miles are always rounded down to previous whole number.
  2. This setting affects only new mileage lookups. ALK mileages that are already on file within TMWSuite will not be modified. Contact TMW Support if you would like to purge your mileage table to refresh those mileage amounts.

Note: This setting affects only new mileage lookups. ALK mileages that are already on file within TMWSuite are not modified. Contact TMW Support if you would like to purge your mileage table to refresh those mileage amounts.

Entries in the [Order] section

Only one entry in the [Order] section pertains to invoicing

Specifying the rating method

The DefaultRateMode settingdetermines which rating method is used.

Applies to / TMWSuite: 2000 and later
Description / This setting determines the rating mode for Order Entry and Invoicing
Options /
  • ByTotal (default)
Rate by Total is the only rating mode available.
Note: When DefaultRateMode=ByTotal, you musthave OrderScreenMode=Stops in the [Order] section of the TTS50.ini file.
  • ByDetail
On an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.
  1. When DefaultRateMode=ByDetail, you musthave OrderScreenMode=Commodity in the [Order] section of the TTS50.ini file.
  2. The DefaultRateMode=ByDetail setting is required to use Volume Optimization.

Additional Notes /
  1. This setting is case-sensitive.
  2. The combination of DefaultRateMode=ByDetail and OrderScreenMode=Stops is not permitted and generates a warning message when you open the Order Entry application.

Entries in the [Invoice] section

All entries in the [Invoice] section pertain directly to invoicing.

Specifying when an order can be invoiced

TheWhen setting allows you to identify the order status required before an order can be invoiced.

Applies to / TMWSuite: 2012.11_07.1008
Description / This setting specifies the dispatch status at which an order becomes available for invoicing.
Note: Changes made to this setting do not affect existing orders.The system looks at the option that was recorded when the order was created.
Options /
  • CMP (default)
(Completed) The order can be billed after all billable stops are actualized.
  • STD
(Started) The order can be billed after the first billable stop is actualized.
(Departure completed) The order can be billed after departure from the last billable stop is actualized.
(Pickups completed) The order can be billed after the last pickup on the order is actualized.
(Drops completed)The order can be billed after the last drop on the order is actualized.
(Trip segment started) The order can be billed after actualizing the first stop on the trip segment that includes the first stop of the order.
  1. It does not matter if the first stop is billable or non-billable.
  2. The TRIPSTD option is particularly helpful when working with split trips having consolidated orders.

(Trip segment completed) The order can be billed after actualizing the last stop on the trip segment that includes the last stop of the order.
  1. It does not matter if the last stop is billable or non-billable.
  2. The TRIPCMP option is particularly helpful when working with split trips having consolidated orders.

Additional Notes / You can override this setting on a BillTo by BillTo basis by using the WhenBillToOverride setting, located in the Invoice section of your TTS50.ini file.

Setting up the invoice ID

The InvoiceNumberFormatand the InvoiceSuffixPrefixsettings allow you to specify the way the system assigns an ID to invoices.

Applies to / TMWSuite
This setting determines which number type the system uses when creating invoice numbers. The options are:
The system will create invoice numbers from the order number.
The system will create invoice numbers from the sequential number that the system uses internally to identify the invoice.
The system will create invoice numbers from the move number and a letter suffix.
  1. The initial invoice number will be the move number with a suffix of A. The next invoice number will be the move number with a suffix of B, and so on to the letter Z. Then the system will add a two-letter suffix, such as AA – ZZ.
  2. The MOVNUM option requires the following options in the [Invoice] section of the TTS50.ini file:
  • InvoiceSuffixPrefix=SUFFIX
  • CreditMemoApplyTo=OriginalInvoice
  • RebillApplyTo=Itself
  • The MOVNUM option causes these additional changes in the Edit Invoice Folder:
  • The Delete All Invoices command displays in the File menu.
  • Movement # is the default record type displayed in the Record Type field in the tab area.
Applies to / TMWSuite
This setting determines whether invoice numbers will have a letter suffix or letter prefix, e.g., 982A or A982.
Note: The letter code is used to distinguish between multiple invoices for the same order.
The options are:
  • NONE
No suffix or prefix will be added to the invoice number.
The system will add a letter prefix to the invoice number.
The system will add a letter suffix to the invoice number.
  • NP
The first invoice for an order will have neither a prefix nor a suffix; subsequent invoices, i.e., supplemental invoices, credit memos, and rebills, will have a prefix.
  • NS
The first invoice for an order will have neither a prefix nor a suffix; subsequent invoices, i.e., supplemental invoices, credit memos, and rebills, will have a suffix.
InvoiceSuffixPrefix=SUFFIX (default)

Specifying the Invoicing reference number type

The DefaultReferenceTypesetting allows you to specify whether the default reference number type is from the order header or the invoice header.

Applies to / TMWSuite
Description / This setting determines the reference number type that is to be used in Invoicing.
Options /
  • orderheader (default)
In the Ref # field in the header area of the Edit Invoice Folder, use reference numbers stored in the order header table.
  • invoiceheader
In the Ref # field in the header area of the Edit Invoice Folder, use reference numbers stored in the invoice header table.

Determining when invoices can no longer be modified

The InvoiceNonEditStatus setting allows you to specify the status at which invoices can no longer be modified.

Applies to / TMWSuite
This setting determines at which status modifications to an invoice will no longer be accepted.
Note: Make only one entry for this setting. The system will not allow changes to invoices with statuses that are equal to, or beyond, the status you specify.
The options are:
  • HLD
Modifications will not be allowed when the invoice status is On Hold.
  • RTP
Modifications will not be allowed when the invoice status is Ready to Print.
  • PRN
Modifications will not be allowed when the invoice status is Printed.
  • XFR
Modifications will not be allowed when invoice status is Transferred to AR.
InvoiceNonEditStatus=XFR (default)

Editing remarks on transferred invoices

Use the InvoiceEditException setting to allow users to add or modify remarks in the Edit Invoice Folder, regardless of the invoice status.

Applies to / TMWSuite: V.2003
Description / Allows users to add or modify comments in the Remarks field on the Edit Invoice Folder, regardless of the invoice status.
Options /
  • Blank, that is, no entry
Do not allow users to add or modify remarks.
  • ivh_remark
Enter the database object name for the Remarks field on the invoice header.
Note: This option overrides the [Invoice] InvoiceNonEditStatus setting, which specifies the status at which invoices can no longer be modified.

Specifying the default note filter

The NoteFilter setting allows you to control how notes are filtered in the Edit Invoices Folder window.

Applies to / TMWSuite
Description / This setting determines the default filter for the Notes window in the Invoicing application. Your entry must match the applicable value in the Description column in the NoteRe label; you must enclose your entry in double quotation marks.
Options /
  • "Billing" (default)

  • Your preferred filter (found in the Description column in the NoteRe label).

Additional Notes / There are 19 default system code options in the NoteRe label.
  1. You can create additional options by adding entries in the NoteRe label.
  2. The NoteFilter setting also exists in the [Dispatch], [Operations], and [Settlement] sections; the entries in these sections determine the default filters in their respective applications.

Specifying invoice copies that will include text when printed

The PrintCopies and Copy1, Copy2, and Copy3 TTS50 settings work together to print text on the bottom of invoice copies.

The PrintCopies setting determines how many of the invoice copies will include text. The Copy1, Copy2, and Copy3settings allow you to enter the identifying text that will be printed on the copies.

Note: The Bill To company profile Print Copies field or Invoice Format Maintenance # Copies field determine how many copies of the invoice will print. The INI settings, found in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50, determine whether text will print at the bottom of any of the copies.

Applies to / TMWSuite
Description / This setting determines how many of the printed invoice copies will use the text specified in the Copy1–3= settings in the [Invoice] section.
The following values determine which Copy1–3= settings will be used:
Options /
  • 1 (default)
Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice.
  • 2
Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice and text from Copy2= will be printed on the second copy of the invoice.
  • 3
Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice, text from Copy2= will be printed on the second copy of the invoice, and text from Copy3= will be printed on the third copy of the invoice.
Additional Notes /
  1. The number of copies to be printed for an invoice is determined by the quantity entered in the one of these fields:
  • Print Copies field in the Bill To company profile. The system uses this field if the quantity is greater than 1 (one).
  • # Copies field in the Invoice Format Maintenance window in the Invoicing application. The system uses this field if the number in the Bill To company profile Print Copies field is set to 1 (one).
  1. The maximum number of copies that may include text is 3.
  2. To have no text print on any invoice copy, set the value to 0 (zero).

Applies to / TMWSuite:
Description / Text entered in each of these settings is printed on the bottom of the invoice copies. This allows you to differentiate between multiple copies of the same invoice. You can modify the text of each setting to meet your business needs.
For example, if you use the default settings, the first copy will print with the text "Customer Copy" on the bottom of the page, the second copy with "Customer Copy (Return with Payment)", and the third copy with "Branch Copy."Z
Additional Notes /
  1. The PrintCopies= setting in the [Invoice] section determines how many copies will use the text specified in the Copy1–3= settings.
  2. The number of copies to be printed for an invoice is determined by the quantity entered in the one of these fields:
  • Print Copies field in the Bill To company profile. The system uses this field if the quantity is greater than 1 (one).
  • # Copies field in the Invoice Format Maintenance window in the Invoicing application. The system uses this field if the number in the Bill To company profile Print Copies field is set to 1 (one).

Setting the default quantity

The DefaultUnitsetting allows you to set the default quantity used for the unit of measure when a detail line is added to an invoice manually.