DATE:May 4, 2009 PRESENT: Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Jill Camnitz
Michael Dixon
Benjie Forrest
Jennifer Little
Barbara Owens
TIME:7:30 P.M.Billy Peaden
Roy Peaden
Marcy Romary
Dick Tolmie
Mary Williams
PLACE:Pitt County Office Building ABSENT: Ralph Love, Sr.
Chair Mary Grace Bright called the Board of Education to order in Regular Session at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Dick Tolmie led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Mary Grace Bright offered the Agenda for consideration. Chair Bright stated that under Consent Items, Item C Pitt County Schools Annual Personnel Action Report 2009-2010 Administration would be added and a copy attached to the minutes. Mr. Michael Dixon, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, moved the Agenda be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.
No one signed up to speak at Public Expression.
For the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning,Belvoir Principal Sandra Morris,
Assistant Principal Kevin Smith and Teacher Janet Drueschler presented a program
used by the school in their “Striving for Success” with aid of Success Maker Software.
This software is comprised of 16 courses that address the needs of students working at individual levels in the areas of reading, writing, math and ESL embedded with science and social studies. Advantages for the program for staff include a robust curriculum, automatic assessment, diagnostic capabilities and prescriptive solutions by determining areas of strengths. Mr. Smith stated school is a challenge with all the entertainment provided for students through the internet, games, TV, etc., but students want to use the Success Maker Program as it’s entertaining and educational. The program is a supplement to teacher instruction and afforded to students in 15 minutes sessions of reading and math throughout the day. Mr. Smith and Ms. Drueschler reviewed results of some of the reports provided by Success Maker which helped teachers know how a student was progressing – high achievers as well as special education students. Ms. Drueschler described a pretest for the student finding at which individualized level a student needs to start and then advances throughout the year. These reports help teachers set up their reading and math groups with students being placed appropriately, and also show what needs to be done to help students meet their goals or be on grade level in math and reading. Superintendent Reep asked Ms. Morris about the software program, Study Island, which was previously used at Belvoir. Ms. Morris stated Study Island is used in the afternoons in the After School Program for interventions while Success Maker is used diagnostically and is more specific for each child.
Under Consent Items, Mr. Dick Tolmie motioned, second by Ms. Jill Camnitz, that the April 20, 2009 Minutes and the Personnel Report for May 2009 Including Reappointments, Non-Reappointments and Career Contracts be approved. Motioncarried unanimously.
Under New Business, Superintendent Beverly Reep apologized to teacher assistants for reading in the newspaper the proposed changes in the Work Week Policy for teacher assistants. There had been a scheduled meeting the end of April with teacher assistants to explain the changes but with new changes put in place by the Governor, the meeting was rescheduled for May 20 to better know the plans set forth from DPI at that time. The Agenda was amended to delete the Human Resources discussion, but the revised policy proposal failed to be pulled. Dr. Reep asked that the policy revision be tabled to a later date. Ms. Jill Camnitz moved, second by Mr. Michael Dixon, that the First Reading on Policy 7.013 Work Week Policy be removed from the table. The motion carried unanimously.
Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael Cowin shared with the Board the proposed Pitt County Schools 2009-2010 Local Budget asking only for a $408,360 increase. Included in the $408,360 were increases in facility operations, liability insurance, and benefit expense for employers’ increased cost of health insurance and retirement. A summary copy of the Proposed Budget is attached to these minutes. Mr. Michael Dixon moved, second by Ms. Jill Camnitz, that the proposed PCS 2009-2010 Local Budget be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Cowin stated our primary goal is to educate our students and at the same time, maintain our current level of operation and have a limited amount of impact on the services that we provide. He discussed all budget shortfalls Pitt County Schools has encountered this year to this point and stated funding for the 2009-2010 school year was full of uncertainty. Board members asked questions regarding Federal stimulus, lottery money, travel, budget cuts by DPI and the Governor, and set aside Capital funds money. Mr. Cowin responded to all and stated by planning and being conservative, Pitt County Schools is in better shape financially than many other school systems across the state. He stated he had carried over State and Federal dollars to protect us in case of reductions. Dr. Reep made mention that the State could revert carry over funds from the State, but not Federal funds. Mr. Cowin stated he would protect our school system as much as possible trying to keep the integrity of operation and instruction.
Chair Barbara Owens stated the Educational Programs and Services Committee met last week and asked Associate Superintendent of EPS Worth Forbes to brief the Board on updates. Mr. Forbes stated despite funding, we continue to push forward. He commended the teachers as they work on EOG and EOC testing, and yet at the same time, hear about funding and funding cuts. For the most part, all of them are still trying to do their best to ensure that our students get the best education they can possibly have in Pitt County.
K-8 Director Marsha McLawhorn stated the Title II Program had only been cut $36,000. This is a Federal grant used to support teacher quality and improvement
through staff development. She stated PCS has three curriculum specialists –in Language Arts/Social Studies, Math and Health/Science. Our goal is to hire 100% highly qualified teachers. Title II helps pay expenses for teachers to get their Masters, take Praxis tests to be highly qualified in different areas of teaching, and take courses for certification in ESL and an EC specialty area. With these expenses being paid for by the school system, it gives teachers incentives to strive for more professional development. With financial support for further professional development as noted above, there are 46 teachers enrolled each semester expanding their certification level or areas using Title II funds.
Ms. Jill Camnitz asked could this money be used for instructional coaches? Ms. McLawhorn stated part of the Title II money was used, but Title I literacy coach positions were also used. Mr. Benjie Forrest wanted to know could we buy teaching positions with the money and the answer was no. Ms. McLawhorn stated this was done at one time but no longer, and Mr. Forbes stated this money could not be used for classroom size reduction. He stated there were 14 instructional coach positionspaid for from Title II funds filled by personnel within the schools saving State positions that can be used to move a person that may have been non-reappointed into that slot.
Title I Director Sylvia Mizzelle stated they were excited with the Title I Federal Stimulus Money but also uncertain regarding its spending use. She stated their funding had increased from $5.9 million to $6.7 million dollars with 22 Title I schools getting allotments after set aside money had been allocated as described by Ms. Mizzelle. She stated the Title I funds and Recovery (R) funds received totaled $11.5 million, and a plan for short-term turn around with long-term benefits in spending this money is being devised. These funds are supplemental to State funds and can be used for resources for Title I schools, technology, professional development, summer programs and hopefully additional personnel can be hired. Several Board members questioned the 1% parent involvement set aside money. Ms. Mizzelle stated this was used for workshops/resources/materials/food to bring parents into the schools who become involved. AParent Advisory Committee has also been established. Some schools have parents more involved than others – some schools offer projects such as math night, bring a book night, pizza bingo, report card pick-up night with dinner, etc. Mr. Forbes commented that many things are tried – if not successful, other means are sought. He also stated the money was being used for long-lasting effects, i.e. improve teacher effectiveness and looking at different options to replace methods that have not improved test scores in the past, but some of it could be used for positions.
Superintendent Reep informed the Board that another student, Aaron Thomas at Wahl-Coates had passed away from lung cancer. She asked that we extend our sympathy to his family and his Wahl-Coates family as well.
Dr. Reep thanked Public Information Officer Heather Mayo and Executive Director of Student Services Travis Lewis for their hard work on the H1N1 Flu coverage. She stated Dr. John Morrow had been most helpful working with the schools in getting the word out and what measures needed to be taken in case we had a student or staff member test positive for the virus.
She congratulated and wished good luck to Ms. Gina Beamon, regional representative from Creekside Elementary,in the North Carolina Teacher of the Year Ceremony tomorrow night in Raleigh.
Dr. Reep stated it is Teacher Appreciation Week with Wednesday being Teacher Appreciation Day. She commented that there is no amount of appreciation that could be bestowed upon these fine people who work in our system and despite what the issues are, get up every day and do what’s right for kids. Dr. Reep also informed the Board that Thursday is School Nurse Appreciation Day. Mr. Lewis stated the nurses have worked really hard also regarding the H1N1 Flu issue looking for students with possible signs and making sure appropriate measures are being followed. Dr. Reep stated that the nurses are far out-stretched across the district carrying out their responsibilities.
Dr. Reep congratulated Aakash Gandhi, a ninth grade student at D. H. Conley, who
placed first in the State N. C. Teachers of Mathematics High School Division at the State Math Fair. She also informed the Board that there have been no incidents at any of the proms this year, with Ayden-Grifton having an economically and fiscally sound prom and thanked the media for their coverage.
Chair Bright stated that Clayton Bjerkeset from Grifton Elementary had won first place at Math Masters. She also reminded everyone of Senior Project sign up in the different high schools and to contact Ms. Heather Mayo regarding graduation attendance. Ms. Bright felt the central office staff is doing a miraculous job of staying on top of issues every day in tough economic times.
Ms. Jill Camnitz commented on the new calendar format and asked was there any confusion on the unscheduled days and annual days for parents sending children to school? Ms. Heather Mayo stated the definitions of these days were placed on the calendar so parents would know when students were out.
The grading scale will be discussed by the State Board this week and Dr. Reep stated we will wait for that outcome. A plea of retroactivity will be made, but teachers are asked to hold on until a definite decision is made by the State. Mr. Worth Forbes stated July 15, 2009 was the date to convert to the new system. He shared that of the 115 counties across the state, 20 use Option 1 (with some of them looking at Option 3), 4 use Option 2, and 91 use Option 3. He stated only a few parents had contacted the principals regarding this issue.
Mr. Dick Tolmie stated he had received many calls regarding the grading system – some sources called for letter grades, some wanted percentage scores. He stated the bottom line is that we would not do any changes until we are told. Chair Bright asked that an ALERT NOW be sent and the media strongly state that there would be no change in this year’s grading – it will be the same as it has been - any change will come into effect in the 2009-2010 school year. Dr. Reep stated that neither the Board of Education nor Pitt County School Administration wants to do anything to harm students retroactively.
Mr. Benjie Forrest invited Board members to the Pitt County FFA Alumni Golf Tournament Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the Ayden Golf Course. Proceeds would go for student agricultural scholarships to enter colleges and universities.
Mr. Dick Tolmie stated we had nine County Commissioners striving to keep education a top priority.
Mr. Billy Peaden stated North Pitt High School’s Carpentry Class won State recognition and would be going to the Regional Competition in Kansas City. Teams they competed against were from community colleges as well as other high schools. He also informed the Board that Bethel Middle School had won the baseball season championship two years in a row.
Ms. Barbara Owens expressed best wishes to Mr. Trey Peaden, son of Mr. Roy Peaden, during his upcoming surgery.
Mr. Roy Peaden stated he was thankful we have a Governor supporting education.
Mr. Dick Tolmie motioned, second by Ms. Jill Camnitz, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectively Submitted,
Ms. Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Dr. Beverly B. Reep, Superintendent