Regular MeetingJanuary 14, 2016
The Regular Meeting of the Johnsonburg Area School District Board of Educationwas held Thursday,January 14, 2016beginning at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were D. Allegretto, J. Carnovale, C. Dunworth,S. Grunthaner, S. Launer,B. Thorwart, R. Wolfe and N. Zimmerman. Administrators in attendance were D. Crotzer, J. Hobbs, B. Benson, and K. Wolfe. L. Mahoney, Board Secretary, L. Pura, Payroll/Personnel andP. Calkins, Board Treasurerwere in attendance as well as Solicitor Rick Brown. Media was represented by theJohnsonburg Press, Dubois Courier Express, and theRidgway Record.
Agenda review was held at 6:30 PM. Following agenda review Mr. James Alexanderfrom the accounting firm BWB presented the independent audit of the school district for 2015. President Thorwartcalled theregular meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthanerto approve the minutes from the regular meeting and the reorganization meeting held on December 3, 2015 as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Allegrettomoves seconded by Dunworthto approve theTreasurer’s Report for General Fund including Disbursements and Revenue for11/15as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Carnovalemoves seconded by Dunworthto approve the High School Activity Account for 11/15, the High School Athletic Account for 11/15,the Elementary Activity Account for 11/15 and the Cafeteria Account for 11/15as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthaner to approve the Safety Committee minutes from the meeting held on 12/09/15. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Allegretto moves seconded byWolfetoapprove the bills list as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer,Thorwart,Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
At approximately 7:04 PM, the board entered into executive session for matters of personnel, employment and collective bargaining. At 7:48 PM, the regular meeting was called back to order.
Regular MeetingJanuary 14, 2016
A. Personnel
Agenda Item 1: Volunteer Coaches: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to approve Mr. Dave Imbrogno and Ms. Rami Akers as volunteer girls’ junior high volleyball coaches for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 2:Part Time Cafeteria Position: Dunworth moves seconded by Allegretto to award Mrs. Susie Franco a part time cafeteria position effective 1/19/16 as per the decision of Mr. Marc Winters, arbitrator. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
Agenda Item 3: Weight Room Supervisor: Allegretto moves seconded by Dunworth to approve Ms. Rhianon Fowler as volunteer weight room supervisor, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
B.Education and School Activities
Agenda Item 1:Board Committee Appointments: Carnovale moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the board committee appointments for 2016. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Agenda Item 2: Math Counts: Dunworth moves seconded by Grunthaner to grant permission for students to participate in the Math Counts competition in Erie, PA on February 26 – 27, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
Agenda Item 3:AP Exams: Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthaner to grant permission for the district to pay the cost of AP exams for those students that have completed the test preparation requirements. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
Agenda Item 4: Policies: Presented for the first reading are the following policies:
Policy No. 203.1, Section: Pupils, titled HIV Infection
Policy No. 819, Section: Operations, titled Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Response
Regular MeetingJanuary 14, 2016
Agenda Item 5: Independent Carrier: Dunworth moves seconded by Grunthaner to approve Mr. Robert Nortum as independent carrier for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, effective January 4, 2016 at the IRS rate of reimbursement and to waive additional insurance requirements as he will be transporting only his own child. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
Agenda Item 6: Authorized Signer: Dunworth moves seconded by Wolfe to approve Mrs. Barbara J. Thorwart as an authorized signer for the Johnsonburg Area School District general fund account. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
Agenda Item 7: Independent Carrier: Allegretto moves seconded by Dunworth to approve Mrs. Donna Fitch as an independent carrier for the 2015 -2016 School Year at a rate of $1.20 per mile, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes.
C. Finance
Agenda Item 1: Management Discussion and Analysis: Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthaner to approve the Management Discussion and Analysis for year ending 2015, Statement of Net Assets dated 2015, and the Expenditure and Revenue Detail report for 2015. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Agenda Item 2: Independent Auditor’s Report for 2015: Dunworth moves seconded by Launer to approve the Independent Auditor’s Report for fiscal year ending 2015. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Agenda Item 3: Internal Controls and Compliance: Launer moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve the Internal Controls and Compliance in accordance with government auditing standards. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Regular MeetingJanuary 14, 2016
Agenda Item 4: Single Audit Act: Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthaner to approve the report on Compliance and Internal Controls in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 Single Audit Act. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
President Thorwart called for public comment with no response from those in attendance. At 8:05 PM Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthanerto adjourn the meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Read and approved this______day of ______, 2016.
Lisa J. Mahoney
Board Secretary