***All returning caddie applications must be filled out and returned to the Westwood Country Club Golf Shop as soon as possible before you resume caddying. Uniforms are $45 and must be purchased before you resume caddying, unless new uniforms have not gone on sale yet…whereby last year’s uniforms must be worn until new uniforms are for sale. See Caddy Master, Dave Moskal for details.
***Like usual, it is your responsibility to make sure your name is on your caddie badge that is on your caddie hat. Dave Moskal will be available to make you a name label for your badge. DO NOT write your name on your badge.
Options to hand delivering registration forms are:
By Mail: Westwood Country Club, P.O. Box 16459 Rocky River, OH 44116
By E-Mail:
Print accurate information clearly or you will run the risk of not getting important notifications
Name: ______________________________________________________ Birth Date________________
What is your current caddie number? __________ Rank: (Circle) Honor Captain A Swing A Single B
Total Loops Last Year _______
How many years have you caddied at Westwood? ___________________
When are you able to resume caddying this year? ___________________
Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: _______
CELL PHONE: ( ) __________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________
Home Phone: ( ) __________________ Family Contact Name: ______________________________
Family Contact E-mail for Program and Scholarship info: ____________________________________
Emergency Phone: ( ) __________________ Emergency Contact Name: ______________________
School Attending:_________________________ Present Grade Level: ____________ GPA _________
If you are a High School Junior or Senior, would you like more information on Scholarships?_____________
If you are 16 years old, would you be interested in working in the Bag Room: Yes No
I hereby acknowledge my responsibility toward The Westwood Country Club Caddie Organization. I will conduct myself in a proper manner and act with respect towards the Club members, guests, employees and property.
Applicant Signature
(Under 18) I hereby give my consent for my child to caddie at The Westwood Country Club. I understand the Club will not be responsible in damages or for any injuries to any caddie not caused by negligence on the part of the Club.
Parent/Guardian Signature