Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

345 Oak St. Colusa, California 95932

(530) 458-4170, Fax (530) 458-8728


St. Joseph’s Mission

1st and Center Streets, Princeton, California

Mission Statement We, the People of God of Our Lady of Lourdes, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called by Christ to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through prayer and sacraments and to witness the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

Parish Office: 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170

Divine Mercy Chapel: 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170

Parish Administrator: Father Arbel Cabasagan 458-8570

Deacon: Miquel Fernandez 916-698-2099

Principal: Barbara Genera 458-8208

Website: www.theollschool.org

Director Religious Ed: Dianne Luoma 530-845-9649

Hispanic Coordinator: Eva Meraz-Robey 458-5963

Grupo de Oracion: Jaime Lopez 237-7215

Music Ministry: (5pm) Maureen Andreotti 458-5563

(Sunday) (10am) Gloria Delgado 458-5121

[Practice 2nd & 4th Thurs. 7:00pm]

(12:00) Martina Amador 458-8279

(Friday) (6pm ) Alberta Lopez 237-7215

Pastoral Care Ministry: Alma Hickel 458-4826

Louise Woodring 458-2515

Respect for Life: Rocio Meraz (831) 207-0962

Baptismal Coordinator: Rocio Meraz (831) 207-0962

“Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time”

July 10, 2011

“The seed that falls on good groudnd will yield a fruitful harvest”

Mass Schedule /Mass Coordinator

Sat: Colusa – 5:00 p.m. English – Eva Meraz

Sun: Princeton - 8:30 a.m. Bilingual

Colusa - 10:00 a.m. English-Sharon Hernandez

Colusa - 12:00 noon Spanish- Eva Meraz

Mon. Wed. Thur: Divine Mercy Chapel-7:30 a.m. English

Fri: Church – 7:30 a.m. English – Eva Meraz

Fri: Church – 6:00 p.m. Spanish – Jaime Lopez

Mass Intentions:

7/09: Bill Littlejohn +, req. Charlene Littlejohn

7/10: Jose Pineda, req. Fr. Arbel S. Cabasagan

7/11: Roger Hickel +, req. Bill & Marge Wallace

7/13: Beverly Andreotti +, Arnold & Maureen Andreotti

7/14: Roger Hickel +, Ralph & Keni L. Hopkins

7/15: Roger Hickel +, Kenneth & Phyllis Ausk

7/16: Roger Hickel +, SR Hickel

Lectors: (Coordinator – Irmalee Schumacher 458-4620)

7/09: Richard R., Marilyn A.

7/10: Stacy/Josh H., Maureen A.

7/16: Pat B., Barbara D.

7/17: Sharon H., Cenza M.

Eucharistic Ministers: (Coordinator – Irmalee S.)

7/09: Gabriela R., Leslie V., Valorie I.

7/10: Chuck L., Patty Jo C., Julian D.

7/16: Raylene L., Jim M., Richard R.

7/17: Jeff M., Alicia M., Peggy S.

Altar Servers: (Coordinator – Leane Skaggs)

7/09: Bridget Walsh, Erin Walsh

7/10: Anel Sanchez, Bertram Windsor

7/16: Daniel Sanchez, Pablo Meraz

7/17: Christian Lyss, Braden Lyss

Confessions By appointment or

Saturday: 4:30-4:50 p.m.

Sunday: 11:30-11:50 a.m.

Catholic Ladies Relief Society (monthly)

First Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., St. Bernadette’s Hall

Bible Study with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)

Tuesday, 7-9:00 p.m., 75 Oak Tree Lane

RCIA with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)

Thursday, 7-9:00 p.m., Parish Center

Knights of Columbus Meets 4th Wednesday of the month,

7:00 p.m., St. Bernadette’s Hall

Grupo de Oracion: with Jaime Lopez (weekly)

Wednesday, 7-8:00 p.m., Chapel

Parish Collections

7/02 – 7/03 $ 2,687.50

2nd collection $ 633.00

Thank you for your support.

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Office Hours

Secretaries are volunteers. If no one is in the office please call (530) 458 -4170 and leave a message

Monday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Tuesday 8 a.m. – 12 noon / 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Wednesday 9 a.m. – 12 noon /1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Thursday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. /1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Friday 9 a.m. – 12 noon

Prayers for the Meraz Family.

Please continue to pray for Kateri Mary Meraz and for the whole Meraz Family. Daily rosary/ novena for 9 days started July 6, 2011 and ends July 14, 2011 (9th day), on the Feast Day of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. Daily rosary will be at the Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 7:00 p.m.

ThankYou Parish Volunteers

Thank you for answering Gods call to serve and to donate your time and skills. Working to provide religious, charitable and humanitarian services is tough, knowing that you earn no wages or benefits in connection with your religious, charitable and humanitarian volunteer work.

Every year we offer two parish volunteer mass. Last May 28, 2011 we already had our first parish volunteers mass at Our Lady of Sorrow Shrine in Grimes. The second mass for this year will be held September 15, 2011, on the feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrow Shrine.

Thank you for coming and joining us in our time of sorrow

Last Friday July 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the morning Bishop Jaime Soto, Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento, celebrated the solemn funeral mass for Kateri Mary Meraz. Concelebrants were from the Sutter Butte Deanery. Father Michael Baricuatro from Saint John the Baptist Parish- Chico, Father Maurice O’Brien from Saint Monica Parish - Willows, Father Miguel Silva from Saint Isidore Parish - Yuba City, Father Roy Doner from Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, Father Perlito de la Cruz from Sacred Heart Parish – Maxwell and Father Arbel Cabasagan from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Welcome to the New members of our Faith

The following were baptized last June 2011

1. Ariadna Rodrigues Ramos

2. Santiago Ramirez Miramontes

3. David Andrew Gutierrez Anthony

4. Alex Francisco Hernandez

2011 – 2012 Knights of Columbus new set of officers

Grand Knight: John Silva

Deputy Grand Knight: Jim White

Chancellor: Roger Hickel

Recorder: J Manuel Medina

Treasurer: Bob Woodring

Advocate: Brendan Farrel

Warden: Richard Steidlmayer

Inside Guard: Tim Gomes

Outside Guard: Tim Walsh

Trustee 3rd Year: Jeff Moresco

Trustee 2nd Year: John Rogers

Trustee 1st Year: J T O’Sullivan

Congratulations and may God continue to guide and enlighten everyone.

Thank you to all parishioners who donated their time, skill and resources.

Donated item/ skills/ talent/ resources this week:

1. Big Stand Fan for Divine Mercy chapel

2. New office volunteer –Summer Time

3. New Altar Server Coordinator

4. New Lector

Honoring All Veterans

This whole month of July we offer prayers of thanksgiving for those young people now serving in the military, for those who have served, and for those who have served and are now deceased.

A special bulletin board is being displayed in the vestibule of the church to honor those veterans during the month of July.

Thanks to Louise Woodring, Lucille Imhoff, and Alma Hickel who assisted Fr. Arbel in the gathering of the military personnel pictures.

Portuguese Festa

The celebration of faith and thanksgiving brought together many people of Portuguese heritage to the small Colusa County community, many of whom trace their origins to the Azores, a string of volcanic islands about 800 miles off the coast of Portugal.

"The tradition follows the celebration at the end of the great famine in Europe," said Chris Souza, president of the Princeton St. Anthony and Holy Ghost Committee. One of the most integral part of Sunday's Festa was the crowing of the queens, in keeping with the tradition started by Queen Isabella, who placed a crown upon the head of a peasant girl at the very first celebration and declared her queen for the day.

The Princeton Festa activities begun with a parade at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Princeton Portuguese Hall, followed by Mass at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, where the queens of the Festa were crowned in honor of Queen Isabella of Portugal — also known as "Isabelle the Peacemaker" and later canonized as St. Isabella. – SunHerald.com

Baptismal Information and Scheduling

For information regarding baptisms, please contact the Parish Office at 530-458-4170. Pre-Baptism conferences are rescheduled on the 2nd Friday of the month at 5:00 pm. at the Church. Baptism are scheduled every second Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Any special date or time requested should be addressed to Father Arbel.

Please visit and pray in our Divine Mercy Chapel at 745 Ware Avenue, it’s open from Monday to Friday

Monday 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Tuesday 8 a.m. – 12 noon / 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Wednesday 7:30 a.m. – 12 noon

Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. /1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Friday 9 a.m. – 12 noon