Minutes of the Susquehanna Regional Commission held on August 2, 2017.
The regular meeting of the Susquehanna Regional Police Commission met on August 2, 2017 @ 6:30pm in the East Donegal Township Municipal Building, 190 Rock Point Road, Marietta, PA 17547.
Roll Call of Commission: Present was Chairman Ray Vegso, Commissioner John Murphy and Alternates Steve Mohr and Alan Esbenshade. Also present was Interim Chief Haugh, Sgt. Hall, Sgt. Smith, Officer Rivera, Officer Kauffman, Officer Meador and Diane Smith, secretary.
Chairman Vegso called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the July 11, 2017 meeting were then presented for approval and/or corrections. Commissioner Murphy made a motion to approve minutes as presented. Alternate Mohr seconded the motion. There being no discussion, motion approved.
Public Comment: None
Treasurer Report: Chief Haugh reported a balance of $29,458.69 in Checking Account after payment of the bills; Capital Reserve Money Market Balance (Assigned) $74,860.00*; Sick Leave CD (Committed) $13,935.67*; SRPD Retirement Healthcare Benefit CD (Committed) $320,097.22*; PLGIT Checking (Payroll Account) $25,990.31 and Grant Account $2,231.00.
*Union Community Bank Municipal Money Account Totaling $313,892.89
*PLGIT CD $95,000.00
*192 Shares of Principal Fund Stock YTD Dividends.
Chairman Vegso asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Commissioner Murphy made a motion to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. Alternate Mohr seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Bills for payment list presented.
Chief Haugh reported check #7254 Darrenkamp’s, check #7256 Esther Shirk Insurance Deductible, check #7257 Tires for Crown Vic, check #7262 Jeffrey Sosnoski school reimbursement, check #7265 Nick Neely boot allowance and check #7270 TMP non work related disability insurance for the (2) new officers.
Alternate Mohr made a motion to pay bills as presented. Commissioner Murphy seconded the motion. Motion Approved.
Chief’s Report: Chief Haugh reported there was a 5 year old child who drowned in the river at Marietta Borough. The child was found about 4 feet from the shore. Medical personnel performed CPR.
Chief Haugh reported there was a robbery/kidnapping which also occurred in Marietta Borough. There was an item stolen, that was up for sale. The victim posed to buy the item. The seller got into the vehicle to sell the item and the owner of the item engaged in fighting the seller and got the item back. No one wanted to press charges.
Chief Haugh reported there has been some calls in reference to Mr. Hardy shooting at his residence. Mr. Hardy is complying, he has put up a back stop behind his house and camera to monitor the trail and he has made a safe area to shoot. Anytime Officers are called to the area for shooting this will be documented.
Chief Haugh reported there is a rape case re-opened in Conoy Township. A juvenile female was inappropriately touched. The case was inactive. The case is being opened due to additional circumstances revealed by the victim.
Chief Haugh reported there were (3) arrests for trespassing at the quarry in Conoy Township. The (3) subjects were fishing. The quarry is posted no trespassing.
Chief Haugh reported on July 28, 2017 Officer Meador participated with West Hempfield Police Department in Night Out. SRPD was not in the position to host a Night Out, maybe West Hempfield will partner with SRPD next year.
Chief Haugh reported he spoke with the DSD Superintendent in reference to the SRO Grant money. Secretary of Education Rivera is investigating why we have not received the grant money yet. Chief Haugh reported he is speaking with Carol Kuntz, who is an undersecretary she said that she is working to clear this matter up in the next few days.
Old Business: Chief Haugh reported he contacted Sage Technology Solutions to have the interview room sound soaked. If this works we are going to have the second room completed.
Chief Haugh reported Officer Kimes was selected and transferred into Criminal Investigations.
East Donegal Township and Conoy Township will be voting in there August council meeting to approve the ordinance for investment strategy.
New Business: Chief Haugh reported the Commissioners should have the first copy of the 2018 budget at the September Commission Meeting.
Executive Session: None
Alternate Mohr made a motion to adjourn meeting. Commissioner Murphy seconded the motion. Motion Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Smith