Week 5 Points Tutorial: Upper Leg and Hips
1.Proportional Measurement
- Upper Border of Symphysis pubis to medial epicondyle of femur: 18
- Prominence of Greater Trocanter to Mid patella: 19
- Deadman: from Gluteal crease to popliteal crease: 14
- Deadman: Patella: 2 cun
- Center of Navel to pubic symphysis: 5 cun
2. Channels and Points
- SP:10-12
- ST: 31-35
- KD: 10
- UB: 36-40
- GB: 29-33
- LV: 8-11
4. Extra Points
- Bai Chong Wo: 1 cun proximal to SP10
- He Ding
- Xi Yan
- Huan Zhong
5. Anatomical Markings
- Popliteal crease, popliteal fossa
- Patella, patellar ligament
- KD 10: Semimembranosus and semitendinosis tendons
- Mediosuperior and Superiolateral borders of patella
- Vastus Medius of M. Rectus Femoris
- Femoral Artery and Nerve
- Sartorius Muscle
- Anterior superior iliac spine
- Perenium/level of symphysis pubis
- Transverse gluteal crease/ inferior gluteal crease
- Hamstring muscles
- M. Biceps femoris tendon
- UB 40: ½ btw Semitendinosis and biceps femoris tendons
- Greater trochanter of femur
- Hiatus of the sacrum (DU 2)
- (GB31) Btw M. vastus lateralis and biceps femoris
- (LV 9) btw vastus medius and M. sartorius
- (LV 10) m abductor longus
6. Point Location Notes
- SP 10: 2 cun above mediosup border of patella. On vastus medius. Place palm on patella with thumb medial, thumb on SP 10 when knee flexed, dir above SP9
- SP 11: 6 cun above SP 10, 8 cun above patella (two handbreadths above), on line from SP 10-12
- SP 12: lat to pulsing artery, 3.5 cun lat to Ren 2
- ST 31: on line asis and suplat corner of patella, level perenium, lat to sartorius. Draw line down from asis, across from perenium, and put ankle over opposite knee to feel the depression
- ST 32: line asis to lat patella, 6 above lat sup patella
- ST 33: line asis to lat patella, 3 above suplat patella
- ST 34: line asis to lat patella, 2 above suplat patella
- ST 35: knee eyes
- KD 10: semitendinosis and semimembranosis attachments
- UB 36: mid gluteal crease
- UB 37: 6 cun below, on line 36 to 40, use 14 cun measurement
- UB 39: Lat popliteal crease, med to biceps femoris tendon
- UB 38: 1 cun above 39, med to tendon
- UB 40: ½ btw semitendinosis and biceps femoris tendons
- GB 29: btw Asis and greater trochanter
- GB 30: junct medial 1/3 and lateral 2/3 between greater trochanter and hiatus of the sacrum
- GB31: 7 cun above popliteal crease, where middle finger touches (sometimes)
- GB 32: 5 above pop crease
- GB 33: btw femur and biceps femoris tendon, depression, 3 cun above GB34
- LV 8:ant border of semitend and semimemb, post to med epicondyle of tibia, 1 cun ant to KD 10 (Deadman)
- LV 9: 4 cun above medial epicondyle of the femur
- LV 10: 3 cun below ST 30
- LV 11: 2 below ST 30
7. Most Used Points in the Clinic
- UB 40
- SP 10
- LV 8
- ST 35
- ST 34
- KD 10
- GB 31
- GB 30
- GB 29
- Huan Zhong
- Bai Chong Wo
- UB 36
8. Cautions
- SP 11: femoral artery
- SP 12: Med is femoral artery, lat femoral nerve