
Mrs. Fischer

Neshaminy High School

Rules and Procedures

Welcome to Precalculus. The following is a list of the procedures in my classroom; they are in effect at ALL TIMES!

1)  Please sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT once you enter the room.

2)  BEGIN the Warm-up and get out your homework as soon as you enter the room.

3)  Always come to class prepared with:

·  Math binder

·  Several pencils

·  Calculator – REQUIRED - TI-83 plus, or TI-84 Plus (you will NOT be permitted to use your cell phone as a calculator)

4)  Attend to personal needs before class starts unless there is an emergency (example: using the lavatory).

5)  You are NOT permitted to go to the cafeteria under any circumstances during my class. This will result in an office referral.

6)  Stay seated at all times unless you have permission to get up. I will dismiss you when the lesson is finished. DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR!!!

7)  Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. Only ONE person speaks at a time. Be respectful and polite to all people (this works hand-in-hand with using polite speech and body language)

8)  Sharpen pencils before class begins! Bring extras in case one breaks. You are NOT to get out of your seat during class time to sharpen pencils or throw away trash. Dispose of any trans upon leaving the room.

I-pods or cell phones are not to be used at any time!!!! If you use an electronic device during a testing situation I must assume it is being used to assist you on a test. The device will be taken and you will receive a “0” on that test/quiz. THIS IS YOUR WARNING!

I abide by the disciplinary code in the student handbook and (depending on the situation) a course of action may be taken and settled within the classroom. If needed a legal guardian may be contacted or a written/verbal disciplinary report sent to the office. You are responsible for your own actions!!!

FIRST OFENSE: Warning, parental contact.

SECOND OFFENSE: Office referral.

* If using your phone, you will need to pick it up in F125 at the end of the day.

9)  Grading: There will be periodic quizzes throughout each chapter (may or may not be announced). There will be a chapter test at the end of each unit. You will be scored on a point system and therefore, chapter tests will account for more points than the quizzes. There will be a quarterly exam at the end of each marking period that will count toward 20% of your marking period grade. The breakdown is as follows:

90% - tests/quizzes

10% - homework


(There will be a midterm and a final which will be averaged at the end of the year for your final exam grade.)

I will be using Neshaminy’s grading system. This will allow you and your parent/guardian to check grades on Home Access. Progress reports will be done online also. See me if you do not know how to access your grades.

10) Homework will be checked periodically for completeness. It must be done in pencil or erasable ink. (Please refrain from using gel pens with colors that makes it difficult to read!) I will not accept late homework. Homework is 10% of your marking period grade. Homework format is as follows:

ü  Start on a new page in your notebook

ü  Place section number, date and assignment on top of page

ü  Write out the problem

ü  Show all steps

ü  Circle answer

ü  All problems must be done to receive credit. There will be no partial credit for homework.

11) Notebooks: Notebook checks will be done periodically during the marking period. It is very important that you keep your notebook in order.

12) Work missed due to absence: It is your responsibility to find out what assignments you have missed due to an absence from class. Any class work, homework, tests and quizzes must be completed within a time period equal to the number of classes missed. (example: 2 days absent = 2 days to complete missed work. If you are absent for a single day on which a test or quiz is given, you will be expected to take it on the day you return. In the event you are absent for more than one day you will have an equal amount of time as the days absent to make up a test or quiz. Please note, it will be your responsibility to complete all assignments before returning from a vacation. Any missed tests/quizzes will be given upon your return.

13) Tutoring is available in the library Monday – Thursday morning 6:45 – 7:10 and afternoon 2:30 – 4:00. I am available for help on Monday & Thursday after school until 2:40.

14) Supplies:

-  Math notebook – 3 ring binder or spiral (I give a lot of handouts so get folders if you use spiral notebook)

-  Calculator (REQUIRED: TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus)

-  Plenty of pencils

-  Tissues (if you need them)

15) ALL HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS ARE POSTED ON MY WEBPAGE UNDER “PRECALCULUS CLASS CALENDAR”. This is useful for absences or in the event you forgot to write the assignment down.

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you. By working together as a team we can make this a successful year!

{**** The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. ~S. Guddeream}


Cut at dotted line and return:


Precalculus – Mrs. Fischer – 2017/2018


Your name (printed) Your Signature Period


Parent/Guardian name (printed) Parent/guardian signature