Unit 11 – The Cold War


Title:Unit 11 – The Cold War

Course: Honors U.S. History

Grade level: 11th


This is the final unit of the U.S. history curriculum, in which students will learn about the origins, policies, and impact of the Cold War on both the United States and the rest of the world. In addition, students will learn about the major events, people, and policies of America’s most recent decades, all the way up to the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The unit will be taught in seven block periods – five periods of instruction, one period of review for the unit test, and the final period used for giving the unit test.

The Cold War set the framework for global policies for almost half a century following the end of World War II. Essentially, this war was a competition between two very different ways of organizing government, society, and the economy: the belief in democracy, individual freedom, and a free-market economy (upheld by the United States and other western nations), and the belief in a totalitarian state and socialism (upheld by the U.S.S.R.). The United States and the U.S.S.R. struggled for ideological, political, and nuclear dominance throughout the Cold War, narrowly avoiding actual warfare on several occasions, such as the Cuban missile crisis.

The Cold War impacted the United States both immediately and long-term, most notably through U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War – a conflict which deeply divided the nation and left many Americans skeptical of future interventions in global affairs. Nevertheless, the involvement of the United States in other areas of the world has been an integral part of U.S. foreign policy since the Cold War. The Cold War influenced American domestic politics, the role of the government in the economy, and the culture of fear perpetuated in part by “McCarthyism.”

Through this unit, students will gain a deeper understanding of how the Cold War emerged from the decisions made during and after World War II, as well as how the United States dealt with its longest “war” domestically and internationally. Also, students will understand connections between the Cold War-era policies and the conflicts currently facing the United States today in the global arena. Finally, students will understand more about the issues defining modern America, such as the role of the Supreme Court, immigration, and the influence of technology.


This unit is prescribed by the Virginia Standards of Learning. VUS.13 states that the students “will demonstrate knowledge of United States foreign policy since World War II.” This unit is the final unit in the curriculum of study, and follows both the units on World War II and the Civil Rights movement. The Civil Rights movement actually occurred during the Cold War, but my cooperating teacher teaches them separately, with the Civil Rights movement as a very short unit prior to the Cold War unit. Because it is the final unit, this unit also includes content focusing on important issues in America today.


1. The students will be able to define the Cold War, the differences between capitalism, communism, and socialism, and identify the key figures/historical events of this time period.

2. The students will understand the impact of the Cold War on American political and cultural history

3. The students will understand the connection between Cold War era policies and the United States today

4. The students will improve their responsive writing.

Essential Questions

1. Was the Cold War a “real” war?

2. Were U.S. foreign policies during the Cold War “successful”?

3. How did the Cold War affect Americans at home?

Standardized Objectives

VUS.1 - The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship, including the ability to

a) identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary source documents, records, and data, including artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, journals, newspapers, historical accounts, and art to increase understanding of events and life in the United States

d) develop perspectives of time and place, including the construction of maps and various timelines of events, periods, and personalities in American history

e) communicate findings orally and in analytical essays and/or comprehensive papers

h) interpret the significance of excerpts from famous speeches and other documents

VUS.13 - The student will demonstrate knowledge of United States foreign policy since World War II by

b) explaining the origins of the Cold War, and describing the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment of communism, the American role of wars in Korea and Vietnam, and the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Europe

c) explaining the role of America’s military and veterans in defending freedom during the Cold War

d) explaining the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, including the role of Ronald Reagan in making foreign policy

e) explaining the impact of presidents of the United States since 1988 on foreign policy

VUS.15 - The student will demonstration knowledge of economic, social, cultural, and political developments recent decades and today by

a) examining the role the United States Supreme Court has played in defining a constitutional right to privacy, affirming equal rights, and upholding the rule of law

b) analyzing the changing patterns of immigration, the reasons new immigrants choose to come to this country, their contributions to contemporary America, and the debates over immigration policy

c) explaining the media influence on contemporary American culture and how scientific and technological advances affect the workplace, health care, and education

d) examining the impact of the “Reagan Revolution” on federalism, the role of government, and state and national elections since 1988

e) assessing the role of government actions that impact the economy

f) assessing the role of the United States in a world confronted by international terrorism

NCSS Strand VI – Power, Authority, & Governance

e) compare different political systems (their ideologies, structure, institutions, processes, and political cultures) with that of the United States, and identify representative political leaders from selected historical and contemporary settings

f) analyze and evaluate conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among nations

i) evaluate the extent to which governments achieve their stated ideals and policies at home and abroad

NCSS Strand VII – Production, Distribution, & Consumption

f) compare how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different societies

Academic Objectives

By the end of this unit, students will be able to

  • Describe the Cold War, the major events/nations/people, and the reasons why this war differed from WWII
  • Identify the differences between democracy, communism, and socialism
  • Evaluate the Korean & Vietnam Wars in the context of the Cold War
  • Identify the U.S. foreign policy strategies and their effectiveness
  • Evaluate the impact of the Cold War on the American homefront
  • Identify the factors involved in the collapse of the U.S.S.R. and the end of the Cold War
  • Understand a connection between Cold War era policies and recent presidential decisions
  • Identify the key elements of current important issues in the United States

Skills Objectives

By the end of this unit, students will be able to

  • Analyze primary and secondary written/media sources
  • Create a timeline of historical events
  • Participate in a discussion based on a historical text

Outline of Content

I. Origins of the Cold War

A. Definition of “Cold War”

a. “The competition that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union for power and influence in the world, lasting until the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

B. Length of war

a. 1945-1991

C. Starkly different fundamental values

a. United States – democratic political institutions, generally free market economic system

b. Soviet Union – totalitarian government with a communist (socialist) economic system

II. Elements of the Cold War

A. Truman Doctrine and “containment of communism”

B. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

C. Warsaw Pact

D. Communist takeover of China

E. Nuclear weapons and arms race

a. Policy of “massive retaliation”

F. Differences between Cold War and WWII

III. Korean War

A. Reflected Cold War policy of containment of communism

B. Invasion of South Korea by communist North Korea

C. United Nations counterattack led by U.S. military forces; communist Chinese forces entered on side of N. Korea

D. Ended in stalemate

IV. Cuban missile crisis

A. Site of Cold War confrontations

B. Fidel Castro led communist revolution, took over Cuba in late 1950s

C. Failed “Bay of Pigs” invasion

D. 1962 – Soviet Union stationed missiles in Cuba; world on brink of nuclear war

E. Soviet leadership backed down, removed missiles

V. Vietnam War

A. Reflected Cold War policy of containment of communism

B. 1950s – early 1960s, Communist government of North Vietnam attempted to install communist government in South Vietnam by force; U.S. helped South Vietnam resist

C. Pres. Kennedy began American military buildup, continued under Pres. Johnson

D. Scale of combat increased during 1960s

E. Country bitterly divided over war

F. Pres. Nixon and policy of “Vietnamization”

G. Watergate scandal, North and South Vietnam merged under communist control]

VI. American military forces during the Cold War

A. Millions of Americans served in the military

a. Because of their service, United States and American ideals of democracy/freedom prevailed

B. Indifference/hostility toward Vietnam veterans

VII. Role of President Reagan

A. Challenged moral legitimacy of Soviet Union

a. Speech at Berlin Wall

B. Increased U.S. military/economic pressure on Soviet Union

VIII. Impact of the Cold War at home

A. Fear of communism, threat of nuclear war

a. Nuclear attack drills, basement bomb shelters

b. Soviet spies, construction of nuclear weapons with technology obtained through spying

c. Sen. Joseph McCarthy and “McCarthyism”

B. Foreign policy became major issue in every presidential election during Cold War period

C. Heavy military expenditures benefited Virginia’s economy more than any other state

a. Hampton Roads – several large naval/air bases

b. Northern Virginia – Pentagon, private companies that contracted with military

IX. Internal problems of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War

A. Increasing military expenses to compete with U.S.

B. Rising nationalism in Soviet republics

C. Fast-paced reforms

D. Economic inefficiency

E. Gorbachev policies of glasnost and perestroika

F. Fall of Berlin Wall, collapse of the Soviet Union

X. Impact of U.S. presidents since 1988 on foreign policy and legacy of the Cold War

A. Post-Cold War era goals and policies

a. Foreign aid (i.e. economic development)

b. Humanitarian aid

c. Support human rights

B. George H.W. Bush

a. Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

1. Reunification of Germany

2. Collapse of Yugoslavia

3. Breakup of Soviet state and emergence of independent nations

b. Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991

1. Reasons for war and connection to Cold War

2. First war where Americna women served in combat roles

3. OperationDesert Storm

C. William J. “Bill” Clinton

a. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

b. Full diplomatic relations with Vietnam

c. Lifted economic sanctions against South Africa when its government ended the policy of apartheid

d. Definition of NATO and action in former Yugoslavia, and connection to Cold War

D. George W. Bush

a. 9/11/01 terrorist attacks

b. War in Afghanistan and connection to/legacy of Cold War

c. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

XI. America Today

A. The Supreme Court

B. Immigration

a. Reasons for immigration

b. Issues related to immigration policy

c. Contributions of immigrants

C. Media, science, and technology

a. Space program

b. Technological advances

c. Changes in work/school/healthcare

D. “Reagan Revolution” and impact of government on the economy

a. Reagan/conservative Republicans’ policies

b. Legacy of “Reagan Revolution”

c. Federal Reserve – controlling supply of money and credit

d. Fiscal policy decisions by president and Congress determine levels of taxation and spending

E. International terrorism

a. Patriot Act

b. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan

Assessment Plan

Formative (participation):- Attentiveness and participation during lectures

- Responses to hook activities

- Participation in WebQuest activity

- Participation in discussion of Berlin Wall speech

- Participation in review activity

Formative (homework)- 3 economic systems assignment

- Vietnam War texts assignment

- Berlin Wall speech “entrance ticket”

- “The Fall of Communism” worksheet

- “New Castro, Same Cuba” response

- “Case Study: Afghanistan” worksheet

Summative: - Cold War timeline assignment

- Unit test


- Materials need to be e-mailed to someone in the Collaborative Department so they can be Brailed for a blind student


Day 1 – Origins and Elements of the Cold War (Tuesday, April 13th)


The students will be able to understand the origins and significant elements of the Cold War, and compare the definitions of “capitalism”, “socialism”, and “communism” through the homework assignment


  • PowerPoint = Cold War: Origins and Elements
  • Notes sheet for PowerPoint lecture


1. Hook activity: Have students share what they associate with “the Cold War” and write responses on the blackboard

2. Lecture – Origins and elements of the Cold War


  • Research the three main economic systems of the Cold War (capitalism, socialism, and communism) and write a description of each one; additionally, provide a photo/illustration of one of the systems.

Day 2 – Korean and Vietnam Wars (Thursday, April 15th)


The students will be able to identify the reasons for the Korean and Vietnam Wars and will practice annotating a primary source text.


  • “Fortunate Son” song and lyric sheets
  • PowerPoint = Cold War: Korean and Vietnam Wars
  • Notes sheet for PowerPoint lecture
  • Vietnam Wartexts
  • Directions/observation sheet
  • “3 2 1” assignment sheet


1. Hook activity: have students listen to “Fortunate Son” song and explain what it means/how it related to the Vietnam War

2. Lecture – Korean and Vietnam Wars

3. Reading activity: annotate primary sources and write down observations

4. Explain homework assignment and extra-credit option


  • Finish Vietnam War texts classwork assignment
  • Extra credit option: “3 2 1” assignment

Day 3 – Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War at home (Monday, April 19th)


The students will be able to identify key facts about the Cuban missile crisis and its significance in the Cold War, identify the impact of the Cold War on the American homefront, and explore the culture of the 1950s and 1960s through an interactive WebQuest online


- PowerPoint = Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War at Home

- Notes sheet for PowerPoint lecture

- Time Machine WebQuest sheets

- Laptop cart

- Mini-Socratic seminar texts

- “Entrance ticket” assignment sheet


1. Lecture on the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War at home

2. Laptop activity in class = Time Machine WebQuest: 1950s-60s Culture


Entrance ticket for Berlin Wall speech activity (reading texts for Berlin Wall speech and completing worksheet

Day 4 – Military, Pres. Reagan, Collapse of the Soviet Union (Wednesday, April 21st)


The students will engage in a discussion about the end of the Cold War and the influence of President Reagan through a mini-Socratic seminar, and will demonstrate their knowledge of the Cold War by creating a timeline as a homework assignment


  • Cartoons of the day about Berlin Wall (on PowerPoint)
  • PowerPoint: Military, Reagan & Gorbachev, and Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • Lecture notes sheet
  • Student response worksheet
  • “The Fall of Communism” worksheet
  • “New Castro, Same Cuba” article
  • Cold War timeline homework directions


1. Hook activity: “Cartoons of the Day” and have students write down their responses

2. Lecture onU.S. military involvement in Cold War, policies of Pres. Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War

3. Group activity on Berlin Wall speech (divided students into groups, each group discussed their answers to 5 questions, then someone from each group had to share their answer to one of the questions with the rest of the class)


“The Fall of Communism” timeline worksheet

“New Castro, Same Cuba” reading and short response (5 things they learned from the article)

Cold War timeline

Day 5 –U.S. presidents since 1988 and Modern America (Friday, April 23rd)


The students will identify the connections between Cold War and post-Cold War policy decisions by doing a case study on Afghanistan.


- PowerPoint: Modern America

- Lecture notes sheet

- “Case Study: Afghanistan” worksheets

- Study guide for unit test


1. Hook activity: Have students write down all of the major historical/political events they can remember from their lifetime

2. Lecture – Modern America

3. “Case Study: Afghanistan” activity


Begin study guide

Day 6 – Review for unit test (Tuesday, April 27th)


The students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of material from this unit by participating in a review activity and taking a practice team quiz


- Sheets with assigned groups written on them

- Group question sheets

- Team practice quiz answer sheets

- Copies of the PowerPoint lectures from the 5 days of direct instruction

- Cold War/Modern America crossword puzzle sheets and clues sheets


1. Have the students get into assigned groups; each group is assigned one day of notes

2. Have each student come up with 3 potential test questions, using their notes and the printed PowerPoint slides

3. Have each group compile a list of 6 questions for their day of notes