SPFHS Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club

Ava R. McNamara – President

Bruce Moran– Vice President

James Kileen – Treasurer

Karen Benovengo – Secretary

Ryan Miller– Assistant Principal/Athletics


Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of SPFHS Athletics,

I would like to invite you to become a member of the Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club! Parents, guardians and friends of past and future SPFHS student athletes are welcome to join. In case you are not familiar with the “Boosters” here’s just a few highlights of our program:

·  We encourage the athletic activities of the SPFHS students through support by presence and spirit.

·  We recognize athletic achievements by purchasing & providing letters and plaques; sponsor Fall, Winter, Spring and Senior Sports Awards evenings; recognize County, Sectional and State titles.

·  We award annual scholarships to deserving members of the graduating class who have been members of a varsity athletic team of SPFHS.

·  We purchase and provide needed equipment and items not provided for in the athletic department budget. Our Latest projects: Electronic sign for updates, Refinish main gym floor, new wall padding for main gym

·  Please fill out the form below and attach a check made out to “SPFHS Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club” in the amount of $25.00 (Annual membership dues). Please show your “Raider Pride” and help contribute to the success of the SPFHS Athletic program. We need your support more than ever!


Ava R. McNamara

President, Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club


Address:______Home Phone:______

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3



Fall Sport:

Winter Sport:

Spring Sport:

Please mail check to: Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club

c/o Ava McNamara

2088 Arrowwood Drive

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

The Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 in the High School Multi-Purpose Room.