Lord of the Flies/Animal Farm Comparison Project-60 points-DUE FRIDAY, MARCH 25
Pick ONE of the following project options. Each option is meant to be done INDIVIDUALLY. You will have all of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to work on these IN CLASS. Whatever you do not finish is homework. This will be due FRIDAY, MARCH 25. Please SHARE your projects with me () and print or share your responses to me
Option 1: Create TWO timelines on timerime.com (instruction guide posted on Reading site) that tracks the rise and establishment of the dictatorships of JACK and NAPOLPEON.
On EACH timeline, include:
-10 specific incidents in the book that make up the “points” on the timeline
-A picture/image appropriate for each point (10 points total)
-A short description of what happened the incident (20 points total)
-Length of time that occurred between points (these will be approximations-exact lengths of time are not specified in the book so do this to the best of your ability!) (10 points total)
-An appropriate song loaded into your timelines that fit with the themes of each book (10 points total)
-A typed, spell-checked response to the following questions. (10 points)
How were Napoleon’s and Jack’s dictatorships DIFFERENT? How were they SIMILAR? What message about power and authority would both George Orwell and William Golding agree with? What lessons are both books trying to teach readers? Reference your timelines for support to your responses
(Option 2 on back)
Option 2:
Create an allegory for Lord of the Flies by writing your own simple children’s story on Mixbook (mixbook.com). Re-tell the book by making the boys different animals,and use a simple storyline that children would understand.
Requirements for your Mixbook:
-at least 10 pages of storyline (20 points)
-a picture/image on each page (10 points)
-accuracy to the storyline told in a unique way (5 points)
-a similar LESSON/moral that children would learn from the book on the last page (accurate to the real lesson “told” by William Golding in Lord of the Flies) (5 points)
-Animals as the characters that match the unique personality of the 5 main boys and groups (Piggy, Ralph, Jack, Simon, Roger, the hunters, and the littluns) (10 points)
-A typed, spell-checked response to the following questions (10 points):
Why did you choose the animals that you did? How does each the animal match the personality of the boy it represents? Why did Orwell choose his main characters (Napoleon+pigs, the sheep, Benjamin, the dogs, and Boxer) and to be represented as the animals that he chose them to be? Would you have changed Orwell’s choices?