Dear Parents/Guardians,


We are beginning the Accelerated Reader program! Most of you are familiar with the program, however there has been an exciting change: Accelerated Reader now includes non-fiction articles organized by topic and grade level. Students can select an article to read and then take a quiz on it. Teachers can also assign articles to read and questions to answer related to a skill being covered in class (ex. main idea and key details). To access articles, login to AR and select Read an Article. Articles assigned by the teacher will be found under My Assignments. These articles are to be completed first. After those are completed, students can work on any articles they like on their grade level. To do this, select Find Content. From there, select the grade level and a topic of interest. Click read to read article, then go back and click quiz to take the quiz.


Students have been given a diagnostic test in order to identify the appropriate reading level range. It is important that students choose books within this range to read, otherwise books will be too easy or too difficult for them. In order to find the level of a book, log in to AR and click on Find a Book. Then, search the

title and the book level will be provided. Your child’s level range is: ______.


At the start of the next (3rd) grading period, students will be given a point goal to reach. Points are gained by taking AR quizzes. Every time a student reads an on-level book, they are to take a quiz on it. Points for quizzes are determined by the book’s level of difficulty. At the end of the grading period, students who received 100% of their goal will receive a no-homework pass and get to have lunch in the classroom as a reward.


Go to or just google Accelerated Reader (it’s the first link that pops up). Usernames are the first letter of the first name and the first four letters of the last name in all capital letters (ex: BSTEI). The password is ABC in all capital letters.

If you have any questions about the program, please e-mail me at , or send me a message through the Remind app. You can also refer to my webpage through the school site at any time for more information.


Ms. Steiner