2017-18 Provisional Facilitators Conference Calls
Topic:Family InvolvementDates: November 17 & 20, 2017
Host:Julia Slater / XY / Host: Lisa Gragg / XYWestern Region / Central Region / Eastern Region
Allen, Nicole (MIU4) / Y / Ayers, Tonya Sue (Moppets On Mulberry Child Care, Bradford Co) / Y / Bartman, Donna (MELC childcare)
Carpino, Kelly (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Beirne-Getz, Karen (Towanda SD Primary) / Cook, Britnee (Kinder Academy)
Caputo, Rachel (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Buchta, Cassey (Community Action Partnership Child Care) / X / Eisenberg, Rachel (Devereux) / X
Cook, Shana (MIU4) / Y / Burnham, Jill (Wyalusing Valley Children’s Center, Bradford County) / Y / Franchini-Muir, Danielle / Y
Dan Portenier (IU5); Brandy Stevens (IU5); Susan Uzelac / YYY / Deitterick, Meghan (IU16) / X / Ginoff, Lisa (SLHDA HS) / X
Gump, Nicole (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Hogue, Catrina (ElwynAppleseeds HS)
Harvey, Amy (NWIU5) / Y / Gusser, Curtis (Kindercare, Dalphin Co) / Y / Leadbeater (Lancaster), Lauren (PHMC HS) / Y
Jacobs, Dana (Lifesteps) / Y / Hengst, Kim (Fulton County Family Partnership) / Y / Motichka, Jennifer (SLHDA HS) / X
Eastern Region / Mellott, Allison(Supporting Positive Environments for Children)-SPEC / X / Post,Hanna (Kinder Academy) / X
Neely, Cherie (IU10) / Y / Pride, Tanesha (SERK ECMH)
Hubbard, Kevin (Brightside Academy) / Reed, Nichole(York SD Pre-K Counts) / X / Romasco, Sara (Warwick Family Services) / X
Malloy, Kristin (Bucks Co HS) / Y / Wilson, Theresa (York Co. YMCA) / Y / Snyder, Theresa (MELC childcare) / Y
Morales, Johanna (PHMC HS) / Y / Stricker, Laina (Devereux) / X
Shulski, Brianna (DCIU HS) / X / Yee, Christy (Kinder Academy) / X
Slimm, Donnalea (Bucks Co HS) / Y / Huetas, Beth (SERK) / X
IF: / IF: Thomas, Shyno (Bucks Co HS) / X
SLT: DeVoka Gordon / XY / SLT: Sue Zeiders / X / SLT:
SLT: / SLT: Aimee Newswanger / X
IF=Independent Facilitator, SLT=State Leadership Team Member X=present during Friday call, Y= present during Monday call, T=catch up
Topics for discussion: / Notes from DiscussionWelcome and Introductions- ZOOM ROOM DIRECTIONS SLIDE
(Independent Facilitator)
PW-Provisional Fac.-> Under Program-Wide Resources
Facilitator Action Plan -expectation Provisional Facilitators have his/her action plan available for every call.
- Pull up a copy of the action plan
- Use while watching web objects, participating in calls, and when completing follow up activities!
Why family involvement is critical to PW PBIS implementation
-Who is a family member?
Benchmarks of Quality: (#3 Family Involvement)
**go to PaPBIS- walk through to show where is located.
9.Family input is solicited as part of the planning process. Families are informed of the initiative and asked to provide feedback on program-wide adoption and mechanisms for promoting family involvement in the initiative.
Involving Families and soliciting input as a CLT member:
Announcing PBIS to families:
10.There are multiple mechanisms for sharing the program wide plan with families including narrative documents, conferences, and parent meetings to ensure that all families are informed of the initiative.
**Bring up survey results
Ways your program communicates with families about PW PBIS?
Ideas on HOW to communicate with families about PW PBIS?
11.Family involvement in the initiative is supported through a variety of mechanisms including home teaching suggestions, information on supporting social development, and the outcomes of the initiative. Information is shared through a variety of formats (e.g., meetings, home visit discussions, newsletters, open house, websites, family friendly handouts, workshops, rollout events).
Maintaining Family Involvement: (ideas of other ideas to share on the conference call)
Linking Home to School:
- Activities to promote carryover of strategies
- How to include families to help the program with challenging behaviors
- Obtaining family feedback
Additional activities have used or plan to use?
12.Families are involved in planning for individual children in a meaningful and proactive way. Families are encouraged to team with program staff in the development of individualized plans of support for children including the development of strategies that may be used in the home and community. / MONDAY:
Danielle- parents on 2 CLTs. Brainstorm ideas of what parents might be interested in on the team. Teacher who knows them reaches out to them/family member.
Dana- in process of involving family members. Choosing families with students with and without IEPs so all families are represented. No plan to date due to many children will be going to K in the fall.
Lauren-have a parent on CLT. Included them by parent elections for parent committee. Parents serve on different boards. This parent is the president of the parent committee. All sites use the election format to include families. Some sites will have one parent solely for PBIS and others may have a parent serve on several committees including PBIS.
Curt-couple parents we would like to approach. We want to make sure all families understand how and why a parent will serve on the CLT. Concerned about other parents worrying about why one parent may have access. Want them to understand it is parent representation!
Julia- we should not be talking about individual children with the CLT. We are looking at the aggregate, looking at patterns of concerns based on the data. Therefore, we have confidentiality. How has your program approached confidentiality?
Announcing PBIS to families:
Sharing through technology; management of use of Apps
Curt- found the Remind App helpful but is using the Tadpole Technology (can use for program management) more so now due to large organization concern of hacking of app and parent phone numbers being released.
Lauren-newsletter sent out monthly by the sites with PBIS tips of the month or info on PBIS events. Kickoff event planned for Dec. hosted by each site during drop off “breakfast on the go”. Opportunities for families to ask questions and obtain resources as well as learn more about PBIS.
Julia- have photographs of children working on PBIS to share with families.
Planning for Individual Children:(meaningful and proactive ways)
Julia- some programs have teachers reach out to families with one positive thing their child did today. Building rapport and trust with each and every family.
Danielle- looking at Mod. 3- created flowcharts for what to do when children are displaying challenging behaviors. We include them in the process once challenging behaviors begin and the planning begins.
Jill-we try to talk to them personally or via phone calls.
Kim-we just had our first CLT on Friday. Make sure to share information with families. Share tools, family routine based support guides, & Backpack series. Looking to have a breakfast time with location at each center for PWPBIS to share resources with families.
Be intentional with the resources you share with families. What does your data show that families need? What do individual families need?
How do you reach those “hard to reach” families? Does your program have a Home Visiting Program? If so, are you connecting with it to share info on PBIS?
Tonya Sue-we do not have a home visiting program. We use Class Dojo to reach difficult to reach families (same as school age). We send pictures to share with families of kids doing all sorts of positive things. We find that sharing pictures really gets families motivated to stay in touch. Typically, we use Class Dojo for positive things and pictures. We do it both individually and class wide. We don’t use it for negative behavior. The negative feedback/report is in person face to face rather than using an APP.
Danielle- created a parent survey (paper and online). Great response with paper copies. Feedback gives family preferences in ways to get families involved. Found parents preferred or responded better with the simple paper and pencil.
-Shyno-parent committee meeting and unfolding PBIS and how it will look in the center and can be carried over into the home. Hope to have parents become more involved in the meeting.
-Sara-back to school night used as opportunity to introduce PBIS. Will be reaching out for more family involvement.
-Megan-involved with PBIS for several years. Share pamphlet with families. This month our teachers give each child a leaf that tells the parents what their child is doing in the classroom. This has motivated parents to be more involved.
-Alaina and Rachel-talking with CLT to invite families through a Centers activity so they can preview the PBIS model in a structured way/facilitated by a CLT member. Still kicking around how to recruit family members on the CLT. Want to have a family member by Jan.2018 on CLT.
*Can recruit families through the policy council with Head Start for parent representation.
*Dr. Laura Riffle is a resource
*other aideas to communicate with families include a private facebook page with families, talking with families as they volunteer in the classroom, surveys, and reminder APPs.
*Jennifer-use the REMIND APP- use for weather related and cancellations for the center. This APP is also used to inform families about PBIS. Newsletters, blurbs, and periodic check-in all occurs through the APP. We used a survey through the remind app last year to collect data on parent involvement for PBIS. We are using our benchmarks of quality in CLT, using it to review data and determine next steps. We also added an educational topic at the parent committee meeting at the center. We focus on a PBIS topic and tie it into our monthly newsletter. At policy council, there is a BUZZ Report, parent report-tied around SE skills that are being taught in the center.
*using Home Visiting Program to take information about PBIS back to parents.
*Kelly-Parent newsletters are shared when staff go into the home. Home matrix is also shared and worked on together. This provides an one-on-one experience for the families.
*discussion around screening tools and engaging families for individual plan. How to involve families in proactive, positive ways
*Involving families to plan for individual children is important to consider. Looking at all the children as a whole in the program and involving families to problem solve how to address these concerns. (i.e. arrival and dismissal concerns)
*How do you reach out to families to inform them of positive things about their child, especially the families of children who are struggling? How do we build that relationship with that family so they don’t only hear from us when their child is exhibiting concerning behaviors? How can we involve the family in positive ways?
*Meghan-example of leaf-daily 2-3 things a child is doing positively each day. Parents will receive this at end of week and will see 10-20 things their child has done well (positive) each week! Parents are adopting this in the home as well and informing the teachers what good things the children are doing at home!
*suggestion that if there are children who need more reinforcement, leaves are sent home more frequently.
*Bree-class DoJO app-communication app between teachers and parents.
*Aimee- children’s school use it in a positive way (do NOT take points away)
*Allison-my children’s school also use it. My school was using it in a punitive way. I would caution teachers to use it with a PBIS mindset.
*when using apps- be intentional with teaching the teachers how to use it in a positive way.
Review badge (EITA portal) entry process one more time. / *Reminder to complete the quiz/activity and obtain badge for previous month.
*Aimee Newswanger will email you a survey to complete. This survey is a one quick question as we request your feedback on the Learning Interaction Objects.
Key links:
Upcoming Network Involvement Dates:
- PDII CSEFEL Module 1- December 14, 2017- PaTTAN East
- PWPBIS Webinar Call: Developing Program Wide Expectations December 15 & 18, 2017
- PaPBS Coaches Day – January 25, 2018 at all 3 PaTTAN offices
Regional Facilitator Contact: / Please remember you can reach out to your regional facilitators:
Julia Slater – Eastern –
DeVoka Gordon – Western –
Aimee Newswanger – Central –
Lisa Gragg– Western-
Activities will be opened after Monday’s Call around 2PM / *** Show them the homework on the portal to be completed after 2PM on Monday.
Submit the assignment Introducing Families to PBIS
Engage in the Share A Strategy discussion forum
Handouts needed/documents to show:
Facilitator Action Plan
Implementation Plan
Did the pre-call work provide you with useful information?12 participants voted on Friday / Yes, I learned something I didn’t know before. / I am not sure / No, I already knew everything that was covered. / No, I still don’t know how to use the prep work.
83% / 88% / 8% / 6% / 0% / 8% / 6%
Was this conference call a good use of your time? / Yes, I learned more about applications of principles / Yes, I got my questions answered / Somewhat, but I still have questions / No, I didn’t learn anything beyond what was in the pre-call work.
92% / 69% / 8% / 19% / 0% / 13% / 0% / 0%
Do you have suggestions for us about how to improve / No, this is working for me. / Yes, please email your suggestions to the host of this call. / Comments/suggestion for change/improvement
100% / 100% / 0% / n/a
Web-Object Survey Results: file:///C:/Users/lgragg/Desktop/PBIS%20Family%20Survey%209%201%2017%20to%2011%2017%2017.html
Please indicate all of the listed ways your program currently communicates with families about PW PBIS. Think about initial explanations, ongoing updates and ideas, and behavior planning for specific children who need it.Answer / Count / Percentage
Newsletter (SQ001) / 5 / 35.71%
Email blast (SQ002) / 2 / 14.29%
Daily notebook (SQ003) / 1 / 7.14%
Twitter (SQ004) / 0 / 0.00%
Posting on parent bulletin board (SQ005) / 5 / 35.71%
Periodic parent meetings (SQ006) / 5 / 35.71%
Family events (SQ007) / 5 / 35.71%
Individual phone calls or behavior plan meetings (SQ008) / 4 / 28.57%
Not completed or Not displayed / 14 / 100.00%
Please add any other ideas for HOW to communicate with families about PW PBISbesides those indicated in the previous question.
Count / Percentage
Answer / 5 / 35.71%
Facebook page where only the parents in the center are invited and able to see the photos and activities.
Currently using above stated ways.
Having parents volunteer in the classrooms.
Surveys and Remind App
Remind App
Please indicate all of the following activities that your program has used or plans to use to interest/engage families in PW PBIS.
Answer / Count / Percentage
Discussion about PW PBIS on home visit (SQ001) / 4 / 28.57%
Presentation on PW PBIS as part of open house or other previously held activity (SQ002) / 5 / 35.71%
Staff buttons or other communication to encourage parents to "Ask me about PW PBIS" (SQ003) / 0 / 0.00%
Parent module training series (SQ004) / 3 / 21.43%
Reports to all families on the activities of the leadership team/analysis of program wide data/etc. (SQ005) / 0 / 0.00%
PBIS Make and Take session for families (SQ006) / 3 / 21.43%
Membership on Core Leadership Team (SQ008) / 4 / 28.57%
Individual behavior progress data sent home or discussed with families in person or via phone (SQ009) / 4 / 28.57%
Other family event (please describe in the next question) (SQ007) / 1 / 7.14%
Not completed or Not displayed / 14 / 100.00%
Please add activities other than those listed abovethat you have used or plan to use to interest/engage families in PW PBIS.
Count / Percentage
Answer / 3 / 21.43%
invite families to the pep rallies
PBIS Event Fair for Families
Back to School Expo
PBIS event fair for families
Back to school expo
No answer / 2 / 14.29%
Not completed or Not displayed / 9 / 64.29%