School Improvement Plan 2014-2015 Pupil Voice May 23rd 2014-evaluated May 2015
Using Multi- modal texts/General knowledge –areas children would like to take forward by
- Learning through presenting to othersHealth project- design, make packaging and market product, budgeting meals for a family, enterprise event, Space models of planets to present to class, Healthy Sandwich designing and making assessment, Inuit research
- Deciding on the assessmentsWorld religions animation, Solar System models to show learning, Invention improvements
- Using websitesGoogle search, Google Apps, Woodlands Junior information for religion, Inuit research, Scratch, Sketch-Up
- Learning through gamesChess and old-fashioned card games, shop money game, puzzles, tables and division games, maths games on server, Maths Easter Egg hunt, Shape picture games,
- Making models-technical modelsMarshmallow catapults, Solar System models, Medieval construction, Tech card models- pneumatic, pulley systems, Cam shaft models
- Learning from Newspaper articlesUsing First News articles for comprehension, Newsround broadcasts
- Film making Animations, Film workshops (Blue Iris Films), Flip Cameras to make adverts and to record personal achievements, films about how the Earth orbits the Sun
- Listening to the radioPupils took part in a broadcast about local food-banks at East Coast FM, Touch the Sky singing competition
- AnimationScratch- to learn about programming, taught by pupils, religion animations with Lego, plasticine, card models, powerpoint animations
- Using YouTube for video examples of how to learn thingsListening comprehension, art techniques for watercolour tutorials, storyboard tutorials, old cinema and TV clips, how to do the Australian shuffle dance
- Creating animations-to teach othersworld religions, Scratch taught by pupils
- Creating a quiz Fairtrade Quiz, General Knowledge quizzes about other countries, related to the week’s learning, flower quiz, P1 map symbol quiz
- Group workCooperative learning, Eco, Pupil Council and Citizenship
- Researching opposing viewpoints and then debating them. Are Zoos ethical? Should School Uniform be compulsory? Should dogs be kept on leads in public places? Are video games bad for you?
‘I think it has been successful because we have done most of the stuff that we planned’ John
‘I think it has been successful because lots of people can remember lots of the things we have done.’ Katy
‘Yes it has been successful because most of the stuff we wanted to do we have done but we need to look at using the radio.’ Harry
‘I think it has been successful because everything went to plan.’ Alexander
‘I think it has been successful because everyone has tried hard.’ Chris
Areas of learning pupils are interested in taking these ideas forward through-Countries/Commonwealth Links
Also children would like all children to be responsible for all group areas throughout the year –with a focus on one aspect for a set block of time while sustaining the other areas within the ethos of the school .e.g Begin with a whole school focus on Eco School,
Not successful-see Pupil voice for SIP 15-16