Introduction to Music

Quiz #6: The Romantic Period


MUS 1000-013

  1. Romanticism, as a stylistic period in western art music, encompassed the years:
  2. 1450-1600
  3. 1600-1750
  4. 1750-1820
  5. 1820-1900
  1. Which of the following composers is not characteristic of romanticism?
  2. Giuseppe Verdi
  3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  4. Robert Schumann
  5. Frédéric Chopin
  1. The 1844 Treatise on Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration that signaled the recognition of orchestration as an art in itself was written by:
  2. Franz Liszt
  3. Robert Schumann
  4. Hector Berlioz
  5. Bedrich Smetana
  1. The composers whose career was a model for many romantic composers was:
  2. Ludwig van Beethoven
  3. Joseph Haydn
  4. Johann Sebastian Bach
  5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  1. Schubert:
  2. Was widely acknowledged as a composer in his lifetime
  3. Was very self-critical, which accounts for his meager output
  4. Produced his greatest works after the age of forty
  5. Was the first great master of the romantic art song
  1. Clara Wieck was:
  2. The daughter of Schumann’s piano teacher
  3. A virtuoso pianist
  4. Schumann’s wife
  5. All of the above
  1. Chopin was:
  2. An extroverted virtuoso
  3. Robust and flamboyant
  4. Sloppy and careless in dress
  5. Shy and reserved

  1. The Symphonic Poem, or tone poem, a one-movementorchestral composition based to some extent on literary or pictorial ideas, was created by:
  2. Robert Schumann
  3. Richard Strauss
  4. Franz Liszt
  5. Franz Schubert
  1. Mendelssohn is known as the man who rekindled an interest in the music of:
  2. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  3. Johann Sebastian Bach
  4. George Frideric Handel
  5. Franz Schubert
  1. Instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene, popular during the romantic period, is called:
  2. Absolute music
  3. Opera
  4. Program music
  5. Symphony
  1. Non-program music is also known as ______music.
  2. Pure
  3. Absolute
  4. Concert
  5. Symphonic
  1. Today’s movie scores may be regarded as examples of:
  2. Pure music
  3. Incidental music
  4. Folk music
  5. Absolute music
  1. Berlioz was extraordinarily imaginative in treating the orchestra by creating ______never before heard.
  2. Tone Colors
  3. Rhythms
  4. Harmonies
  5. Forms
  1. The most original, and probably the greatest of the Russian five, was:
  2. César Cui
  3. Modest Mussorgsky
  4. Alexander Borodin
  5. Mily Balakirev

  1. The founder of Czech national music was:
  2. César Cui
  3. Antonin Dvorák
  4. Bedrich Smetana
  5. Boris Godunov
  1. At its premiere in 1870, Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture was:
  2. A tremendous success
  3. A dismal failure
  4. Performed by a large orchestra, with chorus and cannon
  5. Enthusiastically applauded by the tsar
  1. Which of the following operatic masterpieces was not composed by Verdi?
  2. Otello
  3. La Traviata
  4. Il Trovatore
  5. Cavalleria rusticana
  1. A short musical idea associated with a person, object, or thought, used by Richard Wagner in his operas, is called:
  2. Leitmotif
  3. Lied
  4. Unending- melody
  5. Speech-song (Sprechgesang or Sprechstimme)
  1. List three significant historical events that occurred during the Romantic Period:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. List three significant authors of the Romantic Period:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

Bonus: Identify the composer and composition playing on the stereo during the exam.

Bedrich Smetana: The Moldau