December 2007 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWSPage 1


by Jim Proctor

On behalf of the Town of Lake Lure, I sincerely hope we all have a fun and peaceful holiday season!

Hiring of New Town Manager! The Town Council is pleased to announce the hiring of Steven Wheeler as the new Town Manager of Lake Lure, NC. Mr. Wheeler comes to us after serving the past seven years as Town Manager of Holden Beach, NC, and one-year prior as Village Manager of Fayette, Ohio. Steve was born and raised in Canton, Ohio and has a BA in Criminal Justice from Kent State University, a Master's of Public Administration and Master's of Urban Studies degrees from Akron University. Steven is married to Bridget Wheeler, and they have two daughters, Jordan, age 13, and Kacey, age 6. Steven brings to the Town of Lake Lure a great deal of experience in major infrastructure projects, and a passion for a high level of customer service. His family is planning on living within the town limitsandhis first day working with the town will be January 15, 2008.He will replace Chuck Place who is retiring after nine years as Town Manager effective January 31, 2008.


by H.M. “Chuck” Place III, AICP

Another Potpourri

Here are some more tidbits from my November report to council:

Utilities: According to Utilities Director William Grimes, the wastewater treatment plant project is almost complete. The rebuilt clarifier is has been installed and is operating and the manufacturer’s representative has been working on the new equipment that is used to pull solids out of the large basin. We expect the contractor to be finished before the end of December.

The rewiring of the control equipment at the hydro-plant is almost finished and William hopes to fire up the generators by the end of the week - assuming we have enough water to run. He took advantage of the lack of rainfall to complete the relocation and upgrade of the control equipment begun several years ago.

Golf Course: Golf Course Superintendent Jeff Hine submitted his resignation effective November 23. I have promoted Pro-Shop Manager Matt Griffin to the position of interim manager for 90 days to fill the vacancy. This will allow the new town manager time to make a decision regarding a permanent replacement. Matt has a strong background in golf course grounds maintenance and

an associate degree in turfgrass and landscape maintenance. He has been employed at the golf course since June, 2006.

TownCenter Walkway: As is obvious to any one driving past the beach, the contractor for the town center walkway project has really been working. His crew has been digging the trench and forming the base for the walkway, along with a conduit and pads for future streetlights, then hand-laying the first of 18,600 square feet of pavers to create the finished surface. The schedule calls for the project to be complete by March 1, but the contractor (and I!) hope it will be finished by February 1. In fact, he wants to be close to finished by Christmas. Stop by and take a look.

Dredging: Erosion Control Officer Clint Calhoun reports that we may be eligible for inclusion in a US Army Corps of Engineers “Regional General Permit” for maintenance dredging of the lake. This will replace the Corps permit granted ten years ago that expired this year. If this is the case, we would not have to seek federal approval for our regular dredging program, so long as it is done in accordance to the permit specifications. State permitting will still be required. This will be a big help to our future dredging operations, including - we hope - maintenance dredging of individual coves.

LakeOperations Administrator: We ended up with 17 applications for the new position of lake operations administrator. Several of the applicants have law enforcement backgrounds and a couple have extensive boating experience. A selection committee of staff and town officials reviewed the applications and conducted a telephone conference interview of five candidates. The final two will be interviewed in person during the first week of December and I am hopeful that we will have a new LOA in place by the end of the month.

Park Plan: Chuck Nance, Senior Planner for the Isothermal Planning and Development Commission, presented his final draft of the Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Plan to the Parks and Recreation Board recently. This plan is intended to be an extension of the parks and recreation element of the comprehensive plan and includes the results of a citizen survey specifically related to this topic. The board suggested several relatively minor corrections and the edited final version will be presented to council by the board next month.

Manager Search: Finally, I was impressed with the thoroughness and scope of the search for a new town manager. I have had an opportunity to meet with Steve and his lovely wife Bridget and was ver favorably impressed. There are a lot of parallels between Holden Beach and Lake Lure (seasonal resort community with both full-time and part time residents as well as an influx of tourists, sewer issues, a single roadway for access, concerns about vacation rentals - both pro and con, and so on). Congratulations to council for the professional manner in which the search was conducted and best wishes to Steve and his family. I look forward to working with him for a smooth transition.

Holiday Greetings:

It is the season to celebrate two of the most sacred times in the Judaic and Christian calendars - Hanukkah and Christmas. From all of us here at Town Hall to all of you, our wish for a wonderful and blessed holiday season!


by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC

REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council meeting was held on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter.

Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council approved:

* minutes of the October 5, 2007 (special meeting), October 9, 2007 (regular meeting), October 25, 2007 (special meeting), and October 30, 2007 (closed session);

* a budget amendment for tree removal service as presented by the finance director;

* a budget amendment regarding a replacement of a sewer valve at the wastewater treatment plant as presented by the finance director;

* a budget amendment regarding wastewater treatment plant improvements project pertaining to Dellinger, Inc. as presented by the finance director;

* adopted Resolution No. 07-11-13 approving the North Carolina Department of Transportation and

the Town of Lake Lure Municipal agreement replacement of bridge #7 over the Broad River project B-4258, WBS Element: 33600.3.1;

* a request from Chris Braund and Karen Van Sickler as submitted to waive the boat permit fees for non-motorized boats (canoes and/or kayaks) for the Rutherford Outdoor Coalition (ROC) Group on November 17, 2007 for a boating event in Lake Lure and a cook out in appreciation for the group’s volunteer cleanup activities in the Broad River during the year; and

* a request from Amos Gilliam as submitted to grant permission to participate in the local update of census addresses (LUCA) program to verify the accuracy of addresses in the Town of Lake Lure for the 2010 census.

Town Council also:

*adopted Ordinance No. 07-10-09B amending the zoning map of the Town of Lake Lure by rezoning three Lots from R-4, R-1A, and R-1D to R-4 and R-1C as requested by rezoning petitions RZ-07-01, RZ-07-02, and RZ-07-03 until the next regular town council meeting being held on November 13, 2007;

* held a discussion regarding a request from Jayne Mann regarding access to the town’s sewer system and held discussion options how to acquire easement to run a new sewer line to a manhole in Hummingbird Cove; directed the town manager to work with property owners on Ridge Road to acquire easement for a new sewer line to manhole in Hummingbird Cove and assess users for the costs associated;

* oaths of office were administered by Judge Laura Powell to Mayor Jim Proctor, newly elected Commissioner Linda Turner and newly elected Commissioner Wayne Hyatt;

* Mayor Proctor presented outgoing Commissioner Richard McCallum an award in recognition of his dedicated public service and outstanding contributions as town commissioner and mayor pro tem of the Town of Lake Lure (term 1999-2007); Commissioner Charles Watkins was presented an award in recognition of his public service and outstanding contributions as town commissioner of the Town of Lake Lure (term 2003-2007);

* recessed the meeting for a reception honoring incoming and outgoing Mayor and Commissioners;

* Commissioner Russ Pitts was appointed as Mayor Pro tem;

* Commissioner Jeanine Noble was appointed to serve as liaison on the Lake Advisory Committee;

* Commissioner Wayne Hyatt was appointed to serve as liaison on the Board of Adjustment/Lake Structures Appeals Board;

* Commissioner Russ Pitts was appointed to serve as liaison on the Zoning and Planning Board;

* Commissioner Jeanine Noble was appointed to serve as liaison on the Golf Course Advisory Committee;

* Commissioner Wayne Hyatt was appointed to serve as liaison on the Lake Lure ABC;

* Commissioner Linda Turner was appointed to serve as liaison on the Parks/Recreation Board;

* appointed Harvey Harris to fill Bob Washburn’s position on the Lake Advisory Committee with a term expiring on December 31, 2008;

* approved recommendations from the Lake Advisory Committee to increase the boat slip rental fees;

* heard a request from Bill Beason concerning gas prices at the town’s marina; town council directed the town manager to explore ways to reduce gas prices at the marina including amending the Lake Lure Tours, Inc. concession agreement, purchasing of lowest grade gas and explore alternatives such as relocating the gas pump;

* approved a request from Tom Zink to connect 28 units into the town’s sewer system at Lago Vista development after March 1, 2008 contingent upon the expiration of the SOC agreement;

* heard a request from Melvin Owensby about restricting the use of town owned vehicles by town employees;

* held a closed session regarding attorney client privileges and legal matters.

In other activities:

* heard reports from council liaisons on the activities of various boards and committees.

Public Notice - Lake Lure Town Council will appoint and re-appoint members whose terms have expired as of December 31, 2007at their regular meeting on December 11thfor the following

boards and committees: LakeAdvisory Committee, Board of Adjustment / Lake Structures Appeals Board, Lake Lure Zoning and Planning Board, Golf Course Advisory Committee, Lake Lure ABC Board and Parks/Recreation Board. Applications must be received at the Town Hall by December 3rd, 2007. If you are interested in being a part of one of these committee’s or any other board or committee for the Town of Lake Lure please come by the town hall to fill out an application or visit our website at


by Chief Eric Hester

All of the town employees would like to express their heartfelt sympathy to Chief Hester. His mother passed away on November 30th, after an extended illness.


by Clint Calhoun, Environmental Mgt. Officer

I have decided to change the title of my column from Sediment and Erosion Control News to Resource Management News. I find that as I write, often the topics I choose deal with more than just sediment and erosion control, but rather take on other issues such as tree management, water quality, etc.

In the October edition I told you that we would visit the concept of a tree protection plan and what this involves when you apply for a Zoning Compliance Permit. Many of the items are things that have to be submitted already as part of either an erosion control plan or an application for Zoning Compliance. You must provide the following:

1)A topographic survey of the subject property, drawn to scale.

2)The plan must show property lines as well as setback lines.

3)Adjoining roads must be shown.

4)Lakes, streams or other water courses that are within or adjoining the subject property must be indicated.

5)Estimated forest coverage before and after any land clearing and replanting. Methods for arriving at a forest coverage estimate are provided in the regulation.

6)Location and footprint of all proposed structures and other improvements.

7)You must show a 10 foot perimeter around all structures and parking areas (for 5 cars or more). The purpose of the perimeter area is to provide a cumulative area that is intended for clearing. This prevents one from having trees right up against the proposed structure which may pose a hazard later on.

8)You must show the location of areas proposed for clearing or thinning if intended.

9)Location of parking lots, including areas of green space.

10) Location of all forest areas. These are either to be designated for protection, thinning, or removal.

11) Location of all significant trees which must be designated as either protected or removed. You must consult the table in the regulation to see what constitutes a significant tree based on diameter at breast height.

12) You must show the location of all native shrubbery exceeding 100 square feet that will be either protected or removed.

13) If any re-plantings are intended, you must specify the location, size, and species of trees and/or shrubs to be planted at the direction of the tree protection officer.

14) You must show the location and nature of tree protection measures to be installed.

15) Lastly, you will need the seals or signatures of any professionals involved in preparation or review of the site plan.

I know that this is going to take some time to get used to the process. As staff, we are making adjustments as well in order to get the materials that we need. This is something that has never been tried before in this way and may require some tweaking as we work to get this program off the ground. We want your feedback as we work through this. Any way that we can improve the process and still protect trees is certainly a step in the right direction. We don’t want this process to be too burdensome to property owners or staff so we do ask that you will help us by providing ideas and suggestions.

I wrote an article for The Mountain Breeze recently about fall color. I made a prediction that the fall color this year would be really good as long as certain conditions were met with respect to rainfall and so forth. It looks like we were not disappointed. This year’s leaf season was absolutely brilliant despite the extreme drought which can make or break a good leaf year. This is one of the things that makes living in this area so special and one aspect we’re protecting through these regulations. If you have any questions about the tree regulations, ideas or suggestions we would love to hear them. Please contact me by phone at 625-9983 ext. 123 or by e-mail at .

By the way, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.


by Matt Griffin

With the daylight savings time change we have gone to our winter hours.Weather permitting we will open 7 days a week at 8:00a.m.,however, from time to time we will be under a frost delay. During our winter hours, 3:30 p.m. is latestthat carts will be allowed to start out for nine holes. Captain’s Choice has temporarily been moved to Sunday afternoons at 2:00pm.

We are also pleased to announce the arrival of our NEW tractor, for the golf course. You should be seeing several new improvements in the near future with the help of this equipment.

Matt Griffin is temporarily filling the position of Golf Course Superintendent andif you have stopped by lately you’ve probably noticed a few new faces in the club house. We have been training several new part time employees to cover the pro-shop when needed.

If you watch the game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation. If you work at it,its golf. – Bob Hope



by Jennifer Beck

Its that time of year again-you find yourself out on a nice hike enjoying the crisp winter air and all you seem to notice are the telltale signs of the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). The HWA is a destructive aphid that feeds on eastern and Carolina Hemlock trees. The insects are in their most obvious life stage during the winter months when they appear to have a white cottony wax covering. Hemlock Woolly Adelgids attach themselves to needles on the tree and feed on any new plant growth, thus robbing the tree of needed nutrients. Affected trees slowly begin to lose their needles, limbs dieback, and over a number of years the tree dies.

Many residents of Hickory Nut Gorge are concerned with saving the hemlocks on their property but are unsure of how to go about treating their trees. Here is a recommended plan for determining the best treatment method:

  1. Identify the infestation on your property. Winter is an ideal time, due to the obvious life stage of the insect, to identify trees that are infested with the HWA. Walk your property to flag and record the number of infected trees.
  2. Evaluate how many and which trees you are able to treat. Costs can be prohibitive in treating all the trees on your property. Factors to consider when selecting which trees to treat are: good health and appearance, location on property/landscape, potential source for seeds, and ease to reach for treatment. When considering costs, keep in mind that treatments will need to be repeated every 1-3 years dependent on method.
  3. Select a treatment method. Regardless of the method make sure to follow all label directions, do not apply sprays or soil injections near surface water, and do not exceed labeled rates of application.
  • Insecticidal Soap/Horticulture Oil. This non-toxic foliar spray kills the insect by smothering it as the spray dries on the pest. Apply treatment once a year. Pros: Non-toxic, easy application, not dependent on soil moisture. Cons: Treatment is most effective with complete foliar coverage which can be difficult with taller trees, treatment may burn leaves if applied during growing season, no effect once soap or oil dries, more frequent treatment.
  • Chemical Sprays. These insecticides continue to kill the insect after the chemical has dried on foliage. Apply treatment every 3-4 years. Materials include Merit (imidacloprid), Talstar (bifenthrin), Onyx (befenthrin), Astro (permethrin) and DeltaGuard T&O 5 SC (deltamethrin). Pros: Longer treatment time, easy application, not dependent on soil moisture. Cons: Treatment is most effective with complete foliar coverage which can be difficult with taller trees, may result in increased spider mite and hemlock rust mite occurrence.
  • Soil Drenching/Injections. These insecticides are placed in the soil where tree roots take up the product and move it into the foliage where the insect is killed. Apply treatment every 3-4 years. The rates of these products are based on the size of the tree trunk. Most soil drenches contain a chemical called imidacloprid (Merit 75 WP, Malice 75 WSP, Zenith 75 WSP). Another product is Safari 20 SG which contains dinotefuran. These products can be purchased by homeowners where pesticides are sold. BayerAdvanceGarden Tree and Shrub Insect Control can be purchased from home improvement stores. Commercial pesticide applicators can also provide treatment. Pro: Able to treat larger trees, prolonged effect. Cons: Treatment requires adequate soil moisture so the tree will take up the product which can be problem during a drought.
  • Trunk Injections. Insecticide is injected directly into tree and the product is moved into the foliage. Apply treatment every 3-4 years. Pros: Able to treat larger trees, can use on trees that are located near surface water, prolonged effect. Cons: Requires a commercial pesticide applicator to apply treatment, treatment requires adequate soil moisture.

Once you have decided upon a treatment method you can determine the best time for application. Results from treatment may take several months to appear. If you have any questions or concerns regarding HWA treatment or other environmental issues in the Gorge, contact our office at 625.9983 ext 123.